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19 files changed, 100 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-cs/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-cs/help_changelog.html index 687fd99b9..41ec2cad6 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-cs/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-cs/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-de/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-de/help_changelog.html index a706b92d4..0a8f95e83 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-de/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-de/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>Neue Icons zum Anzeigen des Schlüsselstatus' (von Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Wichtige Ausbesserung eines Bugs: Importieren größerer Schlüsselsammlungen aus einer Datei ist nun möglich </li> <li>Benachrichtigung, die die Passphrasen im Cache anzeigt </li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>Dieser Release wäre ohne die Arbeit von Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray und Thialfihar nicht möglich </p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-es/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-es/help_changelog.html index 0530f3999..cf778141a 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-es/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-es/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>Nuevos iconos para mostrar el estado de la clave (por Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Importante reparacion de fallo: Ahora es posible la importación de grandes colecciones de claves desde un fichero</li> <li>Notificación que muestra las frases contraseña almacenadas en caché</li> +<li>Las claves están conectadas con los contactos de Android</li> </ul> <p>Esta versión no sería posible sin el trabajo de Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-et/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-et/help_changelog.html index 687fd99b9..41ec2cad6 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-et/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-et/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fr/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fr/help_changelog.html index 309d7ce76..9d58256a7 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fr/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-fr/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>Nouvelles icônes d'état des clefs (par Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Correctif important de bogue : l'importation de grandes collections de clefs à partir d'un fichier est maintenant possible</li> <li>Notification montrant les phrases de passe en cache</li> +<li>Les clefs sont connectées aux contacts d'Android</li> </ul> <p>Cette version ne serait pas possible sans le travail de Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-it/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-it/help_changelog.html index 9134bc4a2..c4cae4d47 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-it/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-it/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>Nuove icone per mostrare lo stato delle chiavi (di Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Correzione bug importante: Importazione di grandi collezioni di chiavi da un file ora è possibile</li> <li>Notifiche mostrando la frase di accesso nella cache</li> +<li>Le chiavi sono connesse ai contatti di Android</li> </ul> <p>Questo rilascio non sarebbe stato possibile senza il lavoro di Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ja/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ja/help_changelog.html index 207c9d895..0f467c407 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ja/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ja/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>鍵のステータス表示の新しいアイコン(Brennan Novak提供)</li> <li>重要なバグ修正: 巨大な鍵コレクションをファイルからインポートするのが可能になりました</li> <li>キャッシュしたパスフレーズの通知表示</li> +<li>鍵のアドレスをAndroidの連絡先と連携するようにした</li> </ul> <p> Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfiharの働きなくしてはこのリリースはありませんでした</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-nl/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-nl/help_changelog.html index 0b6fabc24..9edbb718e 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-nl/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-nl/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pl/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pl/help_changelog.html index eb2dc26c1..2fb953cd2 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pl/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pl/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pt/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pt/help_changelog.html index 687fd99b9..41ec2cad6 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pt/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-pt/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ru/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ru/help_changelog.html index 6d9c92e9b..6f33e8e01 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ru/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-ru/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-sl/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-sl/help_changelog.html