path: root/OpenKeychain/src/main/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpDecryptVerify.java
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1 files changed, 836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpDecryptVerify.java b/OpenKeychain/src/main/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpDecryptVerify.java
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenKeychain/src/main/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpDecryptVerify.java
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Dominik Schürmann <dominik@dominikschuermann.de>
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Thialfihar <thi@thialfihar.org>
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp;
+import android.content.Context;
+import org.openintents.openpgp.OpenPgpSignatureResult;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.ArmoredInputStream;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.SignatureSubpacketTags;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPCompressedData;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPEncryptedData;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPEncryptedDataList;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPException;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPLiteralData;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPObjectFactory;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPOnePassSignature;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPOnePassSignatureList;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPBEEncryptedData;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPrivateKey;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyRing;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKey;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSignature;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSignatureList;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSignatureSubpacketVector;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPUtil;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.PBEDataDecryptorFactory;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.PBESecretKeyDecryptor;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.PGPDigestCalculatorProvider;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.PublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcePBEDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.operator.jcajce.JcePublicKeyDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.Constants;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.R;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.exception.PgpGeneralException;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.provider.KeychainContract.KeyRings;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.provider.ProviderHelper;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.PassphraseCacheService;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.InputData;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.Log;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.ProgressDialogUpdater;
+import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.security.SignatureException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * This class uses a Builder pattern!
+ */
+public class PgpDecryptVerify {
+ private Context mContext;
+ private InputData mData;
+ private OutputStream mOutStream;
+ private ProgressDialogUpdater mProgressDialogUpdater;
+ private boolean mAllowSymmetricDecryption;
+ private String mPassphrase;
+ private Set<Long> mAllowedKeyIds;
+ private PgpDecryptVerify(Builder builder) {
+ // private Constructor can only be called from Builder
+ this.mContext = builder.mContext;
+ this.mData = builder.mData;
+ this.mOutStream = builder.mOutStream;
+ this.mProgressDialogUpdater = builder.mProgressDialogUpdater;
+ this.mAllowSymmetricDecryption = builder.mAllowSymmetricDecryption;
+ this.mPassphrase = builder.mPassphrase;
+ this.mAllowedKeyIds = builder.mAllowedKeyIds;
+ }
+ public static class Builder {
+ // mandatory parameter
+ private Context mContext;
+ private InputData mData;
+ private OutputStream mOutStream;
+ // optional
+ private ProgressDialogUpdater mProgressDialogUpdater = null;
+ private boolean mAllowSymmetricDecryption = true;
+ private String mPassphrase = null;
+ private Set<Long> mAllowedKeyIds = null;
+ public Builder(Context context, InputData data, OutputStream outStream) {
+ this.mContext = context;
+ this.mData = data;
+ this.mOutStream = outStream;
+ }
+ public Builder progressDialogUpdater(ProgressDialogUpdater progressDialogUpdater) {
+ this.mProgressDialogUpdater = progressDialogUpdater;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder allowSymmetricDecryption(boolean allowSymmetricDecryption) {
+ this.mAllowSymmetricDecryption = allowSymmetricDecryption;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder passphrase(String passphrase) {
+ this.mPassphrase = passphrase;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allow these key ids alone for decryption.
+ * This means only ciphertexts encrypted for one of these private key can be decrypted.
+ *
+ * @param allowedKeyIds
+ * @return
+ */
+ public Builder allowedKeyIds(Set<Long> allowedKeyIds) {
+ this.mAllowedKeyIds = allowedKeyIds;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public PgpDecryptVerify build() {
+ return new PgpDecryptVerify(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateProgress(int message, int current, int total) {
+ if (mProgressDialogUpdater != null) {
+ mProgressDialogUpdater.setProgress(message, current, total);
+ }
+ }
+ public void updateProgress(int current, int total) {
+ if (mProgressDialogUpdater != null) {
+ mProgressDialogUpdater.setProgress(current, total);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decrypts and/or verifies data based on parameters of class
+ *
+ * @return
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws PgpGeneralException
+ * @throws PGPException
+ * @throws SignatureException
+ */
+ public PgpDecryptVerifyResult execute()
+ throws IOException, PgpGeneralException, PGPException, SignatureException {
+ // automatically works with ascii armor input and binary
+ InputStream in = PGPUtil.getDecoderStream(mData.getInputStream());
+ if (in instanceof ArmoredInputStream) {
+ ArmoredInputStream aIn = (ArmoredInputStream) in;
+ // it is ascii armored
+ Log.d(Constants.TAG, "ASCII Armor Header Line: " + aIn.getArmorHeaderLine());
+ if (aIn.isClearText()) {
+ // a cleartext signature, verify it with the other method
+ return verifyCleartextSignature(aIn);
+ }
+ // else: ascii armored encryption! go on...
