path: root/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/pqc/crypto/gmss/util/WinternitzOTSignature.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/pqc/crypto/gmss/util/WinternitzOTSignature.java b/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/pqc/crypto/gmss/util/WinternitzOTSignature.java
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--- a/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/pqc/crypto/gmss/util/WinternitzOTSignature.java
+++ /dev/null
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-package org.spongycastle.pqc.crypto.gmss.util;
-import org.spongycastle.crypto.Digest;
- * This class implements key pair generation and signature generation of the
- * Winternitz one-time signature scheme (OTSS), described in C.Dods, N.P. Smart,
- * and M. Stam, "Hash Based Digital Signature Schemes", LNCS 3796, pages
- * 96–115, 2005. The class is used by the GMSS classes.
- */
-public class WinternitzOTSignature
- /**
- * The hash function used by the OTS
- */
- private Digest messDigestOTS;
- /**
- * The length of the message digest and private key
- */
- private int mdsize, keysize;
- /**
- * An array of strings, containing the name of the used hash function, the
- * name of the PRGN and the names of the corresponding providers
- */
- // private String[] name = new String[2];
- /**
- * The private key
- */
- private byte[][] privateKeyOTS;
- /**
- * The Winternitz parameter
- */
- private int w;
- /**
- * The source of randomness for OTS private key generation
- */
- private GMSSRandom gmssRandom;
- /**
- * Sizes of the message and the checksum, both
- */
- private int messagesize, checksumsize;
- /**
- * The constructor generates an OTS key pair, using <code>seed0</code> and
- * the PRNG
- * <p/>
- *
- * @param seed0 the seed for the PRGN
- * @param digest an array of strings, containing the name of the used hash
- * function, the name of the PRGN and the names of the
- * corresponding providers
- * @param w the Winternitz parameter
- */
- public WinternitzOTSignature(byte[] seed0, Digest digest, int w)
- {
- // this.name = name;
- this.w = w;
- messDigestOTS = digest;
- gmssRandom = new GMSSRandom(messDigestOTS);
- // calulate keysize for private and public key and also the help
- // array
- mdsize = messDigestOTS.getDigestSize();
- int mdsizeBit = mdsize << 3;
- messagesize = (int)Math.ceil((double)(mdsizeBit) / (double)w);
- checksumsize = getLog((messagesize << w) + 1);
- keysize = messagesize
- + (int)Math.ceil((double)checksumsize / (double)w);
- /*
- * mdsize = messDigestOTS.getDigestLength(); messagesize =
- * ((mdsize<<3)+(w-1))/w;
- *
- * checksumsize = getlog((messagesize<<w)+1);
- *
- * keysize = messagesize + (checksumsize+w-1)/w;
- */
- // define the private key messagesize
- privateKeyOTS = new byte[keysize][mdsize];
- // gmssRandom.setSeed(seed0);
- byte[] dummy = new byte[mdsize];
- System.arraycopy(seed0, 0, dummy, 0, dummy.length);
- // generate random bytes and
- // assign them to the private key
- for (int i = 0; i < keysize; i++)
- {
- privateKeyOTS[i] = gmssRandom.nextSeed(dummy);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return The private OTS key
- */
- public byte[][] getPrivateKey()
- {
- return privateKeyOTS;
- }
- /**
- * @return The public OTS key
- */
- public byte[] getPublicKey()
- {
- byte[] helppubKey = new byte[keysize * mdsize];
- byte[] help = new byte[mdsize];
- int two_power_t = 1 << w;
- for (int i = 0; i < keysize; i++)
- {
- // hash w-1 time the private key and assign it to the public key
- messDigestOTS.update(privateKeyOTS[i], 0, privateKeyOTS[i].length);
- help = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(help, 0);
- for (int j = 2; j < two_power_t; j++)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(help, 0, help.length);
- help = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(help, 0);
- }
- System.arraycopy(help, 0, helppubKey, mdsize * i, mdsize);
- }
- messDigestOTS.update(helppubKey, 0, helppubKey.length);
- byte[] tmp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(tmp, 0);
- return tmp;
- }
- /**