index 635d02780..d9da74e00 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-sl/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-sl/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr/help_changelog.html index 687fd99b9..41ec2cad6 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-uk/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-uk/help_changelog.html index f28210fd0..1837a243e 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-uk/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-uk/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>Нові піктограми для показу стану ключа (від Бренана Новака)</li> <li>Виправлення важливої вади: зараз став можливим імпорт великих збірок ключів із файлу</li> <li>Сповіщення для показу кешованих парольних фраз</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>Ця версія була б неможливою без роботи Вінсента Брейтмозера (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Даніеля Альберта, Арт О'Катен, Даніеля Хасс, Тіма Брея, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-zh/help_changelog.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-zh/help_changelog.html index 687fd99b9..41ec2cad6 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-zh/help_changelog.html +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-zh/help_changelog.html @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ <li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li> <li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li> <li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li> +<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li> </ul> <p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml index 3b8fe1e36..6c5e12266 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ <string name="title_edit_key">Schlüssel bearbeiten</string> <string name="title_preferences">Einstellungen</string> <string name="title_api_registered_apps">Apps</string> - <string name="title_key_server_preference">Schlüsselserver Einstellungen</string> + <string name="title_key_server_preference">Schlüsselserver</string> <string name="title_change_passphrase">Passwort ändern</string> <string name="title_share_fingerprint_with">Teile Fingerabdruck über…</string> <string name="title_share_key">Teile Schlüssel über...</string> @@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ <string name="btn_save">Speichern</string> <string name="btn_do_not_save">Abbrechen</string> <string name="btn_delete">Löschen</string> - <string name="btn_no_date">verfällt nie</string> + <string name="btn_no_date">Kein Ablaufdatum</string> <string name="btn_okay">Okay</string> <string name="btn_export_to_server">Auf Schlüsselserver hochladen</string> <string name="btn_next">Weiter</string> <string name="btn_back">Zurück</string> <string name="btn_lookup_key">Schlüssel nachschlagen</string> - <string name="btn_share_encrypted_signed">Entschlüsseln und teilen</string> + <string name="btn_share_encrypted_signed">Verschlüsseln und teilen</string> <string name="btn_view_cert_key">Beglaubigungsschlüssel anzeigen</string> <string name="btn_create_key">Schlüssel erzeugen</string> <string name="btn_add_files">Datei(en) hinzufügen</string> @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ <string name="menu_select_all">Alles auswählen</string> <string name="menu_add_keys">Schlüssel hinzufügen</string> <string name="menu_export_all_keys">Alle Schlüssel exportieren</string> - <string name="menu_advanced">Erweiterte Info anzeigen</string> + <string name="menu_advanced">Erweiterte Infos anzeigen</string> <!--label--> <string name="label_message">Nachricht</string> <string name="label_file">Datei</string> @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ <string name="label_passphrase">Passwort</string> <string name="label_passphrase_again">Passwort wiederholen</string> <string name="label_algorithm">Algorithmus</string> - <string name="label_ascii_armor">ASCII Armor Datei</string> + <string name="label_ascii_armor">Datei: ASCII Armor</string> <string name="label_file_ascii_armor">Datei: ASCII Armor</string> <string name="label_write_version_header">Lass andere wissen dass du OpenKeychain nutzt</string> <string name="label_write_version_header_summary">Fügt \'OpenKeychain v2.7\' zu OpenPGP Signaturen, DAten und exportierten Schlüsseln hinzu</string> @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ <string name="no_key"><kein Schlüssel></string> <string name="can_encrypt">kann verschlüsseln</string> <string name="can_sign">kann signieren</string> - <string name="can_certify">kann bestätigen</string> - <string name="can_certify_not">kann nicht bestätigen</string> + <string name="can_certify">kann beglaubigen</string> + <string name="can_certify_not">kann nicht beglaubigen</string> <string name="expired">abgelaufen</string> <string name="revoked">widerrufen</string> <plurals name="n_keys"> @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ <string name="enter_passphrase_twice">Das Passwort bitte zweimal eingeben.</string> <string name="select_encryption_key">Mindestens einen Schlüssel zum Verschlüsseln auswählen.