#!/bin/bash # This script installs a plugin which is necessary to run OpenKeychain's tests # into the local maven repository, then puts a line to include the -Test # subproject into settings.gradle echo "checking jdk runtime.." if ! java -version 2>&1 | grep OpenJDK; then echo "tests will only run on openjdk, see readme for details!" >&2 return fi #tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)" #( # cd "$tmpdir"; # git clone https://github.com/nenick/gradle-android-test-plugin.git # cd gradle-android-test-plugin # echo "rootProject.name = 'gradle-android-test-plugin-parent'" > settings.gradle # echo "include ':gradle-android-test-plugin'" >> settings.gradle # ./gradlew :gradle-android-test-plugin:install #) #rm -rf "$tmpdir" echo -n "ok, adding tests to include list.. " if grep OpenKeychain-Test settings.gradle >/dev/null ; then echo " already in." else echo "include ':OpenKeychain-Test'" >> settings.gradle echo "ok" fi