# Python interface for "usb.h" version # # Copyright (c) 2005 Robert Hoelzl # Copyright (c) 2007 Johannes Hoelzl # # This library is covered by the GNU LGPL, read LICENSE for details. from ctypes import * import sys class LibUsbNotInstalled(OSError): pass try: if sys.platform == 'darwin': PATH_MAX = 1024 dll=cdll.LoadLibrary("libusb.dylib") elif sys.platform == 'linux2': PATH_MAX = 4096 dll=cdll.LoadLibrary("libusb.so") else: raise NotImplementedError("Platform %s not supported by usb.py" % sys.platform) except OSError: raise LibUsbNotInstalled() # helper functions def func(f, *args, **retval): f.restype = retval.get('retval', None) f.argtypes = args if retval.has_key('rename'): globals()[retval['rename']] = f else: globals()[f.__name__[4:]] = f # constants CLASS_PER_INTERFACE = 0 USB_CLASS_AUDIO = 1 CLASS_COMM = 2 CLASS_HID = 3 CLASS_PRINTER = 7 CLASS_PTP = 6 CLASS_MASS_STORAGE = 8 CLASS_HUB = 9 CLASS_DATA = 10 CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC = 0xff DT_DEVICE = 0x01 DT_CONFIG = 0x02 DT_STRING = 0x03 DT_INTERFACE = 0x04 DT_ENDPOINT = 0x05 DT_HID = 0x21 DT_REPORT = 0x22 DT_PHYSICAL = 0x23 DT_HUB = 0x29 DT_DEVICE_SIZE = 18 DT_CONFIG_SIZE = 9 DT_INTERFACE_SIZE = 9 DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE = 7 DT_ENDPOINT_AUDIO_SIZE = 9 # Audio extension DT_HUB_NONVAR_SIZE = 7 class descriptor_header(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8) ] class string_descriptor(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8), ("wData", c_uint*1) ] class hid_descriptor(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8), ("bcdHID", c_uint16), ("bCountryCode", c_uint8), ("bNumDescriptors", c_uint8) ] MAXENDPOINTS = 32 class endpoint_descriptor(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8), ("bEndpointAddress", c_uint8), ("bmAttributes", c_uint8), ("wMaxPacketSize", c_uint16), ("bInterval", c_uint8), ("bRefresh", c_uint8), ("bSynchAddress", c_uint8), ("extra", POINTER(c_uint8)), ("extralen", c_int) ] ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_MASK = 0x0f # in bEndpointAddress ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK = 0x80 ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK = 0x03 # in bmAttributes ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL = 0 ENDPOINT_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS = 1 ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK = 2 ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 3 MAXINTERFACES = 32 class interface_descriptor(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8), ("bInterfaceNumber", c_uint8), ("bAlternateSetting", c_uint8), ("bNumEndpoints", c_uint8), ("bInterfaceClass", c_uint8), ("bInterfaceSubClass", c_uint8), ("bInterfaceProtocol", c_uint8), ("iInterface", c_uint8), ("endpoint", POINTER(endpoint_descriptor)), ("extra", POINTER(c_uint8)), ("extralen", c_int) ] MAXALTSETTING = 128 # Hard limit class interface(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("altsetting", POINTER(interface_descriptor)), ("num_altsetting", c_int) ] MAXCONFIG = 8 class config_descriptor(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8), ("wTotalLength", c_uint16), ("bNumInterfaces", c_uint8), ("bConfigurationValue", c_uint8), ("iConfiguration", c_uint16), ("bmAttributes", c_uint8), ("MaxPower", c_uint8), ("interface", POINTER(interface)), ("extra", POINTER(c_uint8)), # Extra descriptors ("extralen", c_int) ] class device_descriptor(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bLength", c_uint8), ("bDescriptorType", c_uint8), ("bcdUSB", c_uint16), ("bDeviceClass", c_uint8), ("bDeviceSubClass", c_uint8), ("bDeviceProtocol", c_uint8), ("bMaxPacketSize0", c_uint8), ("idVendor", c_uint16), ("idProduct", c_uint16), ("bcdDevice", c_uint16), ("iManufacturer", c_uint8), ("iProduct", c_uint8), ("iSerialNumber", c_uint8), ("bNumConfigurations", c_uint8) ] class ctrl_setup(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("bRequestType", c_uint8), ("bRequest", c_uint8), ("wValue", c_uint16), ("wIndex", c_uint16), ("wLength", c_uint16) ] REQ_GET_STATUS = 0x00 REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE = 0x01 # 0x02 is reserved REQ_SET_FEATURE = 0x03 # 0x04 is reserved REQ_SET_ADDRESS = 0x05 REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR = 0x06 REQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR = 0x07 REQ_GET_CONFIGURATION = 0x08 REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION = 0x09 REQ_GET_INTERFACE = 0x0A REQ_SET_INTERFACE = 0x0B REQ_SYNCH_FRAME = 0x0C TYPE_STANDARD = (0x00 << 5) TYPE_CLASS = (0x01 << 5) TYPE_VENDOR = (0x02 << 5) TYPE_RESERVED = (0x03 << 5) RECIP_DEVICE = 0x00 RECIP_INTERFACE = 0x01 RECIP_ENDPOINT = 0x02 RECIP_OTHER = 0x03 ENDPOINT_IN = 0x80 ENDPOINT_OUT = 0x00 # Error codes ERROR_BEGIN = 500000 #if 1 #define USB_LE16_TO_CPU(x) do { x = ((x & 0xff) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00) >> 8); } while(0) #else #define USB_LE16_TO_CPU(x) #endif device_p = POINTER("device") bus_p = POINTER("bus") class device(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("next", device_p), ("prev", device_p), ("filename", c_char*(PATH_MAX + 1)), ("bus", bus_p), ("descriptor", device_descriptor), ("config", POINTER(config_descriptor)), ("dev", c_void_p), # Darwin support ("devnum", c_char), ("num_children", c_uint8), ("children", POINTER(device_p)) ] SetPointerType(device_p, device) class bus(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("next", bus_p), ("prev", bus_p), ("dirname", c_char*(PATH_MAX + 1)), ("devices", device_p), ("location", c_uint), ("root_dev", device_p) ] SetPointerType(bus_p, bus) dev_handle_p = c_void_p func(dll.usb_open, device_p, retval=dev_handle_p, rename="_open") func(dll.usb_close, dev_handle_p, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_get_string, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_get_string_simple, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_get_descriptor_by_endpoint, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_uint8, c_uint8, c_void_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_get_descriptor, dev_handle_p, c_uint8, c_uint8, c_void_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_bulk_write, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_bulk_read, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_interrupt_write, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_interrupt_read, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_control_msg, dev_handle_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_set_configuration, dev_handle_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_claim_interface, dev_handle_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_release_interface, dev_handle_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_set_altinterface, dev_handle_p, c_int, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_resetep, dev_handle_p, c_uint16, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_clear_halt, dev_handle_p, c_uint16, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_reset, dev_handle_p, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_strerror, retval=c_char_p) func(dll.usb_init) func(dll.usb_set_debug, c_int) func(dll.usb_find_busses, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_find_devices, retval=c_int) func(dll.usb_device, dev_handle_p, retval=device_p, rename="get_device") func(dll.usb_get_busses, retval=bus_p) func(dll.usb_detach_kernel_driver_np, dev_handle_p, c_int, retval=c_int) # workaround for bug in ctypes 0.9.6 (cannot create functions with c_void_p as retval) def open(dev): return cast(_open(dev), dev_handle_p)