</string> <string name="select_encryption_or_signature_key">Mindestens einen Schlüssel zum Verschlüsseln oder einen zum Signieren auswählen.</string> - <string name="specify_file_to_encrypt_to">Bitte angeben, in welche Datei verschlüsselt werden soll.\nWARNUNG: Datei wird überschrieben, wenn sie bereits existiert. </string> - <string name="specify_file_to_decrypt_to">Bitte angeben, in welche Datei entschlüsselt werden soll.\nWARNUNG: Datei wird überschrieben, wenn sie bereits existiert. </string> - <string name="specify_file_to_export_to">Bitte angeben, in welche Datei exportiert werden soll.\nWARNUNG: Datei wird überschrieben, wenn sie bereits existiert. </string> + <string name="specify_file_to_encrypt_to">Bitte angeben in welche Datei verschlüsselt werden soll.\nWARNUNG: Datei wird überschrieben, wenn sie bereits existiert. </string> + <string name="specify_file_to_decrypt_to">Bitte angeben,in welche Datei entschlüsselt werden soll.\nWARNUNG: Datei wird überschrieben, wenn sie bereits existiert. </string> + <string name="specify_file_to_export_to">Bitte angeben in welche Datei exportiert werden soll.\nWARNUNG: Datei wird überschrieben, wenn sie bereits existiert. </string> <string name="key_deletion_confirmation_multi">Möchtest du wirklich alle ausgewählten öffentlichen Schlüssel löschen?\nDies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!</string> <string name="secret_key_deletion_confirmation">Soll der PRIVATE Schlüssel \'%s\' wirklich gelöscht werden?\nDies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!</string> <string name="public_key_deletetion_confirmation">Soll der öffentliche Schlüssel \'%s\' wirklich gelöscht werden?\nDies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden! </string> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml index cc1a29c34..9266950d2 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml @@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ <string name="progress_decompressing_data">descomprimiendo los datos...</string> <string name="progress_verifying_integrity">verificando la integridad...</string> <string name="progress_deleting_securely">borrando \'%s\' de forma segura…</string> + <string name="progress_deleting">borrando claves...</string> + <string name="progress_con_saving">consolidación: guardando en caché...</string> + <string name="progress_con_reimport">consolidación: reimportando</string> <!--action strings--> <string name="hint_keyserver_search_hint">Nombre/Correo electrónico/Identidad de clave...</string> <string name="hint_keybase_search_hint">Nombre/Correo electrónico/Prueba/Clave...</string> @@ -600,12 +603,14 @@ <string name="msg_mf_error_sig">¡Excepción con la firma!</string> <string name="msg_mf_master">Modificando certificaciones maestras</string> <string name="msg_mf_passphrase">Cambiando frase contraseña para el juego de claves (keyring)...</string> + <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_key">Re-cifrando subclave %s con nueva frase contraseña</string> <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_empty_retry">Fallo al establecer nueva frase contraseña, intentándolo de nuevo con una antigua frase contraseña vacía</string> <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_fail">¡La frase contraseña para la subclave no pudo cambiarse! (¿Tiene la subclave una diferente de la de las otras claves?)</string> <string name="msg_mf_primary_replace_old">Reemplazando certificado de la anterior identidad de usuario primaria </string> <string name="msg_mf_primary_new">Generando nuevo certificado para nueva identidad de usuario primaria</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_change">Modificando subclave %s</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_subkey_missing">¡Se intentó operar sobre una subclave desaparecida %s!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_subkey_new">Añadiendo nueva subclave de tipo %2$s (%1$s bits)</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_new_id">Nueva identidad de subclave: %s</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_past_expiry">¡La fecha de expiración no puede ser del pasado!</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_revoke">Revocando subclave %s</string> @@ -615,9 +620,11 @@ <string name="msg_mf_uid_revoke">Revocando identidad de usuario %s</string> <string name="msg_mf_uid_error_empty">¡La identidad de usuario no debe estar vacía!</string> <string name="msg_mf_unlock_error">¡Error desbloqueando juego de claves!</string> - <string name="msg_mf_unlock">Desbloqueando juego de claves</string> + <string name="msg_mf_unlock">Desbloqueando juego de claves (keyring)</string> <!--Consolidate--> <string name="msg_con">Consolidando base de datos</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_bad_state">¡La consolidación se inició cuando ninguna base de datos estaba cacheada! Probablemente esto es un error de programación, por favor consigne un informe de fallo.</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_concurrent">¡Consolidación abortada, ejecutándose ya en otro hilo!</string> <string name="msg_con_save_secret">Guardando juegos de claves secretas (privadas)</string> <string name="msg_con_save_public">Guardando juegos de claves públicas</string> <string name="msg_con_db_clear">Limpiando base de datos</string> @@ -646,7 +653,8 @@ <item quantity="other">Reimportando %d claves secretas (privadas)</item> </plurals> <string name="msg_con_reimport_secret_skip">No hay claves públicas a reimportar, omitiendo...