+ }
+ return decryptVerify(in);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decrypt and/or verifies binary or ascii armored pgp
+ *
+ * @param in
+ * @return
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws PgpGeneralException
+ * @throws PGPException
+ * @throws SignatureException
+ */
+ private PgpDecryptVerifyResult decryptVerify(InputStream in)
+ throws IOException, PgpGeneralException, PGPException, SignatureException {
+ PgpDecryptVerifyResult returnData = new PgpDecryptVerifyResult();
+ PGPObjectFactory pgpF = new PGPObjectFactory(in);
+ PGPEncryptedDataList enc;
+ Object o = pgpF.nextObject();
+ int currentProgress = 0;
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_reading_data, currentProgress, 100);
+ if (o instanceof PGPEncryptedDataList) {
+ enc = (PGPEncryptedDataList) o;
+ } else {
+ enc = (PGPEncryptedDataList) pgpF.nextObject();
+ }
+ if (enc == null) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_invalid_data));
+ }
+ InputStream clear;
+ PGPEncryptedData encryptedData;
+ currentProgress += 5;
+ PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData encryptedDataAsymmetric = null;
+ PGPPBEEncryptedData encryptedDataSymmetric = null;
+ PGPSecretKey secretKey = null;
+ Iterator<?> it = enc.getEncryptedDataObjects();
+ boolean symmetricPacketFound = false;
+ // find secret key
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Object obj = it.next();
+ if (obj instanceof PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_finding_key, currentProgress, 100);
+ PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData encData = (PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData) obj;
+ long masterKeyId = ProviderHelper.getMasterKeyId(mContext,
+ KeyRings.buildUnifiedKeyRingsFindBySubkeyUri(Long.toString(encData.getKeyID()))
+ );
+ PGPSecretKeyRing secretKeyRing = ProviderHelper.getPGPSecretKeyRing(mContext, masterKeyId);
+ if (secretKeyRing == null) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_no_secret_key_found));
+ }
+ secretKey = secretKeyRing.getSecretKey(encData.getKeyID());
+ if (secretKey == null) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_no_secret_key_found));
+ }
+ // secret key exists in database
+ // allow only a specific key for decryption?
+ if (mAllowedKeyIds != null) {
+ Log.d(Constants.TAG, "encData.getKeyID():" + encData.getKeyID());
+ Log.d(Constants.TAG, "allowedKeyIds: " + mAllowedKeyIds);
+ Log.d(Constants.TAG, "masterKeyId: " + masterKeyId);
+ if (!mAllowedKeyIds.contains(masterKeyId)) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(
+ mContext.getString(R.string.error_no_secret_key_found));
+ }
+ }
+ encryptedDataAsymmetric = encData;
+ // if no passphrase was explicitly set try to get it from the cache service
+ if (mPassphrase == null) {
+ // returns "" if key has no passphrase
+ mPassphrase =
+ PassphraseCacheService.getCachedPassphrase(mContext, masterKeyId);
+ // if passphrase was not cached, return here
+ // indicating that a passphrase is missing!
+ if (mPassphrase == null) {
+ returnData.setKeyIdPassphraseNeeded(masterKeyId);
+ returnData.setStatus(PgpDecryptVerifyResult.KEY_PASSHRASE_NEEDED);
+ return returnData;
+ }
+ }
+ // break out of while, only get first object here
+ // TODO???: There could be more pgp objects, which are not decrypted!
+ break;
+ } else if (mAllowSymmetricDecryption && obj instanceof PGPPBEEncryptedData) {
+ symmetricPacketFound = true;
+ encryptedDataSymmetric = (PGPPBEEncryptedData) obj;
+ // if no passphrase is given, return here
+ // indicating that a passphrase is missing!
+ if (mPassphrase == null) {
+ returnData.setStatus(PgpDecryptVerifyResult.SYMMETRIC_PASSHRASE_NEEDED);
+ return returnData;
+ }
+ // break out of while, only get first object here
+ // TODO???: There could be more pgp objects, which are not decrypted!
