/* * Copyright 2012 Hai Bison * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use getActivity() file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haibison.android.lockpattern; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.ResultReceiver; import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.IEncrypter; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.InvalidEncrypterException; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.LoadingDialog; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.UI; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.widget.LockPatternUtils; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.widget.LockPatternView; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.widget.LockPatternView.Cell; import com.haibison.android.lockpattern.widget.LockPatternView.DisplayMode; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.ui.PassphraseWizardActivity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Display.METADATA_CAPTCHA_WIRED_DOTS; import static com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Display.METADATA_MAX_RETRIES; import static com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Display.METADATA_MIN_WIRED_DOTS; import static com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Display.METADATA_STEALTH_MODE; import static com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Security.METADATA_AUTO_SAVE_PATTERN; import static com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Security.METADATA_ENCRYPTER_CLASS; /** * Main activity for getActivity() library. *

* You can deliver result to {@link android.app.PendingIntent}'s and/ or * {@link android.os.ResultReceiver} too. See {@link #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_OK}, * {@link #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_CANCELLED} and {@link #EXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER} * for more details. *

* *


* * * @author Hai Bison * @since v1.0 */ public class LockPatternFragmentOld extends Fragment { private static final String CLASSNAME = LockPatternFragmentOld.class.getName(); public static final String ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN = "create"; /** * Use getSelectedMethod() to compare pattern. You provide the pattern to be * compared with {@link #EXTRA_PATTERN}. *

* If you enabled feature auto-save pattern before (with * {@link com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Security#setAutoSavePattern(android.content.Context, boolean)} ), * then you don't need {@link #EXTRA_PATTERN} at getActivity() time. *

* You can use {@link #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN} to help your * users in case they forgot the patterns. *

* If the user passes, {@link android.app.Activity#RESULT_OK} returns. If not, * {@link #RESULT_FAILED} returns. *

* If the user cancels the task, {@link android.app.Activity#RESULT_CANCELED} returns. *

* In any case, there will have extra {@link #EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT} available * in the intent result. * * @see #EXTRA_PATTERN * @see #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_OK * @see #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_CANCELLED * @see #RESULT_FAILED * @see #EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT * @since v2.4 beta */ public static final String ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN = "authenticate";//CLASSNAME + ".compare_pattern"; /** * Use getActivity() action to let the activity generate a random pattern and ask the * user to re-draw it to verify. *

* The default length of the auto-generated pattern is {@code 4}. You can * change it with * {@link com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings.Display#setCaptchaWiredDots(android.content.Context, int)}. * * @since v2.7 beta */ public static final String ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA = CLASSNAME + ".verify_captcha"; /** * If you use {@link #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN} and the user fails to "login" * after a number of tries, getActivity() activity will finish with getActivity() result code. * * @see #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN * @see #EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT */ public final int RESULT_FAILED = Activity.RESULT_FIRST_USER + 1; /** * If you use {@link #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN} and the user forgot his/ her * pattern and decided to ask for your help with recovering the pattern ( * {@link #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN}), getActivity() activity will finish * with getActivity() result code. * * @see #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN * @see #EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT * @see #EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN * @since v2.8 beta */ public static final int RESULT_FORGOT_PATTERN = Activity.RESULT_FIRST_USER + 2; /** * For actions {@link #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN} and * {@link #ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA}, getActivity() key holds the number of tries that * the user attempted to verify the input pattern. */ public static final String EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT = CLASSNAME + ".retry_count"; /** * Sets value of getActivity() key to a theme in {@code R.style.Alp_42447968_Theme_*} * . Default is the one you set in your {@code AndroidManifest.xml}. Note * that theme {@link R.style#Alp_42447968_Theme_Light_DarkActionBar} is * available in API 4+, but it only works in API 14+. * * @since v1.5.3 beta */ public static final String EXTRA_THEME = CLASSNAME + ".theme"; /** * Key to hold the pattern. It must be a {@code char[]} array. *


* * @since v2 beta */ public static final String EXTRA_PATTERN = CLASSNAME + ".pattern"; /** * You can provide an {@link android.os.ResultReceiver} with getActivity() key. The activity * will notify your receiver the same result code and intent data as you * will receive them in {@link #onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)}. * * @since v2.4 beta */ public static final String EXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER = CLASSNAME + ".result_receiver"; /** * Put a {@link android.app.PendingIntent} into getActivity() key. It will be sent before * {@link android.app.Activity#RESULT_OK} will be returning. If you were calling getActivity() * activity with {@link #ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN}, key {@link #EXTRA_PATTERN} * will be attached to the original intent which the pending intent holds. * *


