path: root/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/crypto/tls/DTLSServerProtocol.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 649 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/crypto/tls/DTLSServerProtocol.java b/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/crypto/tls/DTLSServerProtocol.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d05711e4..000000000
--- a/libraries/spongycastle/core/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/crypto/tls/DTLSServerProtocol.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-package org.spongycastle.crypto.tls;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.security.SecureRandom;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.spongycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo;
-import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.AsymmetricKeyParameter;
-import org.spongycastle.crypto.util.PublicKeyFactory;
-import org.spongycastle.util.Arrays;
-public class DTLSServerProtocol
- extends DTLSProtocol
- protected boolean verifyRequests = true;
- public DTLSServerProtocol(SecureRandom secureRandom)
- {
- super(secureRandom);
- }
- public boolean getVerifyRequests()
- {
- return verifyRequests;
- }
- public void setVerifyRequests(boolean verifyRequests)
- {
- this.verifyRequests = verifyRequests;
- }
- public DTLSTransport accept(TlsServer server, DatagramTransport transport)
- throws IOException
- {
- if (server == null)
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("'server' cannot be null");
- }
- if (transport == null)
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("'transport' cannot be null");
- }
- SecurityParameters securityParameters = new SecurityParameters();
- securityParameters.entity = ConnectionEnd.server;
- securityParameters.serverRandom = TlsProtocol.createRandomBlock(secureRandom);
- ServerHandshakeState state = new ServerHandshakeState();
- state.server = server;
- state.serverContext = new TlsServerContextImpl(secureRandom, securityParameters);
- server.init(state.serverContext);
- DTLSRecordLayer recordLayer = new DTLSRecordLayer(transport, state.serverContext, server, ContentType.handshake);
- // TODO Need to handle sending of HelloVerifyRequest without entering a full connection
- try
- {
- return serverHandshake(state, recordLayer);
- }
- catch (TlsFatalAlert fatalAlert)
- {
- recordLayer.fail(fatalAlert.getAlertDescription());
- throw fatalAlert;
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- recordLayer.fail(AlertDescription.internal_error);
- throw e;
- }
- catch (RuntimeException e)
- {
- recordLayer.fail(AlertDescription.internal_error);
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error);
- }
- }
- protected DTLSTransport serverHandshake(ServerHandshakeState state, DTLSRecordLayer recordLayer)
- throws IOException
- {
- SecurityParameters securityParameters = state.serverContext.getSecurityParameters();
- DTLSReliableHandshake handshake = new DTLSReliableHandshake(state.serverContext, recordLayer);
- DTLSReliableHandshake.Message clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();
- {
- // NOTE: After receiving a record from the client, we discover the record layer version
- ProtocolVersion client_version = recordLayer.getDiscoveredPeerVersion();
- // TODO Read RFCs for guidance on the expected record layer version number
- state.serverContext.setClientVersion(client_version);
- }
- if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.client_hello)
- {
- processClientHello(state, clientMessage.getBody());
- }
- else
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);
- }
- {
- byte[] serverHelloBody = generateServerHello(state);
- if (state.maxFragmentLength >= 0)
- {
- int plainTextLimit = 1 << (8 + state.maxFragmentLength);
- recordLayer.setPlaintextLimit(plainTextLimit);
- }
- securityParameters.cipherSuite = state.selectedCipherSuite;
- securityParameters.compressionAlgorithm = state.selectedCompressionMethod;
- securityParameters.prfAlgorithm = TlsProtocol.getPRFAlgorithm(state.serverContext,
- state.selectedCipherSuite);
- /*
- * RFC 5264 7.4.9. Any cipher suite which does not explicitly specify verify_data_length
- * has a verify_data_length equal to 12. This includes all existing cipher suites.