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (symmetricPacketFound) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_preparing_streams, currentProgress, 100);
+ PGPDigestCalculatorProvider digestCalcProvider = new JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME).build();
+ PBEDataDecryptorFactory decryptorFactory = new JcePBEDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder(
+ digestCalcProvider).setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME).build(
+ mPassphrase.toCharArray());
+ clear = encryptedDataSymmetric.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
+ encryptedData = encryptedDataSymmetric;
+ currentProgress += 5;
+ } else {
+ if (secretKey == null) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_no_secret_key_found));
+ }
+ currentProgress += 5;
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_extracting_key, currentProgress, 100);
+ PGPPrivateKey privateKey;
+ try {
+ PBESecretKeyDecryptor keyDecryptor = new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME).build(
+ mPassphrase.toCharArray());
+ privateKey = secretKey.extractPrivateKey(keyDecryptor);
+ } catch (PGPException e) {
+ throw new PGPException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_wrong_passphrase));
+ }
+ if (privateKey == null) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(
+ mContext.getString(R.string.error_could_not_extract_private_key));
+ }
+ currentProgress += 5;
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_preparing_streams, currentProgress, 100);
+ PublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory decryptorFactory = new JcePublicKeyDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME).build(privateKey);
+ clear = encryptedDataAsymmetric.getDataStream(decryptorFactory);
+ encryptedData = encryptedDataAsymmetric;
+ currentProgress += 5;
+ }
+ PGPObjectFactory plainFact = new PGPObjectFactory(clear);
+ Object dataChunk = plainFact.nextObject();
+ PGPOnePassSignature signature = null;
+ OpenPgpSignatureResult signatureResult = null;
+ PGPPublicKey signatureKey = null;
+ int signatureIndex = -1;
+ if (dataChunk instanceof PGPCompressedData) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_decompressing_data, currentProgress, 100);
+ PGPObjectFactory fact = new PGPObjectFactory(
+ ((PGPCompressedData) dataChunk).getDataStream());
+ dataChunk = fact.nextObject();
+ plainFact = fact;
+ currentProgress += 10;
+ }
+ long signatureKeyId = 0;
+ if (dataChunk instanceof PGPOnePassSignatureList) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_processing_signature, currentProgress, 100);
+ signatureResult = new OpenPgpSignatureResult();
+ PGPOnePassSignatureList sigList = (PGPOnePassSignatureList) dataChunk;
+ for (int i = 0; i < sigList.size(); ++i) {
+ signature = sigList.get(i);
+ signatureKey = ProviderHelper
+ .getPGPPublicKeyRing(mContext, signature.getKeyID()).getPublicKey();
+ if (signatureKeyId == 0) {
+ signatureKeyId = signature.getKeyID();
+ }
+ if (signatureKey == null) {
+ signature = null;
+ } else {
+ signatureIndex = i;
+ signatureKeyId = signature.getKeyID();
+ String userId = null;
+ PGPPublicKeyRing signKeyRing = ProviderHelper.getPGPPublicKeyRingWithKeyId(
+ mContext, signatureKeyId);
+ if (signKeyRing != null) {
+ userId = PgpKeyHelper.getMainUserId(signKeyRing.getPublicKey());
+ }
+ signatureResult.setUserId(userId);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ signatureResult.setKeyId(signatureKeyId);
+ if (signature != null) {
+ JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider contentVerifierBuilderProvider =
+ new JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
+ signature.init(contentVerifierBuilderProvider, signatureKey);
+ } else {
+ signatureResult.setStatus(OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_UNKNOWN_PUB_KEY);
+ }
+ dataChunk = plainFact.nextObject();
+ currentProgress += 10;
+ }
+ if (dataChunk instanceof PGPSignatureList) {
+ dataChunk = plainFact.nextObject();
+ }
+ if (dataChunk instanceof PGPLiteralData) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_decrypting, currentProgress, 100);
+ PGPLiteralData literalData = (PGPLiteralData) dataChunk;
+ byte[] buffer = new byte[1 << 16];
+ InputStream dataIn = literalData.getInputStream();
+ int startProgress = currentProgress;
+ int endProgress = 100;
+ if (signature != null) {
+ endProgress = 90;
+ } else if (encryptedData.isIntegrityProtected()) {
+ endProgress = 95;
+ }
+ int n;
+ // TODO: progress calculation is broken here! Try to rework it based on commented code!
