#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Checks the number of lint issues against historical values. Used in # Travis CI builds to fail when the number increases by exploiting the # caching mechanism. if [[ $# != 2 || ! -f $1 ]]; then \ echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi lint_file="$1" historical_file="$2" xqilla="$(which xqilla)" if [[ ! -x $xqilla ]]; then \ echo "Error: cannot find xqilla" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f $historical_file ]]; then \ # no cache history, store this one and exit cp $lint_file $historical_file exit 0 fi tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d lint.XXXXXXXX)" trap "rm -rf $tmp_dir" ERR EXIT lint_results="$tmp_dir/lint.txt" hist_results="$tmp_dir/hist.txt" run_query() { local xqilla_script='string-join(//issue/location/(concat("file=", @file, " line=", @line, " column=", @column, " reason=", ../@summary)), " ")' xqilla -i $1 <(echo $xqilla_script) | sed "s,$PWD/,,g" > $2 } run_query $lint_file $lint_results run_query $historical_file $hist_results old_count=$(cat $hist_results | wc -l) new_count=$(cat $lint_results | wc -l) echo "Historical count: $old_count, new count: $new_count" if [[ $new_count > $old_count ]]; then \ echo "FAILURE: lint issues increased from $old_count to $new_count" diff -u $hist_results $lint_results exit 2 fi if [[ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == false ]]; then \ # Okay, we either stayed the same or reduced our number. # Write it out so we can check it next build! cp $lint_file $historical_file fi