* */ public static final String EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_OK = CLASSNAME + ".pending_intent_ok"; /** * Put a {@link android.app.PendingIntent} into getActivity() key. It will be sent before * {@link android.app.Activity#RESULT_CANCELED} will be returning. * *


* */ public static final String EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_CANCELLED = CLASSNAME + ".pending_intent_cancelled"; /** * You put a {@link android.app.PendingIntent} into getActivity() extra. The library will show a * button "Forgot pattern?" and call your intent later when the user * taps it. *



* * * @see #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN * @since v2.8 beta */ public static final String EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN = CLASSNAME + ".pending_intent_forgot_pattern"; /** * Helper enum for button OK commands. (Because we use only one "OK" button * for different commands). * * @author Hai Bison */ private static enum ButtonOkCommand { CONTINUE,DONE }// ButtonOkCommand /** * Delay time to reload the lock pattern view after a wrong pattern. */ private static final long DELAY_TIME_TO_RELOAD_LOCK_PATTERN_VIEW = DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS; /* * FIELDS */ private int mMaxRetries, mMinWiredDots, mRetryCount = 0, mCaptchaWiredDots; private boolean mAutoSave, mStealthMode; private IEncrypter mEncrypter; private ButtonOkCommand mBtnOkCmd; private Intent mIntentResult; /* * CONTROLS */ private TextView mTextInfo; private LockPatternView mLockPatternView; private Button mBtnConfirm; /* * FRAGMENTS */ private FragmentActivity fa; /** * Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { fa = getActivity(); /* * EXTRA_THEME */ if (fa.getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_THEME)) fa.setTheme(fa.getIntent().getIntExtra(EXTRA_THEME, R.style.Alp_42447968_Theme_Dark)); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.alp_42447968_lock_pattern_activity, container, false); loadSettings(); mIntentResult = new Intent(); fa.setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, mIntentResult); initContentView(view); return view; } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } /** * Loads settings, either from manifest or {@link com.haibison.android.lockpattern.util.Settings}. */ private void loadSettings() { Bundle metaData = null; try { metaData = fa.getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(fa.getComponentName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA).metaData; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { /* * Never catch getActivity(). */ e.printStackTrace(); } if (metaData != null && metaData.containsKey(METADATA_MIN_WIRED_DOTS)) mMinWiredDots = Settings.Display.validateMinWiredDots(getActivity(), metaData.getInt(METADATA_MIN_WIRED_DOTS)); else mMinWiredDots = Settings.Display.getMinWiredDots(getActivity()); if (metaData != null && metaData.containsKey(METADATA_MAX_RETRIES)) mMaxRetries = Settings.Display.validateMaxRetries(getActivity(), metaData.getInt(METADATA_MAX_RETRIES)); else mMaxRetries = Settings.Display.getMaxRetries(getActivity()); if (metaData != null && metaData.containsKey(METADATA_AUTO_SAVE_PATTERN)) mAutoSave = metaData.getBoolean(METADATA_AUTO_SAVE_PATTERN); else mAutoSave = Settings.Security.isAutoSavePattern(getActivity()); if (metaData != null && metaData.containsKey(METADATA_CAPTCHA_WIRED_DOTS)) mCaptchaWiredDots = Settings.Display.validateCaptchaWiredDots(getActivity(), metaData.getInt(METADATA_CAPTCHA_WIRED_DOTS)); else mCaptchaWiredDots = Settings.Display.getCaptchaWiredDots(getActivity()); if (metaData != null && metaData.containsKey(METADATA_STEALTH_MODE)) mStealthMode = metaData.getBoolean(METADATA_STEALTH_MODE); else mStealthMode = Settings.Display.isStealthMode(getActivity()); /* * Encrypter. */ char[] encrypterClass; if (metaData != null && metaData.containsKey(METADATA_ENCRYPTER_CLASS)) encrypterClass = metaData.getString(METADATA_ENCRYPTER_CLASS) .toCharArray(); else encrypterClass = Settings.Security.getEncrypterClass(getActivity()); if (encrypterClass != null) { try { mEncrypter = (IEncrypter) Class.forName( new String(encrypterClass), false, fa.getClassLoader()) .newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new InvalidEncrypterException(); } } } /** * Initializes UI... */ private void initContentView(View view) { /* * Save all controls' state to restore later. */ CharSequence infoText = mTextInfo != null ? mTextInfo.getText() : null; Boolean btnOkEnabled = mBtnConfirm != null ? mBtnConfirm.isEnabled() : null; DisplayMode lastDisplayMode = mLockPatternView != null ? mLockPatternView .getDisplayMode() : null; List lastPattern = mLockPatternView != null ? mLockPatternView .getPattern() : null; UI.adjustDialogSizeForLargeScreens(fa.getWindow()); View mFooter; Button mBtnCancel; mTextInfo = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.alp_42447968_textview_info); mLockPatternView = (LockPatternView) view.findViewById(R.id.alp_42447968_view_lock_pattern); mFooter = view.findViewById(R.id.alp_42447968_viewgroup_footer); mBtnCancel = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.alp_42447968_button_cancel); mBtnConfirm = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.alp_42447968_button_confirm); /* * LOCK PATTERN VIEW */ switch (getResources().getConfiguration().screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) { case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE: case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE: { final int size = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.alp_42447968_lockpatternview_size); LayoutParams lp = mLockPatternView.