+// int progress = 0;
+ long startPos = mData.getStreamPosition();
+ while ((n = dataIn.read(buffer)) > 0) {
+ mOutStream.write(buffer, 0, n);
+// progress += n;
+ if (signature != null) {
+ try {
+ signature.update(buffer, 0, n);
+ } catch (SignatureException e) {
+ signatureResult.setStatus(OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_ERROR);
+ signature = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: dead code?!
+ // unknown size, but try to at least have a moving, slowing down progress bar
+// currentProgress = startProgress + (endProgress - startProgress) * progress
+// / (progress + 100000);
+ if (mData.getSize() - startPos == 0) {
+ currentProgress = endProgress;
+ } else {
+ currentProgress = (int) (startProgress + (endProgress - startProgress)
+ * (mData.getStreamPosition() - startPos) / (mData.getSize() - startPos));
+ }
+ updateProgress(currentProgress, 100);
+ }
+ if (signature != null) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_verifying_signature, 90, 100);
+ PGPSignatureList signatureList = (PGPSignatureList) plainFact.nextObject();
+ PGPSignature messageSignature = signatureList.get(signatureIndex);
+ // these are not cleartext signatures!
+ // TODO: what about binary signatures?
+ signatureResult.setSignatureOnly(false);
+ //Now check binding signatures
+ boolean validKeyBinding = verifyKeyBinding(mContext, messageSignature, signatureKey);
+ boolean validSignature = signature.verify(messageSignature);
+ // TODO: implement CERTIFIED!
+ if (validKeyBinding & validSignature) {
+ signatureResult.setStatus(OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_SUCCESS_UNCERTIFIED);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (encryptedData.isIntegrityProtected()) {
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_verifying_integrity, 95, 100);
+ if (encryptedData.verify()) {
+ // passed
+ Log.d(Constants.TAG, "Integrity verification: success!");
+ } else {
+ // failed
+ Log.d(Constants.TAG, "Integrity verification: failed!");
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_integrity_check_failed));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // no integrity check
+ Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Encrypted data was not integrity protected!");
+ // TODO: inform user?
+ }
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_done, 100, 100);
+ returnData.setSignatureResult(signatureResult);
+ return returnData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method verifies cleartext signatures
+ * as defined in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-7
+ * <p/>
+ * The method is heavily based on
+ * pg/src/main/java/org/spongycastle/openpgp/examples/ClearSignedFileProcessor.java
+ *
+ * @return
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws PgpGeneralException
+ * @throws PGPException
+ * @throws SignatureException
+ */
+ private PgpDecryptVerifyResult verifyCleartextSignature(ArmoredInputStream aIn)
+ throws IOException, PgpGeneralException, PGPException, SignatureException {
+ PgpDecryptVerifyResult returnData = new PgpDecryptVerifyResult();
+ OpenPgpSignatureResult signatureResult = new OpenPgpSignatureResult();
+ // cleartext signatures are never encrypted ;)
+ signatureResult.setSignatureOnly(true);
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_done, 0, 100);
+ ByteArrayOutputStream lineOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ int lookAhead = readInputLine(lineOut, aIn);
+ byte[] lineSep = getLineSeparator();
+ byte[] line = lineOut.toByteArray();
+ out.write(line, 0, getLengthWithoutSeparator(line));
+ out.write(lineSep);
+ while (lookAhead != -1 && aIn.isClearText()) {
+ lookAhead = readInputLine(lineOut, lookAhead, aIn);
+ line = lineOut.toByteArray();
+ out.write(line, 0, getLengthWithoutSeparator(line));
+ out.write(lineSep);
+ }
+ out.close();
+ byte[] clearText = out.toByteArray();
+ mOutStream.write(clearText);
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_processing_signature, 60, 100);
+ PGPObjectFactory pgpFact = new PGPObjectFactory(aIn);
+ PGPSignatureList sigList = (PGPSignatureList) pgpFact.nextObject();
+ if (sigList == null) {
+ throw new PgpGeneralException(mContext.getString(R.string.error_corrupt_data));
+ }
+ PGPSignature signature = null;
+ long signatureKeyId = 0;
+ PGPPublicKey signatureKey = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < sigList.size(); ++i) {
+ signature = sigList.get(i);
+ signatureKeyId = signature.getKeyID();
+ // find data about this subkey
+ HashMap<String, Object> data = ProviderHelper.getGenericData(mContext,
+ KeyRings.buildUnifiedKeyRingsFindBySubkeyUri(Long.toString(signature.getKeyID())),
+ new String[] { KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID, KeyRings.USER_ID },
+ new int[] { ProviderHelper.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER, ProviderHelper.FIELD_TYPE_STRING });
+ // any luck? otherwise, try next.
