package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CoderResult; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import android.content.ClipDescription; import; import; /** This class can be used to guess whether a stream of data is encoded in a given * charset or not. * * An object of this class must be initialized with a byte[] buffer, which should * be filled with data, then processed with {@link #readBytesFromBuffer}. This can * be done any number of times. Once all data has been read, a final status can be * read using the getter methods. */ public class CharsetVerifier { private final ByteBuffer bufWrap; private final CharBuffer dummyOutput; private final CharsetDecoder charsetDecoder; private boolean isFinished; private boolean isFaulty; private boolean isGuessed; private boolean isPossibleTextMimeType; private boolean isTextMimeType; private String charset; public CharsetVerifier(@NonNull byte[] buf, String mimeType, @Nullable String charset) { isPossibleTextMimeType = ClipDescription.compareMimeTypes(mimeType, "application/octet-stream") || ClipDescription.compareMimeTypes(mimeType, "application/x-download") || ClipDescription.compareMimeTypes(mimeType, "text/*"); if (!isPossibleTextMimeType) { charsetDecoder = null; bufWrap = null; dummyOutput = null; return; } isTextMimeType = ClipDescription.compareMimeTypes(mimeType, "text/*"); bufWrap = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); dummyOutput = CharBuffer.allocate(buf.length); // the charset defaults to us-ascii, but we want to default to utf-8 if (charset == null || "us-ascii".equals(charset)) { charset = "utf-8"; isGuessed = true; } else { isGuessed = false; } this.charset = charset; charsetDecoder = Charset.forName(charset).newDecoder(); charsetDecoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); charsetDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); charsetDecoder.reset(); } public void readBytesFromBuffer(int pos, int len) { if (isFinished) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot write again after reading charset status!"); } if (isFaulty || bufWrap == null) { return; } bufWrap.rewind(); bufWrap.position(pos); bufWrap.limit(len); dummyOutput.rewind(); CoderResult result = charsetDecoder.decode(bufWrap, dummyOutput, false); if (result.isError()) { isFaulty = true; } } private void finishIfNecessary() { if (isFinished || isFaulty || bufWrap == null) { return; } isFinished = true; bufWrap.rewind(); bufWrap.limit(0); dummyOutput.rewind(); CoderResult result = charsetDecoder.decode(bufWrap, dummyOutput, true); if (result.isError()) { isFaulty = true; } } public boolean isCharsetFaulty() { finishIfNecessary(); return isFaulty; } public boolean isCharsetGuessed() { finishIfNecessary(); return isGuessed; } public String getCharset() { finishIfNecessary(); if (!isPossibleTextMimeType || (isGuessed && isFaulty)) { return null; } return charset; } public String getMaybeFaultyCharset() { return charset; } /** Returns true if the data which was read is definitely binary. * * This can happen when either the supplied mimeType indicated a non-ambiguous * binary data type, or if we guessed a charset but got errors while decoding. */ public boolean isDefinitelyBinary() { finishIfNecessary(); return !isTextMimeType && (!isPossibleTextMimeType || (isGuessed && isFaulty)); } /** Returns true iff the data which was read is probably (or * definitely) text. * * The corner case where isDefinitelyBinary returns false but isProbablyText * returns true is where the charset was provided by the data (so is not * guessed) but is still faulty. */ public boolean isProbablyText() { finishIfNecessary(); return isTextMimeType || isPossibleTextMimeType && (!isGuessed || !isFaulty); } }