package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.tests; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner; import org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowLog; import org.spongycastle.bcpg.BCPGInputStream; import org.spongycastle.bcpg.Packet; import org.spongycastle.bcpg.PublicKeyPacket; import org.spongycastle.bcpg.sig.KeyFlags; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.Constants; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.PgpKeyOperation; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.UncachedKeyRing; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.UncachedPublicKey; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.WrappedPublicKeyRing; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.WrappedSecretKey; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.WrappedSecretKeyRing; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.OperationResultParcel; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel; import; import; import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.ProgressScaler; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** Tests for the UncachedKeyring.merge method. * * This is another complex, crypto-related method. It merges information from one keyring into * another, keeping information from the base (ie, called object) keyring in case of conflicts. * The types of keys may be Public or Secret and can be mixed, For mixed types the result type * will be the same as the base keyring. * * Test cases: * - Merging keyrings with different masterKeyIds should fail * - Merging a key with itself should be a no-operation * - Merging a key with an extra revocation certificate, it should have that certificate * - Merging a key with an extra user id, it should have that extra user id and its certificates * - Merging a key with an extra user id certificate, it should have that certificate * - Merging a key with an extra subkey, it should have that subkey * - Merging a key with an extra subkey certificate, it should have that certificate * - All of the above operations should work regardless of the key types. This means in particular * that for new subkeys, an equivalent subkey of the proper type must be generated. * - In case of two secret keys with the same id but different S2K, the key of the base keyring * should be preferred (TODO or should it?) * * Note that the merge operation does not care about certificate validity, a bad certificate or * packet will be copied regardless. Filtering out bad packets is done with canonicalization. * */ @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) @org.robolectric.annotation.Config(emulateSdk = 18) // Robolectric doesn't yet support 19 public class UncachedKeyringMergeTest { static UncachedKeyRing staticRingA, staticRingB; static int totalPackets; UncachedKeyRing ringA, ringB; ArrayList onlyA = new ArrayList(); ArrayList onlyB = new ArrayList(); OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog(); PgpKeyOperation op; SaveKeyringParcel parcel; @BeforeClass public static void setUpOnce() throws Exception { = System.out; { SaveKeyringParcel parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel(); parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd( Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER, null)); parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd( Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, null)); parcel.mAddUserIds.add("twi"); parcel.mAddUserIds.add("pink"); // passphrase is tested in PgpKeyOperationTest, just use empty here parcel.mNewPassphrase = ""; PgpKeyOperation op = new PgpKeyOperation(null); OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog(); staticRingA = op.createSecretKeyRing(parcel, log, 0); } { SaveKeyringParcel parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel(); parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd( Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER, null)); parcel.mAddUserIds.add("shy"); // passphrase is tested in PgpKeyOperationTest, just use empty here parcel.mNewPassphrase = ""; PgpKeyOperation op = new PgpKeyOperation(null); OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog(); staticRingB = op.createSecretKeyRing(parcel, log, 0); } Assert.assertNotNull("initial test key creation must succeed", staticRingA); Assert.assertNotNull("initial test key creation must succeed", staticRingB); // we sleep here for a second, to make sure all new certificates have different timestamps Thread.sleep(1000); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // show Log.x messages in system.out = System.out; ringA = staticRingA; ringB = staticRingB; // setting up some parameters just to reduce code duplication op = new PgpKeyOperation(new ProgressScaler(null, 0, 100, 100)); // set this up, gonna need it more than once parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel(); parcel.mMasterKeyId = ringA.getMasterKeyId(); parcel.mFingerprint = ringA.getFingerprint(); } public void testSelfNoOp() throws Exception { UncachedKeyRing merged = mergeWithChecks(ringA, ringA, null); Assert.assertArrayEquals("keyring merged with itself must be identical", ringA.getEncoded(), merged.getEncoded() ); } @Test public void testDifferentMasterKeyIds() throws Exception { Assert.assertNotEquals("generated key ids must be different", ringA.getMasterKeyId(), ringB.getMasterKeyId()); Assert.assertNull("merging keys with differing key ids must fail", ringA.merge(ringB, log, 0)); Assert.assertNull("merging keys with differing key ids must fail", ringB.merge(ringA, log, 0)); } @Test public void testAddedUserId() throws Exception { UncachedKeyRing modifiedA, modifiedB; { WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ringA.getEncoded(), false, 0); parcel.reset(); parcel.mAddUserIds.add("flim"); modifiedA = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "", log, 0); parcel.reset(); parcel.mAddUserIds.add("flam"); modifiedB = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "", log, 0); } { // merge A into base UncachedKeyRing merged = mergeWithChecks(ringA, modifiedA); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have lost no packets", 0, onlyA.size()); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have gained two packets", 2, onlyB.size()); Assert.assertTrue("merged keyring must contain new user id", merged.