+ if(data.get(KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID) == null) {
+ signature = null;
+ // do NOT reset signatureKeyId, that one is shown when no known one is found!
+ continue;
+ }
+ // this one can't fail now (yay database constraints)
+ signatureKey = ProviderHelper.getPGPPublicKeyRing(mContext, (Long) data.get(KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID)).getPublicKey();
+ signatureResult.setUserId((String) data.get(KeyRings.USER_ID));
+ break;
+ }
+ signatureResult.setKeyId(signatureKeyId);
+ if (signature == null) {
+ signatureResult.setStatus(OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_UNKNOWN_PUB_KEY);
+ returnData.setSignatureResult(signatureResult);
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_done, 100, 100);
+ return returnData;
+ }
+ JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider contentVerifierBuilderProvider =
+ new JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
+ signature.init(contentVerifierBuilderProvider, signatureKey);
+ InputStream sigIn = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(clearText));
+ lookAhead = readInputLine(lineOut, sigIn);
+ processLine(signature, lineOut.toByteArray());
+ if (lookAhead != -1) {
+ do {
+ lookAhead = readInputLine(lineOut, lookAhead, sigIn);
+ signature.update((byte) '\r');
+ signature.update((byte) '\n');
+ processLine(signature, lineOut.toByteArray());
+ } while (lookAhead != -1);
+ }
+ //Now check binding signatures
+ boolean validKeyBinding = verifyKeyBinding(mContext, signature, signatureKey);
+ boolean validSignature = signature.verify();
+ if (validSignature & validKeyBinding) {
+ signatureResult.setStatus(OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_SUCCESS_UNCERTIFIED);
+ }
+ returnData.setSignatureResult(signatureResult);
+ updateProgress(R.string.progress_done, 100, 100);
+ return returnData;
+ }
+ private static boolean verifyKeyBinding(Context context,
+ PGPSignature signature, PGPPublicKey signatureKey) {
+ long signatureKeyId = signature.getKeyID();
+ boolean validKeyBinding = false;
+ PGPPublicKeyRing signKeyRing = ProviderHelper.getPGPPublicKeyRingWithKeyId(context,
+ signatureKeyId);
+ PGPPublicKey mKey = null;
+ if (signKeyRing != null) {
+ mKey = signKeyRing.getPublicKey();
+ }
+ if (signature.getKeyID() != mKey.getKeyID()) {
+ validKeyBinding = verifyKeyBinding(mKey, signatureKey);
+ } else { //if the key used to make the signature was the master key, no need to check binding sigs
+ validKeyBinding = true;
+ }
+ return validKeyBinding;
+ }
+ private static boolean verifyKeyBinding(PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey, PGPPublicKey signingPublicKey) {
+ boolean validSubkeyBinding = false;
+ boolean validTempSubkeyBinding = false;
+ boolean validPrimaryKeyBinding = false;
+ JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider contentVerifierBuilderProvider =
+ new JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
+ Iterator<PGPSignature> itr = signingPublicKey.getSignatures();
+ while (itr.hasNext()) { //what does gpg do if the subkey binding is wrong?
+ //gpg has an invalid subkey binding error on key import I think, but doesn't shout
+ //about keys without subkey signing. Can't get it to import a slightly broken one
+ //either, so we will err on bad subkey binding here.
+ PGPSignature sig = itr.next();
+ if (sig.getKeyID() == masterPublicKey.getKeyID() &&
+ sig.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING) {
+ //check and if ok, check primary key binding.
