path: root/OpenKeychain-Test/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/tests/PgpKeyOperationTest.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'OpenKeychain-Test/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/tests/PgpKeyOperationTest.java')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OpenKeychain-Test/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/tests/PgpKeyOperationTest.java b/OpenKeychain-Test/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/tests/PgpKeyOperationTest.java
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenKeychain-Test/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/tests/PgpKeyOperationTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.tests;
+import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.robolectric.*;
+import org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowLog;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.BCPGInputStream;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.Packet;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.PacketTags;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.SecretSubkeyPacket;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.SignaturePacket;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.UserIDPacket;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.sig.KeyFlags;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSignature;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.Constants;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.Constants.choice.algorithm;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.PgpKeyOperation;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.UncachedKeyRing;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.UncachedPublicKey;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.WrappedSecretKeyRing;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp.WrappedSignature;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.OperationResultParcel;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyChange;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.support.KeyringBuilder;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.support.KeyringTestingHelper;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.support.KeyringTestingHelper.RawPacket;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.support.TestDataUtil;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Random;
+@org.robolectric.annotation.Config(emulateSdk = 18) // Robolectric doesn't yet support 19
+public class PgpKeyOperationTest {
+ static UncachedKeyRing staticRing;
+ UncachedKeyRing ring;
+ PgpKeyOperation op;
+ SaveKeyringParcel parcel;
+ ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyA = new ArrayList<RawPacket>();
+ ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyB = new ArrayList<RawPacket>();
+ @BeforeClass public static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
+ SaveKeyringParcel parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel();
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER, null));
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, null));
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_COMMS, null));
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("twi");
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("pink");
+ parcel.mNewPassphrase = "swag";
+ PgpKeyOperation op = new PgpKeyOperation(null);
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ staticRing = op.createSecretKeyRing(parcel, log, 0);
+ // we sleep here for a second, to make sure all new certificates have different timestamps
+ Thread.sleep(1000);
+ }
+ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ // show Log.x messages in system.out
+ ShadowLog.stream = System.out;
+ ring = staticRing;
+ // setting up some parameters just to reduce code duplication
+ op = new PgpKeyOperation(null);
+ // set this up, gonna need it more than once
+ parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel();
+ parcel.mMasterKeyId = ring.getMasterKeyId();
+ parcel.mFingerprint = ring.getFingerprint();
+ }
+ @Test
+ // this is a special case since the flags are in user id certificates rather than
+ // subkey binding certificates
+ public void testMasterFlags() throws Exception {
+ SaveKeyringParcel parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel();
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Constants.choice.algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER | KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, null));
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("luna");
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ ring = op.createSecretKeyRing(parcel, log, 0);
+ Assert.assertEquals("the keyring should contain only the master key",
+ 1, ring.getAvailableSubkeys().size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("first (master) key must have both flags",
+ KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER | KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, ring.getPublicKey().getKeyUsage());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCreatedKey() throws Exception {
+ // an empty modification should change nothing. this also ensures the keyring
+ // is constant through canonicalization.
+ // applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, ring, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertNotNull("key creation failed", ring);
+ Assert.assertNull("primary user id must be empty",
+ ring.getPublicKey().getPrimaryUserId());
+ Assert.assertEquals("number of user ids must be two",
+ 2, ring.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("number of subkeys must be three",
+ 3, ring.getAvailableSubkeys().size());
+ Assert.assertTrue("key ring should have been created in the last 120 seconds",
+ ring.getPublicKey().getCreationTime().after(new Date(new Date().getTime()-1000*120)));
+ Assert.assertNull("key ring should not expire",
+ ring.getPublicKey().getExpiryTime());
+ Iterator<UncachedPublicKey> it = ring.getPublicKeys();
+ Assert.assertEquals("first (master) key can certify",
+ KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER, it.next().getKeyUsage());
+ UncachedPublicKey signingKey = it.next();
+ Assert.assertEquals("second key can sign",
+ KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, signingKey.getKeyUsage());
+ ArrayList<WrappedSignature> sigs = signingKey.getSignatures().next().getEmbeddedSignatures();
+ Assert.assertEquals("signing key signature should have one embedded signature",
+ 1, sigs.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("embedded signature should be of primary key binding type",
+ PGPSignature.PRIMARYKEY_BINDING, sigs.get(0).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("primary key binding signature issuer should be signing subkey",
+ signingKey.getKeyId(), sigs.get(0).getKeyId());
+ Assert.assertEquals("third key can encrypt",
+ KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_COMMS, it.next().getKeyUsage());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSubkeyAdd() throws Exception {
+ long expiry = new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 159;
+ int flags = KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA;
+ int bits = 1024 + new Random().nextInt(8);
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SubkeyAdd(algorithm.rsa, bits, flags, expiry));
+ UncachedKeyRing modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, ring, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("no extra packets in original", 0, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly two extra packets in modified", 2, onlyB.size());
+ Packet p;
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first new packet must be secret subkey", p instanceof SecretSubkeyPacket);
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(1).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("second new packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature type must be subkey binding certificate",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ // get new key from ring. it should be the last one (add a check to make sure?)
+ UncachedPublicKey newKey = null;
+ {
+ Iterator<UncachedPublicKey> it = modified.getPublicKeys();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ newKey = it.next();
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.assertNotNull("new key is not null", newKey);
+ Assert.assertNotNull("added key must have an expiry date",
+ newKey.getExpiryTime());
+ Assert.assertEquals("added key must have expected expiry date",
+ expiry, newKey.getExpiryTime().getTime()/1000);
+ Assert.assertEquals("added key must have expected flags",
+ flags, newKey.getKeyUsage());
+ Assert.assertEquals("added key must have expected bitsize",
+ bits, newKey.getBitStrength());
+ { // a past expiry should fail
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SubkeyAdd(algorithm.rsa, 1024, KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA,
+ new Date().getTime()/1000-10));
+ WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ring.getEncoded(), false, 0);
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ modified = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "swag", log, 0);
+ Assert.assertNull("setting subkey expiry to a past date should fail", modified);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSubkeyModify() throws Exception {
+ long expiry = new Date().getTime()/1000 + 1024;
+ long keyId;
+ {
+ Iterator<UncachedPublicKey> it = ring.getPublicKeys();
+ it.next();
+ keyId = it.next().getKeyId();
+ }
+ UncachedKeyRing modified = ring;
+ {
+ parcel.mChangeSubKeys.add(new SubkeyChange(keyId, null, expiry));
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, modified, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("one extra packet in original", 1, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("one extra packet in modified", 1, onlyB.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("old packet must be signature",
+ PacketTags.SIGNATURE, onlyA.get(0).tag);
+ Packet p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first new packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature type must be subkey binding certificate",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ Assert.assertNotNull("modified key must have an expiry date",
+ modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getExpiryTime());
+ Assert.assertEquals("modified key must have expected expiry date",
+ expiry, modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getExpiryTime().getTime()/1000);
+ Assert.assertEquals("modified key must have same flags as before",
+ ring.getPublicKey(keyId).getKeyUsage(), modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getKeyUsage());
+ }
+ {
+ int flags = KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA | KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_COMMS;
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mChangeSubKeys.add(new SubkeyChange(keyId, flags, null));
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, modified, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("old packet must be signature",
+ PacketTags.SIGNATURE, onlyA.get(0).tag);
+ Packet p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first new packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature type must be subkey binding certificate",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ Assert.assertEquals("modified key must have expected flags",