- */
- securityParameters.verifyDataLength = 12;
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.server_hello, serverHelloBody);
- }
- handshake.notifyHelloComplete();
- Vector serverSupplementalData = state.server.getServerSupplementalData();
- if (serverSupplementalData != null)
- {
- byte[] supplementalDataBody = generateSupplementalData(serverSupplementalData);
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.supplemental_data, supplementalDataBody);
- }
- state.keyExchange = state.server.getKeyExchange();
- state.keyExchange.init(state.serverContext);
- state.serverCredentials = state.server.getCredentials();
- Certificate serverCertificate = null;
- if (state.serverCredentials == null)
- {
- state.keyExchange.skipServerCredentials();
- }
- else
- {
- state.keyExchange.processServerCredentials(state.serverCredentials);
- serverCertificate = state.serverCredentials.getCertificate();
- byte[] certificateBody = generateCertificate(serverCertificate);
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.certificate, certificateBody);
- }
- // TODO[RFC 3546] Check whether empty certificates is possible, allowed, or excludes CertificateStatus
- if (serverCertificate == null || serverCertificate.isEmpty())
- {
- state.allowCertificateStatus = false;
- }
- if (state.allowCertificateStatus)
- {
- CertificateStatus certificateStatus = state.server.getCertificateStatus();
- if (certificateStatus != null)
- {
- byte[] certificateStatusBody = generateCertificateStatus(state, certificateStatus);
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.certificate_status, certificateStatusBody);
- }
- }
- byte[] serverKeyExchange = state.keyExchange.generateServerKeyExchange();
- if (serverKeyExchange != null)
- {
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.server_key_exchange, serverKeyExchange);
- }
- if (state.serverCredentials != null)
- {
- state.certificateRequest = state.server.getCertificateRequest();
- if (state.certificateRequest != null)
- {
- state.keyExchange.validateCertificateRequest(state.certificateRequest);
- byte[] certificateRequestBody = generateCertificateRequest(state, state.certificateRequest);
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.certificate_request, certificateRequestBody);
- TlsUtils.trackHashAlgorithms(handshake.getHandshakeHash(),
- state.certificateRequest.getSupportedSignatureAlgorithms());
- }
- }
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.server_hello_done, TlsUtils.EMPTY_BYTES);
- handshake.getHandshakeHash().sealHashAlgorithms();
- clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();
- if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.supplemental_data)
- {
- processClientSupplementalData(state, clientMessage.getBody());
- clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();
- }
- else
- {
- state.server.processClientSupplementalData(null);
- }
- if (state.certificateRequest == null)
- {
- state.keyExchange.skipClientCredentials();
- }
- else
- {
- if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.certificate)
- {
- processClientCertificate(state, clientMessage.getBody());
- clientMessage = handshake.receiveMessage();
- }
- else
- {
- if (TlsUtils.isTLSv12(state.serverContext))
- {
- /*
- * RFC 5246 If no suitable certificate is available, the client MUST send a
- * certificate message containing no certificates.
- *
- * NOTE: In previous RFCs, this was SHOULD instead of MUST.
- */
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);
- }
- notifyClientCertificate(state, Certificate.EMPTY_CHAIN);
- }
- }
- if (clientMessage.getType() == HandshakeType.client_key_exchange)
- {
- processClientKeyExchange(state, clientMessage.getBody());
- }
- else
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);
- }
- TlsProtocol.establishMasterSecret(state.serverContext, state.keyExchange);
- recordLayer.initPendingEpoch(state.server.getCipher());
- TlsHandshakeHash prepareFinishHash = handshake.prepareToFinish();
- /*
- * RFC 5246 7.4.8 This message is only sent following a client certificate that has signing
- * capability (i.e., all certificates except those containing fixed Diffie-Hellman
- * parameters).