+ try {
+ sig.init(contentVerifierBuilderProvider, masterPublicKey);
+ validTempSubkeyBinding = sig.verifyCertification(masterPublicKey, signingPublicKey);
+ } catch (PGPException e) {
+ continue;
+ } catch (SignatureException e) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (validTempSubkeyBinding) {
+ validSubkeyBinding = true;
+ }
+ if (validTempSubkeyBinding) {
+ validPrimaryKeyBinding = verifyPrimaryKeyBinding(sig.getUnhashedSubPackets(),
+ masterPublicKey, signingPublicKey);
+ if (validPrimaryKeyBinding) {
+ break;
+ }
+ validPrimaryKeyBinding = verifyPrimaryKeyBinding(sig.getHashedSubPackets(),
+ masterPublicKey, signingPublicKey);
+ if (validPrimaryKeyBinding) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (validSubkeyBinding & validPrimaryKeyBinding);
+ }
+ private static boolean verifyPrimaryKeyBinding(PGPSignatureSubpacketVector pkts,
+ PGPPublicKey masterPublicKey,
+ PGPPublicKey signingPublicKey) {
+ boolean validPrimaryKeyBinding = false;
+ JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider contentVerifierBuilderProvider =
+ new JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider()
+ .setProvider(Constants.BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER_NAME);
+ PGPSignatureList eSigList;
+ if (pkts.hasSubpacket(SignatureSubpacketTags.EMBEDDED_SIGNATURE)) {
+ try {
+ eSigList = pkts.getEmbeddedSignatures();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ return false;
+ } catch (PGPException e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < eSigList.size(); ++j) {
+ PGPSignature emSig = eSigList.get(j);
+ if (emSig.getSignatureType() == PGPSignature.PRIMARYKEY_BINDING) {
+ try {
+ emSig.init(contentVerifierBuilderProvider, signingPublicKey);
+ validPrimaryKeyBinding = emSig.verifyCertification(masterPublicKey, signingPublicKey);
+ if (validPrimaryKeyBinding) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (PGPException e) {
+ continue;
+ } catch (SignatureException e) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return validPrimaryKeyBinding;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mostly taken from ClearSignedFileProcessor in Bouncy Castle
+ *
+ * @param sig
+ * @param line
+ * @throws SignatureException
+ */
+ private static void processLine(PGPSignature sig, byte[] line)
+ throws SignatureException {
+ int length = getLengthWithoutWhiteSpace(line);
+ if (length > 0) {
+ sig.update(line, 0, length);
+ }
+ }
+ private static int readInputLine(ByteArrayOutputStream bOut, InputStream fIn)
+ throws IOException {
+ bOut.reset();
+ int lookAhead = -1;
+ int ch;
+ while ((ch = fIn.read()) >= 0) {
+ bOut.write(ch);
+ if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
+ lookAhead = readPassedEOL(bOut, ch, fIn);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return lookAhead;
+ }
+ private static int readInputLine(ByteArrayOutputStream bOut, int lookAhead, InputStream fIn)
+ throws IOException {
+ bOut.reset();
+ int ch = lookAhead;
+ do {
+ bOut.write(ch);
+ if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
+ lookAhead = readPassedEOL(bOut, ch, fIn);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while ((ch = fIn.read()) >= 0);
+ if (ch < 0) {
+ lookAhead = -1;
+ }
+ return lookAhead;
+ }
+ private static int readPassedEOL(ByteArrayOutputStream bOut, int lastCh, InputStream fIn)
+ throws IOException {
+ int lookAhead = fIn.read();
+ if (lastCh == '\r' && lookAhead == '\n') {
+ bOut.write(lookAhead);
+ lookAhead = fIn.read();
+ }
+ return lookAhead;
+ }
+ private static int getLengthWithoutSeparator(byte[] line) {
+ int end = line.length - 1;
+ while (end >= 0 && isLineEnding(line[end])) {
+ end--;
+ }
+ return end + 1;
+ }
+ private static boolean isLineEnding(byte b) {
+ return b == '\r' || b == '\n';
+ }
+ private static int getLengthWithoutWhiteSpace(byte[] line) {
+ int end = line.length - 1;
+ while (end >= 0 && isWhiteSpace(line[end])) {
+ end--;
+ }
+ return end + 1;
+ }
+ private static boolean isWhiteSpace(byte b) {
+ return b == '\r' || b == '\n' || b == '\t' || b == ' ';
+ }
+ private static byte[] getLineSeparator() {
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ byte[] nlBytes = new byte[nl.length()];
+ for (int i = 0; i != nlBytes.length; i++) {
+ nlBytes[i] = (byte) nl.charAt(i);
+ }
+ return nlBytes;
+ }