+ flags, modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getKeyUsage());
+ Assert.assertNotNull("key must retain its expiry",
+ modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getExpiryTime());
+ Assert.assertEquals("key expiry must be unchanged",
+ expiry, modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getExpiryTime().getTime()/1000);
+ }
+ { // a past expiry should fail
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mChangeSubKeys.add(new SubkeyChange(keyId, null, new Date().getTime()/1000-10));
+ WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ring.getEncoded(), false, 0);
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ modified = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "swag", log, 0);
+ Assert.assertNull("setting subkey expiry to a past date should fail", modified);
+ }
+ { // modifying nonexistent keyring should fail
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mChangeSubKeys.add(new SubkeyChange(123, null, null));
+ WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ring.getEncoded(), false, 0);
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ modified = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "swag", log, 0);
+ Assert.assertNull("modifying non-existent subkey should fail", modified);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSubkeyRevoke() throws Exception {
+ long keyId;
+ {
+ Iterator<UncachedPublicKey> it = ring.getPublicKeys();
+ it.next();
+ keyId = it.next().getKeyId();
+ }
+ int flags = ring.getPublicKey(keyId).getKeyUsage();
+ UncachedKeyRing modified;
+ { // revoked second subkey
+ parcel.mRevokeSubKeys.add(keyId);
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, ring, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("no extra packets in original", 0, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly one extra packet in modified", 1, onlyB.size());
+ Packet p;
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first new packet must be secret subkey", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature type must be subkey binding certificate",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_REVOCATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ Assert.assertTrue("subkey must actually be revoked",
+ modified.getPublicKey(keyId).isRevoked());
+ }
+ { // re-add second subkey
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mChangeSubKeys.add(new SubkeyChange(keyId, null, null));
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, modified, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly two outdated packets in original", 2, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly one extra packet in modified", 1, onlyB.size());
+ Packet p;
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first outdated packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("first outdated signature type must be subkey binding certification",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("first outdated signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(1).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("second outdated packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("second outdated signature type must be subkey revocation",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_REVOCATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("second outdated signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("new packet must be signature ", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("new signature type must be subkey binding certification",
+ PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ Assert.assertFalse("subkey must no longer be revoked",
+ modified.getPublicKey(keyId).isRevoked());
+ Assert.assertEquals("subkey must have the same usage flags as before",
+ flags, modified.getPublicKey(keyId).getKeyUsage());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUserIdRevoke() throws Exception {
+ UncachedKeyRing modified;
+ String uid = ring.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().get(1);
+ { // revoke second user id
+ parcel.mRevokeUserIds.add(uid);
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, ring, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("no extra packets in original", 0, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly one extra packet in modified", 1, onlyB.size());
+ Packet p;
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first new packet must be secret subkey", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature type must be subkey binding certificate",
+ PGPSignature.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ }
+ { // re-add second user id
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add(uid);
+ applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, modified, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly two outdated packets in original", 2, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly one extra packet in modified", 1, onlyB.size());
+ Packet p;
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first outdated packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("first outdated signature type must be positive certification",
+ PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("first outdated signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyA.get(1).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("second outdated packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("second outdated signature type must be certificate revocation",
+ PGPSignature.CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("second outdated signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("new packet must be signature ", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("new signature type must be positive certification",
+ PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature must have been created by master key",
+ ring.getMasterKeyId(), ((SignaturePacket) p).getKeyID());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUserIdAdd() throws Exception {
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("rainbow");