</string> - <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_public">Excepción borrando fichero de caché público</string> + <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_public">Excepción borrando fichero de caché de claves públicas</string> + <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_secret">Excepción al borrar fichero de caché de claves secretas (privadas)</string> <!--PassphraseCache--> <string name="passp_cache_notif_click_to_clear">Haga clic para limpiar las frases contraseña almacenadas en caché</string> <string name="passp_cache_notif_n_keys">OpenKeychain ha almacenado en caché %d frases contraseña</string> @@ -660,6 +668,7 @@ <string name="label_user_id">Identidad</string> <string name="unknown_uid"><desconocido></string> <string name="empty_certs">No hay certificados para esta clave</string> + <string name="certs_text">Sólo los auto-certificados y los certificados creados con las claves de usted se muestran aquí.</string> <string name="section_uids_to_certify">Identidades a certificar</string> <string name="label_revocation">Razón de la revocación</string> <string name="label_verify_status">Estado de la verificación</string> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml index e25f4cd05..4ac578ba8 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml @@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ <string name="progress_decompressing_data">décompression des données...</string> <string name="progress_verifying_integrity">vérification de l\'intégrité...</string> <string name="progress_deleting_securely">suppression sûre de « %s »...</string> + <string name="progress_deleting">suppression des clefs...</string> + <string name="progress_con_saving">consolider : enregistrement dans le cache...</string> + <string name="progress_con_reimport">consolider : réimportation...</string> <!--action strings--> <string name="hint_keyserver_search_hint">Nom/courriel/ID de clef...</string> <string name="hint_keybase_search_hint">Nom/courriel/preuve/clef...</string> @@ -600,12 +603,14 @@ <string name="msg_mf_error_sig">Exception de signature !</string> <string name="msg_mf_master">Modification des certifications maîtresses</string> <string name="msg_mf_passphrase">Changement de la phrase de passe pour le trousseau...</string> + <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_key">Rechiffrement de la sous-clef %s avec la nouvelle phrase de passe</string> <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_empty_retry">Échec lors de la définition de la nouvelle phrase de passe, nouvel essai avec une ancienne phrase de passe vide</string> <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_fail">La phrase de passe de la sous-clef n\'a pas pu être changée ! (Est-elle différente des autres clefs ?)</string> <string name="msg_mf_primary_replace_old">Remplacement du certificat de l\'ID d\'utilisateur principal précédent</string> <string name="msg_mf_primary_new">Génération d\'un nouveau certificat pour le nouvel ID d\'utilisateur principal</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_change">Modification de la sous-clef %s</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_subkey_missing">Une action a été tentée sur la sous-clef manquante %s !</string> + <string name="msg_mf_subkey_new">Ajout de la nouvelle sous-clef de type %2$s (%1$s bit)</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_new_id">Nouvelle ID de sous-clef : %s</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_past_expiry">La date d\'expiration ne peut pas être dans le passé !</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_revoke">Révocation de la sous-clef %s</string> @@ -618,6 +623,8 @@ <string name="msg_mf_unlock">Déverrouillage du trousseau</string> <!--Consolidate--> <string name="msg_con">Consolidation de la base de données</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_bad_state">La consolidation a été commencée alors qu\'aucune base de données n\'était en cache ! Ceci est probablement une erreur de programmation, veuillez remplir un rapport de bogue !</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_concurrent">La consolidation a été abandonnée, elle est déjà en cours sur un autre exétron !</string> <string name="msg_con_save_secret">Enregistrement des trousseaux secrets</string> <string name="msg_con_save_public">Enregistrement des trousseaux publiques</string> <string name="msg_con_db_clear">Nettoyage de la base de données</string> @@ -646,7 +653,8 @@ <item quantity="other">Réimportation de %d clefs secrètes</item> </plurals> <string name="msg_con_reimport_secret_skip">Aucune clef secrète à réimporter, étape ignorée...</string> - <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_public">Une exception a eu lieu lors de la suppression du fichier de cache publique</string> + <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_public">Une exception a eu lieu lors de la suppression du fichier de cache public</string> + <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_secret">Une exception a eu lieu lors de la suppression du fichier de cache secret</string> <!