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = size; lp.height = size; mLockPatternView.setLayoutParams(lp); break; } } /* * Haptic feedback. */ boolean hapticFeedbackEnabled = false; try { hapticFeedbackEnabled = android.provider.Settings.System .getInt(fa.getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.System.HAPTIC_FEEDBACK_ENABLED, 0) != 0; } catch (Throwable t) { /* * Ignore it. */ } mLockPatternView.setTactileFeedbackEnabled(hapticFeedbackEnabled); mLockPatternView.setInStealthMode(mStealthMode && !ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(fa.getIntent().getAction())); mLockPatternView.setOnPatternListener(mLockPatternViewListener); if (lastPattern != null && lastDisplayMode != null && !ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(fa.getIntent().getAction())) mLockPatternView.setPattern(lastDisplayMode, lastPattern); /* * COMMAND BUTTONS */ if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { mBtnCancel.setOnClickListener(mBtnCancelOnClickListener); mBtnConfirm.setOnClickListener(mBtnConfirmOnClickListener); mBtnCancel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mFooter.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mTextInfo.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (infoText != null) mTextInfo.setText(infoText); else mTextInfo //TODO nfc text glaube ich hier oder so .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_draw_an_unlock_pattern); /* * BUTTON OK */ if (mBtnOkCmd == null) mBtnOkCmd = ButtonOkCommand.CONTINUE; switch (mBtnOkCmd) { case CONTINUE: mBtnConfirm.setText(R.string.alp_42447968_cmd_continue); break; case DONE: mBtnConfirm.setText(R.string.alp_42447968_cmd_confirm); break; default: break; } if (btnOkEnabled != null) mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(btnOkEnabled); } else if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(infoText)) mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_draw_pattern_to_unlock); else mTextInfo.setText(infoText); if (fa.getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN)) { mBtnConfirm.setOnClickListener(mBtnConfirmOnClickListener); mBtnConfirm.setText(R.string.alp_42447968_cmd_forgot_pattern); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(true); mFooter.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } else if (ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(fa.getIntent().getAction())) { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_redraw_pattern_to_confirm); /* * NOTE: EXTRA_PATTERN should hold a char[] array. In getActivity() case we * use it as a temporary variable to hold a list of Cell. */ final ArrayList pattern; if (fa.getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN)) pattern = fa.getIntent() .getParcelableArrayListExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN); else fa.getIntent().putParcelableArrayListExtra( EXTRA_PATTERN, pattern = LockPatternUtils .genCaptchaPattern(mCaptchaWiredDots)); mLockPatternView.setPattern(DisplayMode.Animate, pattern); } } /** * Compares {@code pattern} to the given pattern ( * {@link #ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN}) or to the generated "CAPTCHA" pattern ( * {@link #ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA}). Then finishes the activity if they * match. * * @param pattern * the pattern to be compared. */ private void doComparePattern(final List pattern) { if (pattern == null) return; /* * Use a LoadingDialog because decrypting pattern might take time... */ new LoadingDialog(getActivity(), false) { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) { if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { char[] currentPattern = PassphraseWizardActivity.pattern; if (currentPattern == null) currentPattern = Settings.Security .getPattern(getActivity()); if (currentPattern != null) { if (mEncrypter != null) { return pattern.equals(mEncrypter.decrypt( getActivity(), currentPattern)); } else return Arrays.equals(currentPattern, LockPatternUtils.patternToSha1(pattern) .toCharArray()); } } else if (ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(fa.getIntent().getAction())) { return pattern.equals(fa.getIntent() .getParcelableArrayListExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN)); } return false; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { super.onPostExecute(result); if (result) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "unlocked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); finishWithResultOk(null); }else { mRetryCount++; mIntentResult.putExtra(EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT, mRetryCount); if (mRetryCount >= mMaxRetries) finishWithNegativeResult(RESULT_FAILED); else { mLockPatternView.