+ UncachedKeyRing modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, ring, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertTrue("keyring must contain added user id",
+ modified.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().contains("rainbow"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("no extra packets in original", 0, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("exactly two extra packets in modified", 2, onlyB.size());
+ Assert.assertTrue("keyring must contain added user id",
+ modified.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().contains("rainbow"));
+ Packet p;
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(0).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("first new packet must be user id", p instanceof UserIDPacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("user id packet must match added user id",
+ "rainbow", ((UserIDPacket) p).getID());
+ p = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(onlyB.get(1).buf)).readPacket();
+ Assert.assertTrue("second new packet must be signature", p instanceof SignaturePacket);
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature type must be positive certification",
+ PGPSignature.POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION, ((SignaturePacket) p).getSignatureType());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUserIdPrimary() throws Exception {
+ UncachedKeyRing modified = ring;
+ String uid = ring.getPublicKey().getUnorderedUserIds().get(1);
+ { // first part, add new user id which is also primary
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("jack");
+ parcel.mChangePrimaryUserId = "jack";
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, modified, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("primary user id must be the one added",
+ "jack", modified.getPublicKey().getPrimaryUserId());
+ }
+ { // second part, change primary to a different one
+ parcel.reset();
+ parcel.mChangePrimaryUserId = uid;
+ modified = applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, modified, onlyA, onlyB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("old keyring must have two outdated certificates", 2, onlyA.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("new keyring must have two new packets", 2, onlyB.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals("primary user id must be the one changed to",
+ "pink", modified.getPublicKey().getPrimaryUserId());
+ }
+ { // third part, change primary to a non-existent one
+ parcel.reset();
+ //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
+ WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ring.getEncoded(), false, 0);
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ modified = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "swag", log, 0);
+ Assert.assertNull("changing primary user id to a non-existent one should fail", modified);
+ }
+ }
+ private static UncachedKeyRing applyModificationWithChecks(SaveKeyringParcel parcel,
+ UncachedKeyRing ring,
+ ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyA,
+ ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyB) {
+ return applyModificationWithChecks(parcel, ring, onlyA, onlyB, true, true);
+ }
+ // applies a parcel modification while running some integrity checks
+ private static UncachedKeyRing applyModificationWithChecks(SaveKeyringParcel parcel,
+ UncachedKeyRing ring,
+ ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyA,
+ ArrayList<RawPacket> onlyB,
+ boolean canonicalize,
+ boolean constantCanonicalize) {
+ try {
+ Assert.assertTrue("modified keyring must be secret", ring.isSecret());
+ WrappedSecretKeyRing secretRing = new WrappedSecretKeyRing(ring.getEncoded(), false, 0);
+ PgpKeyOperation op = new PgpKeyOperation(null);
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ UncachedKeyRing rawModified = op.modifySecretKeyRing(secretRing, parcel, "swag", log, 0);
+ Assert.assertNotNull("key modification failed", rawModified);
+ if (!canonicalize) {
+ Assert.assertTrue("keyring must differ from original", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(
+ ring.getEncoded(), rawModified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB));
+ return rawModified;
+ }
+ UncachedKeyRing modified = rawModified.canonicalize(log, 0);
+ if (constantCanonicalize) {
+ Assert.assertTrue("key must be constant through canonicalization",
+ !KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(
+ modified.getEncoded(), rawModified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB)
+ );
+ }
+ Assert.assertTrue("keyring must differ from original", KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(
+ ring.getEncoded(), modified.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB));
+ return modified;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new AssertionFailedError("error during encoding!");
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testVerifySuccess() throws Exception {
+ UncachedKeyRing expectedKeyRing = KeyringBuilder.correctRing();
+ UncachedKeyRing inputKeyRing = KeyringBuilder.ringWithExtraIncorrectSignature();
+ OperationResultParcel.OperationLog log = new OperationResultParcel.OperationLog();
+ UncachedKeyRing canonicalizedRing = inputKeyRing.canonicalize(log, 0);
+ if (canonicalizedRing == null) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Canonicalization failed; messages: [" + log + "]");
+ }
+ ArrayList onlyA = new ArrayList<RawPacket>();
+ ArrayList onlyB = new ArrayList<RawPacket>();
+ //noinspection unchecked
+ Assert.assertTrue("keyrings differ", !KeyringTestingHelper.diffKeyrings(
+ expectedKeyRing.getEncoded(), expectedKeyRing.getEncoded(), onlyA, onlyB));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Just testing my own test code. Should really be using a library for this.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testConcat() throws Exception {
+ byte[] actual = TestDataUtil.concatAll(new byte[]{1}, new byte[]{2,-2}, new byte[]{5},new byte[]{3});
+ byte[] expected = new byte[]{1,2,-2,5,3};
+ Assert.assertEquals(java.util.Arrays.toString(expected), java.util.Arrays.toString(actual));
+ }