- */
- if (expectCertificateVerifyMessage(state))
- {
- byte[] certificateVerifyBody = handshake.receiveMessageBody(HandshakeType.certificate_verify);
- processCertificateVerify(state, certificateVerifyBody, prepareFinishHash);
- }
- // NOTE: Calculated exclusive of the actual Finished message from the client
- byte[] expectedClientVerifyData = TlsUtils.calculateVerifyData(state.serverContext, ExporterLabel.client_finished,
- TlsProtocol.getCurrentPRFHash(state.serverContext, handshake.getHandshakeHash(), null));
- processFinished(handshake.receiveMessageBody(HandshakeType.finished), expectedClientVerifyData);
- if (state.expectSessionTicket)
- {
- NewSessionTicket newSessionTicket = state.server.getNewSessionTicket();
- byte[] newSessionTicketBody = generateNewSessionTicket(state, newSessionTicket);
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.session_ticket, newSessionTicketBody);
- }
- // NOTE: Calculated exclusive of the Finished message itself
- byte[] serverVerifyData = TlsUtils.calculateVerifyData(state.serverContext, ExporterLabel.server_finished,
- TlsProtocol.getCurrentPRFHash(state.serverContext, handshake.getHandshakeHash(), null));
- handshake.sendMessage(HandshakeType.finished, serverVerifyData);
- handshake.finish();
- state.server.notifyHandshakeComplete();
- return new DTLSTransport(recordLayer);
- }
- protected byte[] generateCertificateRequest(ServerHandshakeState state, CertificateRequest certificateRequest)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- certificateRequest.encode(buf);
- return buf.toByteArray();
- }
- protected byte[] generateCertificateStatus(ServerHandshakeState state, CertificateStatus certificateStatus)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- certificateStatus.encode(buf);
- return buf.toByteArray();
- }
- protected byte[] generateNewSessionTicket(ServerHandshakeState state, NewSessionTicket newSessionTicket)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- newSessionTicket.encode(buf);
- return buf.toByteArray();
- }
- protected byte[] generateServerHello(ServerHandshakeState state)
- throws IOException
- {
- SecurityParameters securityParameters = state.serverContext.getSecurityParameters();
- ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- ProtocolVersion server_version = state.server.getServerVersion();
- if (!server_version.isEqualOrEarlierVersionOf(state.serverContext.getClientVersion()))
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error);
- }
- // TODO Read RFCs for guidance on the expected record layer version number
- // recordStream.setReadVersion(server_version);
- // recordStream.setWriteVersion(server_version);
- // recordStream.setRestrictReadVersion(true);
- state.serverContext.setServerVersion(server_version);
- TlsUtils.writeVersion(state.serverContext.getServerVersion(), buf);
- buf.write(securityParameters.getServerRandom());
- /*
- * The server may return an empty session_id to indicate that the session will not be cached
- * and therefore cannot be resumed.
- */
- TlsUtils.writeOpaque8(TlsUtils.EMPTY_BYTES, buf);
- state.selectedCipherSuite = state.server.getSelectedCipherSuite();
- if (!Arrays.contains(state.offeredCipherSuites, state.selectedCipherSuite)
- || state.selectedCipherSuite == CipherSuite.TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL
- || state.selectedCipherSuite == CipherSuite.TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV)
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error);
- }
- validateSelectedCipherSuite(state.selectedCipherSuite, AlertDescription.internal_error);
- state.selectedCompressionMethod = state.server.getSelectedCompressionMethod();
- if (!Arrays.contains(state.offeredCompressionMethods, state.selectedCompressionMethod))
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.internal_error);
- }
- TlsUtils.writeUint16(state.selectedCipherSuite, buf);
- TlsUtils.writeUint8(state.selectedCompressionMethod, buf);
- state.serverExtensions = state.server.getServerExtensions();
- /*
- * RFC 5746 3.6. Server Behavior: Initial Handshake
- */
- if (state.secure_renegotiation)
- {
- byte[] renegExtData = TlsUtils.getExtensionData(state.serverExtensions, TlsProtocol.EXT_RenegotiationInfo);
- boolean noRenegExt = (null == renegExtData);
- if (noRenegExt)
- {
- /*
- * Note that sending a "renegotiation_info" extension in response to a ClientHello
- * containing only the SCSV is an explicit exception to the prohibition in RFC 5246,
- * Section, on the server sending unsolicited extensions and is only allowed
- * because the client is signaling its willingness to receive the extension via the
- */
- /*
- * If the secure_renegotiation flag is set to TRUE, the server MUST include an empty
- * "renegotiation_info" extension in the ServerHello message.
