package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.R; import java.util.ArrayList; /** Represent the result of an operation. * * This class holds a result and the log of an operation. It can be subclassed * to include typed additional information specific to the operation. To keep * the class structure (somewhat) simple, this class contains an exhaustive * list (ie, enum) of all possible log types, which should in all cases be tied * to string resource ids. * */ public class OperationResultParcel implements Parcelable { /** Holds the overall result. A value of 0 is considered a success, all * other values may represent failure or varying degrees of success. */ final int mResult; /// A list of log entries tied to the operation result. final ArrayList mLog; public OperationResultParcel(int result, ArrayList log) { mResult = result; mLog = log; } public OperationResultParcel(Parcel source) { mResult = source.readInt(); mLog = source.createTypedArrayList(LogEntryParcel.CREATOR); } public boolean isSuccessful() { return mResult == 0; } /** One entry in the log. */ public static class LogEntryParcel implements Parcelable { final LogLevel mLevel; final LogType mType; final String[] mParameters; final int mIndent; public LogEntryParcel(LogLevel level, LogType type, String[] parameters, int indent) { mLevel = level; mType = type; mParameters = parameters; mIndent = indent; } public LogEntryParcel(LogLevel level, LogType type, String[] parameters) { this(level, type, parameters, 0); } public LogEntryParcel(Parcel source) { mLevel = LogLevel.values()[source.readInt()]; mType = LogType.values()[source.readInt()]; mParameters = source.createStringArray(); mIndent = source.readInt(); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mLevel.ordinal()); dest.writeInt(mType.ordinal()); dest.writeStringArray(mParameters); dest.writeInt(mIndent); } public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { public LogEntryParcel createFromParcel(final Parcel source) { return new LogEntryParcel(source); } public LogEntryParcel[] newArray(final int size) { return new LogEntryParcel[size]; } }; } public static enum LogType { MSG_IP_APPLY_BATCH (R.string.msg_ip_apply_batch), MSG_IP_BAD_TYPE_SECRET (R.string.msg_ip_bad_type_secret), MSG_IP_DELETE_OLD_FAIL (R.string.msg_ip_delete_old_fail), MSG_IP_DELETE_OLD_OK (R.string.msg_ip_delete_old_ok), MSG_IP_ENCODE_FAIL (R.string.msg_ip_encode_fail), MSG_IP_FAIL_IO_EXC (R.string.msg_ip_fail_io_exc), MSG_IP_FAIL_OP_EX (R.string.msg_ip_fail_op_ex), MSG_IP_FAIL_REMOTE_EX (R.string.msg_ip_fail_remote_ex), MSG_IP_IMPORTING (R.string.msg_ip_importing), MSG_IP_INSERT_KEYRING (R.string.msg_ip_insert_keyring), MSG_IP_INSERT_SUBKEY (R.string.msg_ip_insert_subkey), MSG_IP_INSERT_SUBKEYS (R.string.msg_ip_insert_subkeys), MSG_IP_PRESERVING_SECRET (R.string.msg_ip_preserving_secret), MSG_IP_REINSERT_SECRET (R.string.msg_ip_reinsert_secret), MSG_IP_SUCCESS (R.string.msg_ip_success), MSG_IP_TRUST_RETRIEVE (R.string.msg_ip_trust_retrieve), MSG_IP_TRUST_USING (R.string.msg_ip_trust_using), MSG_IP_TRUST_USING_SEC (R.string.msg_ip_trust_using_sec), MSG_IP_UID_CERT_BAD (R.string.msg_ip_uid_cert_bad), MSG_IP_UID_CERT_ERROR (R.string.msg_ip_uid_cert_error), MSG_IP_UID_CERT_GOOD (R.string.msg_ip_uid_cert_good), MSG_IP_UID_CERTS_UNKNOWN (R.string.msg_ip_uid_certs_unknown), MSG_IP_UID_CLASSIFYING (R.string.msg_ip_uid_classifying), MSG_IP_UID_INSERT (R.string.msg_ip_uid_insert), MSG_IP_UID_PROCESSING (R.string.msg_ip_uid_processing), MSG_IP_UID_SELF_BAD (R.string.msg_ip_uid_self_bad), MSG_IP_UID_SELF_GOOD (R.string.msg_ip_uid_self_good), MSG_IP_UID_SELF_IGNORING_OLD (R.string.msg_ip_uid_self_ignoring_old), MSG_IP_UID_SELF_NEWER (R.string.msg_ip_uid_self_newer), MSG_IS_BAD_TYPE_PUBLIC (R.string.msg_is_bad_type_public), MSG_IS_IMPORTING (R.string.msg_is_importing), MSG_IS_IMPORTING_SUBKEYS (R.string.msg_is_importing_subkeys), MSG_IS_IO_EXCPTION (R.string.msg_is_io_excption), MSG_IS_SUBKEY_NONEXISTENT (R.string.msg_is_subkey_nonexistent), MSG_IS_SUBKEY_OK (R.string.msg_is_subkey_ok), MSG_IS_SUBKEY_STRIPPED (R.string.msg_is_subkey_stripped), MSG_IS_SUCCESS (R.string.msg_is_success), ; private final int mMsgId; LogType(int msgId) { mMsgId = msgId; } public int getMsgId() { return mMsgId; } } /** Enumeration of possible log levels. */ public static enum LogLevel { DEBUG, INFO, WARN, /** If any ERROR log entry is included in the result, the overall operation should have failed. */ ERROR, } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mResult); dest.writeTypedList(mLog); } public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { public OperationResultParcel createFromParcel(final Parcel source) { return new OperationResultParcel(source); } public OperationResultParcel[] newArray(final int size) { return new OperationResultParcel[size]; } }; }