--PassphraseCache--> <string name="passp_cache_notif_click_to_clear">Cliquer ici pour effacer les phrases de passe mises en cache</string> <string name="passp_cache_notif_n_keys">OpenKeychain a mis en cache %d phrases de passe</string> @@ -660,6 +668,7 @@ <string name="label_user_id">identité</string> <string name="unknown_uid"><inconnu></string> <string name="empty_certs">Aucun certificat pour cette clef</string> + <string name="certs_text">Seuls les auto-certificats et les certificats créés avec vos clefs sont affichés ici.</string> <string name="section_uids_to_certify">Identités à certifier</string> <string name="label_revocation">Raison de la révocation</string> <string name="label_verify_status">État de vérification</string> diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml index 4cb029508..9a21a642b 100644 --- a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml +++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/values-it/strings.xml @@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ <string name="progress_decompressing_data">decompressione dati...</string> <string name="progress_verifying_integrity">verifica integrita\'...</string> <string name="progress_deleting_securely">eliminazione sicura di \'%s\'...</string> + <string name="progress_deleting">cancellazione chiavi...</string> + <string name="progress_con_saving">consolidazione: salvataggio della cache...</string> + <string name="progress_con_reimport">consolidazione: reimportazione...</string> <!--action strings--> <string name="hint_keyserver_search_hint">Nome/Email/ID Chiave...</string> <string name="hint_keybase_search_hint">Nome/Email/Certificato/Chiave...</string> @@ -361,7 +364,10 @@ <string name="api_register_allow">Permetti accesso</string> <string name="api_register_disallow">Nega accesso</string> <string name="api_register_error_select_key">Per favore selezionare una chiave!</string> + <string name="api_select_pub_keys_missing_text">Nessuna chiave trovata per queste identità:</string> + <string name="api_select_pub_keys_dublicates_text">Esistono piu\' di una chiave per queste identità:</string> <string name="api_select_pub_keys_text">Per favore ricontrolla la lista destinatari!</string> + <string name="api_select_pub_keys_text_no_user_ids">Per favore seleziona i destinatari!</string> <string name="api_error_wrong_signature">Controllo della firma fallito! Hai installato questa app da una fonte diversa? Se sei sicuro che non sia un attacco, revoca la registrazione di questa app in OpenKeychain e dopo registra di nuovo l\'app.</string> <!--Share--> <string name="share_qr_code_dialog_title">Condividi tramite Codice QR</string> @@ -415,6 +421,7 @@ <item>Revoca Sottochiave</item> </string-array> <string name="edit_key_new_subkey">nuovo</string> + <string name="edit_key_select_flag">Per favore seleziona almeno una spunta!</string> <!--Create key--> <string name="create_key_upload">Carica chiave nel server delle chiavi</string> <string name="create_key_empty">Questo campo è necessario</string> @@ -575,6 +582,7 @@ <string name="msg_cr_error_no_master">Nessuna opzione della chiave principale specificata!</string> <string name="msg_cr_error_no_user_id">I portachiavi devono essere creati con almeno un ID utente!</string> <string name="msg_cr_error_no_certify">La chiave principale deve avere la caratteristica di certificazione!</string> + <string name="msg_cr_error_null_expiry">La data di scadenza non può essere \"come prima\" sulla creazione di chiavi. Questo è un errore di programmazione, si prega di inviare una segnalazione di bug!</string> <string name="msg_cr_error_keysize_512">La grandezza della chiave deve essere di 512bit o maggiore</string> <string name="msg_cr_error_internal_pgp">Errore PGP interno!</string> <string name="msg_cr_error_unknown_algo">Pessima opzione di algortimo!</string> @@ -585,14 +593,26 @@ <string name="msg_mf_error_fingerprint">Impronta chiave attuale non corrispondente!</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_keyid">Nessun ID chiave. Questo è un errore di programmazione, per favore invia una segnalazione!</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_integrity">Errore interno, controllo di integrità fallito!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_error_master_none">Nessun certificato principale trovato su cui operare! (Tutti revocati?)</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_noexist_primary">ID utente primario specificato non valido!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_error_noexist_revoke">ID utente specificato non valido per la revoca!</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_revoked_primary">ID utente revocato non può essere primario!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_error_null_expiry">La data di scadenza non può essere \"come prima\" sulla creazione di sottochiavi. Questo è un errore di programmazione, si prega di inviare una segnalazione di bug!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_error_passphrase_master">Errore irreversibile nella decodifica della chiave principale! Questo è probabilmente un errore di programmazione, si prega di inviare una segnalazione di bug!</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_pgp">Eccezione interna di PGP!</string> <string name="msg_mf_error_sig">Eccezione di firma!