- */
- state.serverExtensions = TlsExtensionsUtils.ensureExtensionsInitialised(state.serverExtensions);
- state.serverExtensions.put(TlsProtocol.EXT_RenegotiationInfo,
- TlsProtocol.createRenegotiationInfo(TlsUtils.EMPTY_BYTES));
- }
- }
- if (state.serverExtensions != null)
- {
- state.maxFragmentLength = evaluateMaxFragmentLengthExtension(state.clientExtensions, state.serverExtensions,
- AlertDescription.internal_error);
- securityParameters.truncatedHMac = TlsExtensionsUtils.hasTruncatedHMacExtension(state.serverExtensions);
- state.allowCertificateStatus = TlsUtils.hasExpectedEmptyExtensionData(state.serverExtensions,
- TlsExtensionsUtils.EXT_status_request, AlertDescription.internal_error);
- state.expectSessionTicket = TlsUtils.hasExpectedEmptyExtensionData(state.serverExtensions,
- TlsProtocol.EXT_SessionTicket, AlertDescription.internal_error);
- TlsProtocol.writeExtensions(buf, state.serverExtensions);
- }
- return buf.toByteArray();
- }
- protected void notifyClientCertificate(ServerHandshakeState state, Certificate clientCertificate)
- throws IOException
- {
- if (state.certificateRequest == null)
- {
- throw new IllegalStateException();
- }
- if (state.clientCertificate != null)
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unexpected_message);
- }
- state.clientCertificate = clientCertificate;
- if (clientCertificate.isEmpty())
- {
- state.keyExchange.skipClientCredentials();
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * TODO RFC 5246 7.4.6. If the certificate_authorities list in the certificate request
- * message was non-empty, one of the certificates in the certificate chain SHOULD be
- * issued by one of the listed CAs.
- */
- state.clientCertificateType = TlsUtils.getClientCertificateType(clientCertificate,
- state.serverCredentials.getCertificate());
- state.keyExchange.processClientCertificate(clientCertificate);
- }
- /*
- * RFC 5246 7.4.6. If the client does not send any certificates, the server MAY at its
- * discretion either continue the handshake without client authentication, or respond with a
- * fatal handshake_failure alert. Also, if some aspect of the certificate chain was
- * unacceptable (e.g., it was not signed by a known, trusted CA), the server MAY at its
- * discretion either continue the handshake (considering the client unauthenticated) or send
- * a fatal alert.
- */
- state.server.notifyClientCertificate(clientCertificate);
- }
- protected void processClientCertificate(ServerHandshakeState state, byte[] body)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayInputStream buf = new ByteArrayInputStream(body);
- Certificate clientCertificate = Certificate.parse(buf);
- TlsProtocol.assertEmpty(buf);
- notifyClientCertificate(state, clientCertificate);
- }
- protected void processCertificateVerify(ServerHandshakeState state, byte[] body, TlsHandshakeHash prepareFinishHash)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayInputStream buf = new ByteArrayInputStream(body);
- DigitallySigned clientCertificateVerify = DigitallySigned.parse(state.serverContext, buf);
- TlsProtocol.assertEmpty(buf);
- // Verify the CertificateVerify message contains a correct signature.
- try
- {
- // TODO For TLS 1.2, this needs to be the hash specified in the DigitallySigned
- byte[] certificateVerifyHash = TlsProtocol.getCurrentPRFHash(state.serverContext, prepareFinishHash, null);
- org.spongycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate x509Cert = state.clientCertificate.getCertificateAt(0);
- SubjectPublicKeyInfo keyInfo = x509Cert.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo();
- AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey = PublicKeyFactory.createKey(keyInfo);
- TlsSigner tlsSigner = TlsUtils.createTlsSigner(state.clientCertificateType);
- tlsSigner.init(state.serverContext);
- tlsSigner.verifyRawSignature(clientCertificateVerify.getAlgorithm(),
- clientCertificateVerify.getSignature(), publicKey, certificateVerifyHash);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decrypt_error);
- }
- }
- protected void processClientHello(ServerHandshakeState state, byte[] body)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayInputStream buf = new ByteArrayInputStream(body);
- // TODO Read RFCs for guidance on the expected record layer version number
- ProtocolVersion client_version = TlsUtils.readVersion(buf);
- if (!client_version.isDTLS())
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);
- }
- /*
- * Read the client random
- */
- byte[] client_random = TlsUtils.readFully(32, buf);
- byte[] sessionID = TlsUtils.readOpaque8(buf);
- if (sessionID.length > 32)
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);
- }
- // TODO RFC 4347 has the cookie length restricted to 32, but not in RFC 6347
- byte[] cookie = TlsUtils.readOpaque8(buf);
- int cipher_suites_length = TlsUtils.readUint16(buf);
- if (cipher_suites_length < 2 || (cipher_suites_length & 1) != 0)
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decode_error);
- }
- /*
- * NOTE: "If the session_id field is not empty (implying a session resumption request) this
- * vector must include at least the cipher_suite from that session."