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Wrong); mTextInfo.setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_try_again); mLockPatternView.postDelayed(mLockPatternViewReloader, DELAY_TIME_TO_RELOAD_LOCK_PATTERN_VIEW); } } } }.execute(); } /** * Checks and creates the pattern. * * @param pattern * the current pattern of lock pattern view. */ private void doCheckAndCreatePattern(final List pattern) { if (pattern.size() < mMinWiredDots) { mLockPatternView.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Wrong); mTextInfo.setText(getResources().getQuantityString( R.plurals.alp_42447968_pmsg_connect_x_dots, mMinWiredDots, mMinWiredDots)); mLockPatternView.postDelayed(mLockPatternViewReloader, DELAY_TIME_TO_RELOAD_LOCK_PATTERN_VIEW); return; } if (fa.getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN)) { /* * Use a LoadingDialog because decrypting pattern might take time... */ new LoadingDialog(getActivity(), false) { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) { if (mEncrypter != null) return pattern.equals(mEncrypter.decrypt( getActivity(), fa.getIntent() .getCharArrayExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN))); else return Arrays.equals( fa.getIntent().getCharArrayExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN), LockPatternUtils.patternToSha1(pattern) .toCharArray()); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { super.onPostExecute(result); if (result) { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_your_new_unlock_pattern); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(true); PassphraseWizardActivity.pattern = fa.getIntent() .getCharArrayExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN); } else { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_redraw_pattern_to_confirm); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(false); mLockPatternView.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Wrong); mLockPatternView.postDelayed(mLockPatternViewReloader, DELAY_TIME_TO_RELOAD_LOCK_PATTERN_VIEW); } } }.execute(); } else { /* * Use a LoadingDialog because encrypting pattern might take time... */ new LoadingDialog(getActivity(), false) { @Override protected char[] doInBackground(Void... params) { return mEncrypter != null ? mEncrypter.encrypt( getActivity(), pattern) : LockPatternUtils.patternToSha1(pattern) .toCharArray(); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(char[] result) { super.onPostExecute(result); fa.getIntent().putExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN, result); mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_pattern_recorded); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(true); } }.execute(); } } /** * Finishes activity with {@link android.app.Activity#RESULT_OK}. * * @param pattern * the pattern, if getActivity() is in mode creating pattern. In any * cases, it can be set to {@code null}. */ private void finishWithResultOk(char[] pattern) { if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) mIntentResult.putExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN, pattern); else { /* * If the user was "logging in", minimum try count can not be zero. */ mIntentResult.putExtra(EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT, mRetryCount + 1); } fa.setResult(fa.RESULT_OK, mIntentResult); /* * ResultReceiver */ ResultReceiver receiver = fa.getIntent().getParcelableExtra( EXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER); if (receiver != null) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) bundle.putCharArray(EXTRA_PATTERN, pattern); else { /* * If the user was "logging in", minimum try count can not be * zero. */ bundle.putInt(EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT, mRetryCount + 1); } receiver.send(fa.RESULT_OK, bundle); } /* * PendingIntent */ PendingIntent pi = fa.getIntent().getParcelableExtra( EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_OK); if (pi != null) { try { pi.send(getActivity(), fa.RESULT_OK, mIntentResult); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } fa.finish(); } /** * Finishes the activity with negative result ( * {@link android.app.Activity#RESULT_CANCELED}, {@link #RESULT_FAILED} or * {@link #RESULT_FORGOT_PATTERN}). */ private void finishWithNegativeResult(int resultCode) { if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) mIntentResult.putExtra(EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT, mRetryCount); fa.setResult(resultCode, mIntentResult); /* * ResultReceiver */ ResultReceiver receiver = fa.getIntent().getParcelableExtra( EXTRA_RESULT_RECEIVER); if (receiver != null) { Bundle resultBundle = null; if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { resultBundle = new Bundle(); resultBundle.putInt(EXTRA_RETRY_COUNT, mRetryCount); } receiver.send(resultCode, resultBundle); } /* * PendingIntent */ PendingIntent pi = fa.getIntent().getParcelableExtra( EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_CANCELLED); if (pi != null) { try { pi.send(getActivity(), resultCode, mIntentResult); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } fa.finish(); } /* * LISTENERS */ private final LockPatternView.OnPatternListener mLockPatternViewListener = new LockPatternView.OnPatternListener() { @Override public void onPatternStart() { mLockPatternView.removeCallbacks(mLockPatternViewReloader); mLockPatternView.