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().contains("flim")); } { // merge A into B UncachedKeyRing merged = mergeWithChecks(modifiedA, modifiedB, ringA); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have lost no packets", 0, onlyA.size()); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have gained four packets", 4, onlyB.size()); Assert.assertTrue("merged keyring must contain first new user id", merged.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().contains("flim")); Assert.assertTrue("merged keyring must contain second new user id", merged.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().contains("flam")); } } @Test public void testAddedSubkeyId() throws Exception { UncachedKeyRing modifiedA, modifiedB; long subKeyIdA, subKeyIdB; { WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ringA.getEncoded(), false, 0); parcel.reset(); parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd( Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, null)); modifiedA = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "", log, 0); modifiedB = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "", log, 0); { Iterator it = modifiedA.getPublicKeys();;; subKeyIdA =; } { Iterator it = modifiedB.getPublicKeys();;; subKeyIdB =; } } { UncachedKeyRing merged = mergeWithChecks(ringA, modifiedA); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have lost no packets", 0, onlyA.size()); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have gained two packets", 2, onlyB.size()); long mergedKeyId; { Iterator it = merged.getPublicKeys();;; mergedKeyId =; } Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must contain the new subkey", subKeyIdA, mergedKeyId); } { UncachedKeyRing merged = mergeWithChecks(modifiedA, modifiedB, ringA); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have lost no packets", 0, onlyA.size()); Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must have gained four packets", 4, onlyB.size()); Iterator it = merged.getPublicKeys();;; Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must contain the new subkey", subKeyIdA,; Assert.assertEquals("merged keyring must contain both new subkeys", subKeyIdB,; } } @Test public void testAddedKeySignature() throws Exception { } @Test public void testAddedUserIdSignature() throws Exception { final UncachedKeyRing pubRing = ringA.extractPublicKeyRing(); final UncachedKeyRing modified; { WrappedPublicKeyRing publicRing = new WrappedPublicKeyRing( pubRing.getEncoded(), false, 0); WrappedSecretKey secretKey = new WrappedSecretKeyRing( ringB.getEncoded(), false, 0).getSecretKey(); secretKey.unlock(""); // sign all user ids modified = secretKey.certifyUserIds(publicRing, publicRing.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds()); } { UncachedKeyRing merged = ringA.merge(modified, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed", merged); Assert.assertArrayEquals("foreign signatures should not be merged into secret key", ringA.getEncoded(), merged.getEncoded() ); } { UncachedKeyRing merged = pubRing.merge(modified, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed", merged); Assert.assertFalse( "merging keyring with extra signatures into its base should yield that same keyring", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(merged.getEncoded(), modified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB) ); } } private UncachedKeyRing mergeWithChecks(UncachedKeyRing a, UncachedKeyRing b) throws Exception { return mergeWithChecks(a, b, a, true); } private UncachedKeyRing mergeWithChecks(UncachedKeyRing a, UncachedKeyRing b, boolean commutative) throws Exception { return mergeWithChecks(a, b, a, commutative); } private UncachedKeyRing mergeWithChecks(UncachedKeyRing a, UncachedKeyRing b, UncachedKeyRing base) throws Exception { return mergeWithChecks(a, b, base, true); } private UncachedKeyRing mergeWithChecks(UncachedKeyRing a, UncachedKeyRing b, UncachedKeyRing base, boolean commutative) throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue("merging keyring must be secret type", a.isSecret()); Assert.assertTrue("merged keyring must be secret type", b.isSecret()); final UncachedKeyRing resultA; UncachedKeyRing resultB; { // sec + sec resultA = a.merge(b, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed as sec(a)+sec(b)", resultA); resultB = b.merge(a, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed as sec(b)+sec(a)", resultB); // check commutativity, if requested if (commutative) { Assert.assertFalse("result of merge must be commutative", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings( resultA.getEncoded(), resultB.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB) ); } } final UncachedKeyRing pubA = a.extractPublicKeyRing(); final UncachedKeyRing pubB = b.extractPublicKeyRing(); { // sec + pub, pub + sec, and pub + pub try { resultB = a.merge(pubB, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed as sec(a)+pub(b)", resultA); Assert.assertFalse("result of sec(a)+pub(b) must be same as sec(a)+sec(b)", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings( resultA.getEncoded(), resultB.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB) ); } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.out.println("special case, dummy key generation not in yet"); } final UncachedKeyRing pubResult = resultA.extractPublicKeyRing(); resultB = pubA.merge(b, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed as pub(a)+sec(b)", resultA); Assert.assertFalse("result of pub(a)+sec(b) must be same as pub(sec(a)+sec(b))", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings( pubResult.getEncoded(), resultB.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB) ); resultB = pubA.merge(pubB, log, 0); Assert.assertNotNull("merge must succeed as pub(a)+pub(b)", resultA); Assert.assertFalse("result of pub(a)+pub(b) must be same as pub(sec(a)+sec(b))", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings( pubResult.getEncoded(), resultB.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB) ); } if (base != null) { // set up onlyA and onlyB to be a diff to the base Assert.assertTrue("merged keyring must differ from base", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings( base.getEncoded(), resultA.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB) ); } return resultA; } }