- */
- state.offeredCipherSuites = TlsUtils.readUint16Array(cipher_suites_length / 2, buf);
- int compression_methods_length = TlsUtils.readUint8(buf);
- if (compression_methods_length < 1)
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);
- }
- state.offeredCompressionMethods = TlsUtils.readUint8Array(compression_methods_length, buf);
- /*
- * TODO RFC 3546 2.3 If [...] the older session is resumed, then the server MUST ignore
- * extensions appearing in the client hello, and send a server hello containing no
- * extensions.
- */
- state.clientExtensions = TlsProtocol.readExtensions(buf);
- state.serverContext.setClientVersion(client_version);
- state.server.notifyClientVersion(client_version);
- state.serverContext.getSecurityParameters().clientRandom = client_random;
- state.server.notifyOfferedCipherSuites(state.offeredCipherSuites);
- state.server.notifyOfferedCompressionMethods(state.offeredCompressionMethods);
- /*
- * RFC 5746 3.6. Server Behavior: Initial Handshake
- */
- {
- /*
- * RFC 5746 3.4. The client MUST include either an empty "renegotiation_info" extension,
- * or the TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV signaling cipher suite value in the
- * ClientHello. Including both is NOT RECOMMENDED.
- */
- /*
- * When a ClientHello is received, the server MUST check if it includes the
- * TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV SCSV. If it does, set the secure_renegotiation flag
- * to TRUE.
- */
- if (Arrays.contains(state.offeredCipherSuites, CipherSuite.TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV))
- {
- state.secure_renegotiation = true;
- }
- /*
- * The server MUST check if the "renegotiation_info" extension is included in the
- * ClientHello.
- */
- byte[] renegExtData = TlsUtils.getExtensionData(state.clientExtensions, TlsProtocol.EXT_RenegotiationInfo);
- if (renegExtData != null)
- {
- /*
- * If the extension is present, set secure_renegotiation flag to TRUE. The
- * server MUST then verify that the length of the "renegotiated_connection"
- * field is zero, and if it is not, MUST abort the handshake.
- */
- state.secure_renegotiation = true;
- if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(renegExtData, TlsProtocol.createRenegotiationInfo(TlsUtils.EMPTY_BYTES)))
- {
- throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure);
- }
- }
- }
- state.server.notifySecureRenegotiation(state.secure_renegotiation);
- if (state.clientExtensions != null)
- {
- state.server.processClientExtensions(state.clientExtensions);
- }
- }
- protected void processClientKeyExchange(ServerHandshakeState state, byte[] body)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayInputStream buf = new ByteArrayInputStream(body);
- state.keyExchange.processClientKeyExchange(buf);
- TlsProtocol.assertEmpty(buf);
- }
- protected void processClientSupplementalData(ServerHandshakeState state, byte[] body)
- throws IOException
- {
- ByteArrayInputStream buf = new ByteArrayInputStream(body);
- Vector clientSupplementalData = TlsProtocol.readSupplementalDataMessage(buf);
- state.server.processClientSupplementalData(clientSupplementalData);
- }
- protected boolean expectCertificateVerifyMessage(ServerHandshakeState state)
- {
- return state.clientCertificateType >= 0 && TlsUtils.hasSigningCapability(state.clientCertificateType);
- }
- protected static class ServerHandshakeState
- {
- TlsServer server = null;
- TlsServerContextImpl serverContext = null;
- int[] offeredCipherSuites;
- short[] offeredCompressionMethods;
- Hashtable clientExtensions;
- int selectedCipherSuite = -1;
- short selectedCompressionMethod = -1;
- boolean secure_renegotiation = false;
- short maxFragmentLength = -1;
- boolean allowCertificateStatus = false;
- boolean expectSessionTicket = false;
- Hashtable serverExtensions = null;
- TlsKeyExchange keyExchange = null;
- TlsCredentials serverCredentials = null;
- CertificateRequest certificateRequest = null;
- short clientCertificateType = -1;
- Certificate clientCertificate = null;
- }