buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { // NOTE: Always use fixed version codes not dynamic ones, e.g. 0.7.3 instead of 0.7.+, see README for more information classpath '' } } allprojects { repositories { jcenter() maven { // for url "" } } } task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '2.2.1' } subprojects { tasks.withType(Test) { maxParallelForks = 1 } } // Ignore tests for external dependency project(':extern:spongycastle') { subprojects { // Need to re-apply the plugin here otherwise the test property below can't be set. apply plugin: 'java' test.enabled = false } } // Copied from subprojects { // This is the hacky way which we force the subprojects to use the same build tools: // afterEvaluate { if ( it.hasProperty( 'android' ) ) { android { // The android build task only lets you configure the buildToolsVersion once, so if // we execute the closure below to configure our subprojects, it will fail when it // hits the second subproject. Therefore, we will only do it once, and I guess the // android plugin will re-use the existing value I set. // try { buildToolsVersion '21.1.2'"Set buildToolsVersion to '21.1.2'") } catch (GradleException e) {"Tried to set the buildToolsVersion, however we were not allowed to: $e.message") } // don't abort build on lint errors // configure(android.lintOptions) { abortOnError false } } } } }