path: root/libraries/spongycastle/prov/src/test/java/org/spongycastle/jce/provider/test/IESTest.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/spongycastle/prov/src/test/java/org/spongycastle/jce/provider/test/IESTest.java b/libraries/spongycastle/prov/src/test/java/org/spongycastle/jce/provider/test/IESTest.java
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--- a/libraries/spongycastle/prov/src/test/java/org/spongycastle/jce/provider/test/IESTest.java
+++ /dev/null
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-package org.spongycastle.jce.provider.test;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.security.AlgorithmParameters;
-import java.security.KeyPair;
-import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
-import java.security.PrivateKey;
-import java.security.PublicKey;
-import java.security.SecureRandom;
-import java.security.Security;
-import javax.crypto.Cipher;
-import javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec;
-import org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
-import org.spongycastle.jce.spec.ECParameterSpec;
-import org.spongycastle.jce.spec.IEKeySpec;
-import org.spongycastle.jce.spec.IESParameterSpec;
-import org.spongycastle.math.ec.ECCurve;
-import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
-import org.spongycastle.util.test.SimpleTest;
- * test for ECIES - Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme
- */
-public class IESTest
- extends SimpleTest
- private BigInteger g512 = new BigInteger("153d5d6172adb43045b68ae8e1de1070b6137005686d29d3d73a7749199681ee5b212c9b96bfdcfa5b20cd5e3fd2044895d609cf9b410b7a0f12ca1cb9a428cc", 16);
- private BigInteger p512 = new BigInteger("9494fec095f3b85ee286542b3836fc81a5dd0a0349b4c239dd38744d488cf8e31db8bcb7d33b41abb9e5a33cca9144b1cef332c94bf0573bf047a3aca98cdf3b", 16);
- IESTest()
- {
- }
- public String getName()
- {
- return "IES";
- }
- public void performTest()
- throws Exception
- {
- KeyPairGenerator g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECIES", "SC");
- ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
- new BigInteger("883423532389192164791648750360308885314476597252960362792450860609699839"), // q
- new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007ffffffffffc", 16), // a
- new BigInteger("6b016c3bdcf18941d0d654921475ca71a9db2fb27d1d37796185c2942c0a", 16)); // b
- ECParameterSpec ecSpec = new ECParameterSpec(
- curve,
- curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("020ffa963cdca8816ccc33b8642bedf905c3d358573d3f27fbbd3b3cb9aaaf")), // G
- new BigInteger("883423532389192164791648750360308884807550341691627752275345424702807307")); // n
- g.initialize(ecSpec, new SecureRandom());
- Cipher c1 = Cipher.getInstance("ECIES", "SC");
- Cipher c2 = Cipher.getInstance("ECIES", "SC");
- doTest(g, c1, c2);
- g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECIES", "SC");
- g.initialize(192, new SecureRandom());
- doTest(g, c1, c2);
- g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECIES", "SC");
- g.initialize(239, new SecureRandom());
- doTest(g, c1, c2);
- g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("ECIES", "SC");
- g.initialize(256, new SecureRandom());
- doTest(g, c1, c2);
- doDefTest(g, c1, c2);
- DHParameterSpec dhParams = new DHParameterSpec(p512, g512);
- c1 = Cipher.getInstance("IES", "SC");
- c2 = Cipher.getInstance("IES", "SC");
- g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DH", "SC");
- g.initialize(dhParams);
- doTest(g, c1, c2);
- doDefTest(g, c1, c2);
- }
- public void doTest(
- KeyPairGenerator g,
- Cipher c1,
- Cipher c2)
- throws Exception
- {
- //
- // a side
- //
- KeyPair aKeyPair = g.generateKeyPair();
- PublicKey aPub = aKeyPair.getPublic();
- PrivateKey aPriv = aKeyPair.getPrivate();
- //
- // b side
- //
- KeyPair bKeyPair = g.generateKeyPair();
- PublicKey bPub = bKeyPair.getPublic();
- PrivateKey bPriv = bKeyPair.getPrivate();
- //
- // stream test
- //
- IEKeySpec c1Key = new IEKeySpec(aPriv, bPub);
- IEKeySpec c2Key = new IEKeySpec(bPriv, aPub);
- byte[] d = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
- byte[] e = new byte[] { 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 };
- IESParameterSpec param = new IESParameterSpec(d, e, 128);
- c1.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, c1Key, param);
- c2.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, c2Key, param);
- byte[] message = Hex.decode("1234567890abcdef");
- byte[] out1 = c1.doFinal(message, 0, message.length);
- byte[] out2 = c2.doFinal(out1, 0, out1.length);
- if (!areEqual(out2, message))
- {
- fail("stream cipher test failed");
- }
- }
- public void doDefTest(
- KeyPairGenerator g,
- Cipher c1,
- Cipher c2)
- throws Exception
- {
- //
- // a side
- //
- KeyPair aKeyPair = g.generateKeyPair();
- PublicKey aPub = aKeyPair.getPublic();
- PrivateKey aPriv = aKeyPair.getPrivate();
- //
- // b side
- //
- KeyPair bKeyPair = g.generateKeyPair();
- PublicKey bPub = bKeyPair.getPublic();
- PrivateKey bPriv = bKeyPair.getPrivate();
- //
- // stream test
- //
- IEKeySpec c1Key = new IEKeySpec(aPriv, bPub);
- IEKeySpec c2Key = new IEKeySpec(bPriv, aPub);
- c1.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, c1Key);
- AlgorithmParameters param = c1.getParameters();
- c2.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, c2Key, param);
- byte[] message = Hex.decode("1234567890abcdef");
- byte[] out1 = c1.doFinal(message, 0, message.length);
- byte[] out2 = c2.doFinal(out1, 0, out1.length);
- if (!areEqual(out2, message))
- {
- fail("stream cipher test failed");
- }
- //
- // int doFinal
- //
- int len1 = c1.doFinal(message, 0, message.length, out1, 0);
- if (len1 != out1.length)
- {
- fail("encryption length wrong");
- }
- int len2 = c2.doFinal(out1, 0, out1.length, out2, 0);
- if (len2 != out2.length)
- {
- fail("decryption length wrong");
- }
- if (!areEqual(out2, message))
- {
- fail("stream cipher test failed");
- }
- //
- // int doFinal with update
- //
- len1 = c1.update(message, 0, 2, out1, 0);
- len1 += c1.doFinal(message, 2, message.length - 2, out1, len1);
- if (len1 != out1.length)
- {
- fail("update encryption length wrong");
- }
- len2 = c2.update(out1, 0, 2, out2, 0);
- len2 += c2.doFinal(out1, 2, out1.length - 2, out2, len2);
- if (len2 != out2.length)
- {
- fail("update decryption length wrong");
- }
- if (!areEqual(out2, message))
- {
- fail("update stream cipher test failed");
- }
- }
- public static void main(
- String[] args)
- {
- Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
- runTest(new IESTest());
- }