path: root/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR
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Diffstat (limited to 'OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR')
5 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_about.html b/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_about.html
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+<p><a href="http://www.openkeychain.org">http://www.openkeychain.org</a></p>
+<p><a href="http://www.openkeychain.org">OpenKeychain</a> is an OpenPGP implementation for Android.</p>
+<p>License: GPLv3+</p>
+<h2>Developers OpenKeychain</h2>
+<li>Dominik Schürmann (Lead developer)</li>
+<li>Ash Hughes (crypto patches)</li>
+<li>Brian C. Barnes</li>
+<li>Bahtiar 'kalkin' Gadimov (UI)</li>
+<h2>Developers APG 1.x</h2>
+<li>'Thialfihar' (Lead developer)</li>
+<li>'Senecaso' (QRCode, sign key, upload key)</li>
+<li>Oliver Runge</li>
+<li>Markus Doits</li>
+<a href="http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/index.html">Android Support Library v4</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
+<a href="http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/index.html">Android Support Library v7 'appcompat'</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
+<a href="https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders">StickyListHeaders</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
+<a href="https://github.com/Bearded-Hen/Android-Bootstrap">Android-Bootstrap</a> (MIT License)</li>
+<a href="http://code.google.com/p/zxing/">ZXing</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
+<a href="http://rtyley.github.com/spongycastle/">SpongyCastle</a> (MIT X11 License)</li>
+<a href="https://github.com/dschuermann/html-textview">HtmlTextView</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
+<a href="https://github.com/johnkil/Android-AppMsg">Android AppMsg Library</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
+<li>Icons from <a href="http://rrze-icon-set.berlios.de/">RRZE Icon Set</a> (Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licence 3.0)</li>
+<li>Icons from <a href="http://tango.freedesktop.org/">Tango Icon Set</a> (Public Domain)</li>
diff --git a/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_changelog.html b/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_changelog.html
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+<li>remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
+<li>fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
+<li>more internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
+<li>querying keyservers directly from the import screen</li>
+<li>fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0</li>
+<li>fix crash on keys with empty user ids</li>
+<li>fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen</li>
+<li>Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source</li>
+<li>fix upload of key from signing screen</li>
+<li>new design with navigation drawer</li>
+<li>new public key list design</li>
+<li>new public key view</li>
+<li>bug fixes for importing of keys</li>
+<li>key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
+<li>handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
+<li>first version with new languages (thanks to the contributors on Transifex)</li>
+<li>sharing of keys via QR Codes fixed and improved</li>
+<li>package signature verification for API</li>
+<li>API Updates, preparation for K-9 Mail integration</li>
+<li>lots of bug fixes</li>
+<li>new API for developers</li>
+<li>PRNG bug fix by Google</li>
+<li>complete redesign</li>
+<li>share public keys via qr codes, nfc beam</li>
+<li>sign keys</li>
+<li>upload keys to server</li>
+<li>fixes import issues</li>
+<li>new AIDL API</li>
+<li>basic keyserver support</li>
+<li>more choices for pass phrase cache: 1, 2, 4, 8, hours</li>
+<li>translations: Norwegian (thanks, Sander Danielsen), Chinese (thanks, Zhang Fredrick)</li>
+<li>fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline</li>
+<li>more options for pass phrase cache time to live (20, 40, 60 mins)</li>
+<li>account adding crash on Froyo fixed</li>
+<li>secure file deletion</li>
+<li>option to delete key file after import</li>
+<li>stream encryption/decryption (gallery, etc.)</li>
+<li>new options (language, force v3 signatures)</li>
+<li>interface changes</li>
+<li>German and Italian translation</li>
+<li>much smaller package, due to reduced BC sources</li>
+<li>new preferences GUI</li>
+<li>layout adjustment for localization</li>
+<li>signature bugfix</li>
+<li>fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder</li>
+<li>fixed crashes during encryption/signing and possibly key export</li>
+<li>filterable key lists</li>
+<li>smarter pre-selection of encryption keys</li>
+<li>new Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers</li>
+<li>fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available</li>
+<li>GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again</li>
+<li>K-9 Mail integration, APG supporting beta build of K-9 Mail</li>
+<li>support of more file managers (including ASTRO)</li>
+<li>Slovenian translation</li>
+<li>new database, much faster, less memory usage</li>
+<li>defined Intents and content provider for other apps</li>
diff --git a/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_nfc_beam.html b/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_nfc_beam.html
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+<h2>How to receive keys</h2>
+<li>Go to your partners contacts and open the contact you want to share.</li>
+<li>Hold the two devices back to back (they have to be almost touching) and you’ll feel a vibration.</li>
+<li>After it vibrates you’ll see the content on your partners device turn into a card-like object with Star Trek warp speed-looking animation in the background.</li>
+<li>Tap the card and the content will then load on the your device.</li>
diff --git a/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_start.html b/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/help_start.html
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+<h2>شروع کار</h2>
+<p>اول شما نیاز به یک جفت کلید شخصی دارید. از طریق منوها در "کلیدهای من" بسازید و یا از طریق"واردات کلیدهای" جفت کلیدهای موجود را وارد کنید. پس از آن، شما می توانید کلید های دوستان خود را دانلود کنید و یا آنها را از طریق کدهای QR یا NFC رد و بدل کنید.</p>
+<p>It is recommended that you install <a href="market://details?id=org.openintents.filemanager">OI File Manager</a> for enhanced file selection and <a href="market://details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android">Barcode Scanner</a> to scan generated QR Codes. Clicking on the links will open Google Play Store or F-Droid for installation.</p>
+<h2>I found a bug in OpenKeychain!</h2>
+<p>Please report the bug using the <a href="https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain/issues">issue tracker of OpenKeychain</a>.</p>
+<h2>هم بخشی کردن</h2>
+<p>If you want to help us developing OpenKeychain by contributing code <a href="https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain#contribute-code">follow our small guide on Github</a>.</p>
+<h2>ترجمه ها</h2>
+<p>Help translating OpenKeychain! Everybody can participate at <a href="https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/openpgp-keychain/">OpenKeychain on Transifex</a>.</p>
diff --git a/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/nfc_beam_share.html b/OpenPGP-Keychain/src/main/res/raw-fa-rIR/nfc_beam_share.html
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+<li>Make sure that NFC is turned on in Settings &gt; More &gt; NFC and make sure that Android Beam is also on in the same section.</li>
+<li>Hold the two devices back to back (they have to be almost touching) and you'll feel a vibration.</li>
+<li>After it vibrates you'll see the content on your device turn into a card-like object with Star Trek warp speed-looking animation in the background.</li>
+<li>Tap the card and the content will then load on the other person’s device.</li>