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Correct); if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_release_finger_when_done); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(false); if (mBtnOkCmd == ButtonOkCommand.CONTINUE) fa.getIntent().removeExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN); } else if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_draw_pattern_to_unlock); } else if (ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_redraw_pattern_to_confirm); } } @Override public void onPatternDetected(List pattern) { if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { doCheckAndCreatePattern(pattern); } else if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { doComparePattern(pattern); } else if (ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { if (!DisplayMode.Animate.equals(mLockPatternView .getDisplayMode())) doComparePattern(pattern); } } @Override public void onPatternCleared() { mLockPatternView.removeCallbacks(mLockPatternViewReloader); if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { mLockPatternView.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Correct); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(false); if (mBtnOkCmd == ButtonOkCommand.CONTINUE) { fa.getIntent().removeExtra(EXTRA_PATTERN); mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_draw_an_unlock_pattern); } else mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_redraw_pattern_to_confirm); } else if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { mLockPatternView.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.Correct); mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_draw_pattern_to_unlock); } else if (ACTION_VERIFY_CAPTCHA.equals(fa.getIntent().getAction())) { mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_redraw_pattern_to_confirm); List pattern = fa.getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra( EXTRA_PATTERN); mLockPatternView.setPattern(DisplayMode.Animate, pattern); } } @Override public void onPatternCellAdded(List pattern) { } }; private final View.OnClickListener mBtnCancelOnClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { finishWithNegativeResult(fa.RESULT_CANCELED); } }; private final View.OnClickListener mBtnConfirmOnClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (ACTION_CREATE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { if (mBtnOkCmd == ButtonOkCommand.CONTINUE) { mBtnOkCmd = ButtonOkCommand.DONE; mLockPatternView.clearPattern(); mTextInfo .setText(R.string.alp_42447968_msg_redraw_pattern_to_confirm); mBtnConfirm.setText(R.string.alp_42447968_cmd_confirm); mBtnConfirm.setEnabled(false); } else { final char[] pattern = fa.getIntent().getCharArrayExtra( EXTRA_PATTERN); if (mAutoSave) Settings.Security.setPattern(getActivity(), pattern); finishWithResultOk(pattern); } } else if (ACTION_COMPARE_PATTERN.equals(getSelectedMethod())) { /* * We don't need to verify the extra. First, getActivity() button is only * visible if there is getActivity() extra in the intent. Second, it is * the responsibility of the caller to make sure the extra is * good. */ PendingIntent pi; try { pi = fa.getIntent().getParcelableExtra( EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN); pi.send(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finishWithNegativeResult(RESULT_FORGOT_PATTERN); } } }; /** * getActivity() reloads the {@link #mLockPatternView} after a wrong pattern. */ private final Runnable mLockPatternViewReloader = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mLockPatternView.clearPattern(); mLockPatternViewListener.onPatternCleared(); } }; /** * Fragment constructor allowing to add a bundle with all necessary information to the fragment * @param method contains information about which method to choose (set * @return LockPatternFragment with bundle */ public static LockPatternFragmentOld newInstance(String method){ LockPatternFragmentOld fragment = new LockPatternFragmentOld(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString("ACTION", method); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } /** * Getter for the method string saved in fragment arguments * @return String telling which method was selected */ public String getSelectedMethod () { return getArguments().getString("ACTION"); } }