- * @return The one-time signature of the message, generated with the private
- * key
- */
- public byte[] getSignature(byte[] message)
- {
- byte[] sign = new byte[keysize * mdsize];
- // byte [] message; // message m as input
- byte[] hash = new byte[mdsize]; // hash of message m
- int counter = 0;
- int c = 0;
- int test = 0;
- // create hash of message m
- messDigestOTS.update(message, 0, message.length);
- hash = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hash, 0);
- if (8 % w == 0)
- {
- int d = 8 / w;
- int k = (1 << w) - 1;
- byte[] hlp = new byte[mdsize];
- // create signature
- for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)
- {
- test = hash[i] & k;
- c += test;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- hash[i] = (byte)(hash[i] >>> w);
- counter++;
- }
- }
- c = (messagesize << w) - c;
- for (int i = 0; i < checksumsize; i += w)
- {
- test = c & k;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- c >>>= w;
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (w < 8)
- {
- int d = mdsize / w;
- int k = (1 << w) - 1;
- byte[] hlp = new byte[mdsize];
- long big8;
- int ii = 0;
- // create signature
- // first d*w bytes of hash
- for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
- {
- big8 = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < w; j++)
- {
- big8 ^= (hash[ii] & 0xff) << (j << 3);
- ii++;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- test = (int)(big8 & k);
- c += test;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- big8 >>>= w;
- counter++;
- }
- }
- // rest of hash
- d = mdsize % w;
- big8 = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)
- {
- big8 ^= (hash[ii] & 0xff) << (j << 3);
- ii++;
- }
- d <<= 3;
- for (int j = 0; j < d; j += w)
- {
- test = (int)(big8 & k);
- c += test;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- big8 >>>= w;
- counter++;
- }
- // check bytes
- c = (messagesize << w) - c;
- for (int i = 0; i < checksumsize; i += w)
- {
- test = c & k;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- c >>>= w;
- counter++;
- }
- }// end if(w<8)
- else if (w < 57)
- {
- int d = (mdsize << 3) - w;
- int k = (1 << w) - 1;
- byte[] hlp = new byte[mdsize];
- long big8, test8;
- int r = 0;
- int s, f, rest, ii;
- // create signature
- // first a*w bits of hash where a*w <= 8*mdsize < (a+1)*w
- while (r <= d)
- {
- s = r >>> 3;
- rest = r % 8;
- r += w;
- f = (r + 7) >>> 3;
- big8 = 0;
- ii = 0;
- for (int j = s; j < f; j++)
- {
- big8 ^= (hash[j] & 0xff) << (ii << 3);
- ii++;
- }
- big8 >>>= rest;
- test8 = (big8 & k);
- c += test8;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test8 > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test8--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- counter++;
- }
- // rest of hash
- s = r >>> 3;
- if (s < mdsize)
- {
- rest = r % 8;
- big8 = 0;
- ii = 0;
- for (int j = s; j < mdsize; j++)
- {
- big8 ^= (hash[j] & 0xff) << (ii << 3);
- ii++;
- }
- big8 >>>= rest;
- test8 = (big8 & k);
- c += test8;
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test8 > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test8--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- counter++;
- }
- // check bytes
- c = (messagesize << w) - c;
- for (int i = 0; i < checksumsize; i += w)
- {
- test8 = (c & k);
- System.arraycopy(privateKeyOTS[counter], 0, hlp, 0, mdsize);
- while (test8 > 0)
- {
- messDigestOTS.update(hlp, 0, hlp.length);
- hlp = new byte[messDigestOTS.getDigestSize()];
- messDigestOTS.doFinal(hlp, 0);
- test8--;
- }
- System.arraycopy(hlp, 0, sign, counter * mdsize, mdsize);
- c >>>= w;
- counter++;
- }
- }// end if(w<57)
- return sign;
- }
- /**
- * This method returns the least integer that is greater or equal to the
- * logarithm to the base 2 of an integer <code>intValue</code>.
- *
- * @param intValue an integer
- * @return The least integer greater or equal to the logarithm to the base 2
- * of <code>intValue</code>
- */
- public int getLog(int intValue)
- {
- int log = 1;
- int i = 2;
- while (i < intValue)
- {
- i <<= 1;
- log++;
- }
- return log;
- }