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_master">Modifica delle certificazioni principali</string> + <string name="msg_mf_passphrase">Cambio frase di accesso del portachiavi...</string> + <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_key">Ri-codifica sottochiave %s con nuova frase di accesso</string> + <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_empty_retry">Impostazione nuova frase di accesso fallita, provo di nuovo con frase precedente di accesso vuota</string> + <string name="msg_mf_passphrase_fail">La frase di accesso per la sottochiave non può essere modificata! (Ne ha una diversa dalle altre chiavi?)</string> <string name="msg_mf_primary_replace_old">Sostituzione certificato del ID utente primario precedente</string> <string name="msg_mf_primary_new">Generazione di un nuovo certificato per il nuovo ID utente primario</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_change">Modifica sottochiave %s</string> + <string name="msg_mf_error_subkey_missing">Tentativo di operare su sottochiave %s mancante!</string> + <string name="msg_mf_subkey_new">Aggiunta nuova sottochiave di tipo %2$s (%1$s bit)</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_new_id">Nuovo ID sottochiave: %s</string> + <string name="msg_mf_error_past_expiry">La data di scadenza non può essere nel passato!</string> <string name="msg_mf_subkey_revoke">Revoca sottochiave %s</string> <string name="msg_mf_success">Portachiavi modificato con successo</string> <string name="msg_mf_uid_add">Aggiunta id utente %s</string> @@ -602,6 +622,39 @@ <string name="msg_mf_unlock_error">Errore di apertura portachiavi!</string> <string name="msg_mf_unlock">Apertura portachiavi</string> <!--Consolidate--> + <string name="msg_con">Consolidazione database</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_bad_state">Il consolidamento è stato avviato mentre nessun database è stato memorizzato nella cache! Questo è probabilmente un errore di programmazione, si prega di aprire un bug report.</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_concurrent">Consolidamento interrotto, già in esecuzione su un altro processo!</string> + <string name="msg_con_save_secret">Salvataggio portachiavi privati</string> + <string name="msg_con_save_public">Salvataggio portachiavi pubblico</string> + <string name="msg_con_db_clear">Pulizia database</string> + <string name="msg_con_success">Consolidamento database con successo</string> + <string name="msg_con_critical_in">Ingresso fase critica</string> + <string name="msg_con_critical_out">Uscita fase critica</string> + <string name="msg_con_delete_public">Eliminazione del file di cache del portachiavi pubblico</string> + <string name="msg_con_delete_secret">Eliminazione del file di cache del portachiavi privato</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_db">Errore nell\'apertura del database</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_io_public">Errore di IO durante la scrittura delle chiavi pubbliche nella cache!</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_io_secret">Errore di IO durante la scrittura delle chiavi private nella cache!</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_public">Errore nella re-importazione delle chiavi pubbliche!</string> + <string name="msg_con_error_secret">Errore nella re-importazione delle chiavi private!</string> + <plurals name="msg_con_recover"> + <item quantity="one">Recupero consolidamento con %1$d chiavi segrete e %2$d chiavi pubbliche</item> + <item quantity="other">Recupero consolidamento con %1$d chiavi segrete e %2$d chiavi pubbliche</item> + </plurals> + <string name="msg_con_recover_unknown">Recupero da situazione ignota</string> + <plurals name="msg_con_reimport_public"> + <item quantity="one">Reimportazione di una chiave pubblica</item> + <item quantity="other">Reimportazione di %d chiavi pubbliche</item> + </plurals> + <string name="msg_con_reimport_public_skip">Nessuna chiave pubblica da reimportare, proseguo...</string> + <plurals name="msg_con_reimport_secret"> + <item quantity="one">Reimportazione di una chiave privata</item> + <item quantity="other">Reimportazione di %d chiavi private</item> + </plurals> + <string name="msg_con_reimport_secret_skip">Nessuna chiave privata da reimportare, proseguo...</string> + <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_public">Eccezione durante la eliminazione del file di cache pubblico</string> + <string name="msg_con_warn_delete_secret">Eccezione durante la eliminazione del file di cache privato</string> <!--PassphraseCache--> <string name="passp_cache_notif_click_to_clear">Clicca per rimuovere la frase di accesso nella cache</string> <string name="passp_cache_notif_n_keys">OpenKeychain ha memorizzato nella cache %d frasi di accesso</string> @@ -615,6 +668,7 @@ <string name="label_user_id">Identit</string> <string name="unknown_uid"><sconosciuto></string> <string name="empty_certs">Nessun certificato per questa chiave</string> + <string name="certs_text">Solo le autocertificazioni e i certificati creati con le tue chiavi vengono visualizzati qui.</string> <string name="section_uids_to_certify">Identità da certificare</string> <string name="label_revocation">Ragione della Revoca</string> <string name="label_verify_status">Stato Verifica</string> |