package; interface IApgService { /** All functions fill the return_vals Bundle with the following keys: * * ArrayList "WARNINGS" = Warnings, if any * ArrayList "ERRORS" = Human readable error descriptions, why function call failed * int "ERROR" = Numeric representation of error */ /** Encrypt something with a symmetric key * * Bundle params' keys: * (optional/required) TYPE "STRING KEY" = EXPLANATION / VALUES * * (required) String "MSG" = Message to encrypt * (required) String "SYM_KEY" = Symmetric key to use * (optional) int "ENCRYPTION_ALGO" = Encryption Algorithm * 7: AES-128, 8: AES-192, 9: AES-256, 4: Blowfish, 10: Twofish, 3: CAST5, 6: DES, 2: Triple DES, 1: IDEA * (optional) int "HASH_ALGO" = Hash Algorithm 1: MD5, 3: RIPEMD-160, 2: SHA-1, 11: SHA-224, 8: SHA-256, 9: SHA-384, 10: SHA-512 * (optional) Boolean "ARMORED" = Armor output * (optional) Boolean "FORCE_V3_SIG" = Force V3 Signatures * (optional) int "COMPRESSION" = Compression to use 0x21070001: none, 1: Zip, 2: Zlib, 3: BZip2 * * Bundle return_vals (in addition to the ERRORS/WARNINGS above): * String "RESULT" = Encrypted MSG */ boolean encrypt_with_passphrase(in Bundle params, out Bundle return_vals); /** Decrypt something with a symmetric key * * Bundle params: * (required) String "MSG" = Message to decrypt * (required) String "SYM_KEY" = Symmetric key to use * * Bundle return_vals: * String "RESULT" = Decrypted MSG */ boolean decrypt_with_passphrase(in Bundle params, out Bundle return_vals); }