ConnectBot Simple, poderoso, cliente SSH de código abierto. Hosts Claves Publicas Traducciones de puerto Editar Host Ayuda Conectar Recolectar entropía Agregar Host Eliminar Host Preferencias Por favor seleccione un tema a continuación para más información sobre una materia en particular. Acerca de ConnectBot Teclado Generar Importar Eliminar clave Haciendo acopio de entropía Toque esta caja para conseguir aleatoriedad: %1$d%% hecho In order to assure randomness during the key generation, move your finger randomly over the box below. Generar llavero de claves Copiar Clave privada Copiar clave pública Tap "Menu" to create\nor import key pairs. Formato desconocido Cambiar contraseña Pick from /sdcard Problema analizando clave privada importada Desbloquear clave Contraseña incorrecta para la clave '%1$s'. Autenticación fallida. Cargado en memoria Descargar de memoria Cargar clave al inicio Tap "Menu" to create\nport forwards. Edit port forward Delete port forward Nombre de usuario: Mi clave de trabajo Puerto fuente: Destino: Contraseña antigua: Contraseña: (de nuevo) Tipo: Nota: la contraseña no puede ser dejada en blanco Bits: Password for key '%1$s' WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!\nSomeone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!\nIt is also possible that the host key has just been changed. Host has disconnected.\nClose session? Are you sure you want\nto continue connecting? The authenticity of host '%1$s' can't be established. Host %1$s key fingerprint is %2$s ¡Las constraseñas no coinciden! ¡Contraseña errónea! ¡La clave privada parece corrupta! ¡Tarjeta SD no insertada! Añadir Modificar Generar clave Redimensionar Conexión perdida Copyright © 2007-2008 Kenny Root, Jeffrey Sharkey ConnectBot (working copy) Terminal emulation Emulation mode Terminal emulation mode to use for PTY connections Scrollback size Size of scrollback buffer to keep in memory for each console User interface Rotation mode How to change rotation when keyboard popped in/out Full screen Hide status bar while in console Remember keys in memory Keep unlocked keys in memory until backend service is terminated Update check Set the maximum frequency to check for ConnectBot updates Directory shortcuts Select how to use Alt for '/' and Shift for Tab Camera shortcut Select which shortcut to trigger when the camera button is pushed Keep screen awake Prevent the screen from turning off when working in a console Keep Wi-Fi active Prevent Wi-Fi from turning off when a session is active Bumpy arrows Vibrate when sending arrow keys from trackball; useful for laggy connections Terminal bell Audible bell Bell volume Vibrate on bell Background notifications Send notification when a terminal running in the background sounds a bell. Usar teclas del lado derecho Usar teclas del lado izquierdo Desactivar No usar teclas Use any unlocked key Diariamente Semanalmente Nunca Nickname Color category Use pubkey authentication Post-login automation Commands to run on remote server once authenticated Compression This may help with slower networks Start shell session Disable this preference to only use port forwards Encoding Character encoding for the host Connection settings Username Host Port Never connected Hace %1$s minutos Hace %1$s horas Hace %1$s días %1$d bytes copiados al portapaleles Touch and drag\nor use directional pad\nto select area to copy Cerrar Copiar Pegar Traducciones de puerto Force Size Local Remoto Dynamic (SOCKS) Create port forward Successfully created port forward Problem creating port forward, maybe you're using ports under 1024 or port is already used? Add port forward usuario@equipo Use el formato "%1$s" usuario equipo puerto Manage Pubkeys Ordenar por color Ordenar por nombre Configuración Desconectar Editar equipo Edit port forwards Eliminar equipo Use the quick-connect box\nbelow to connect to a host. Default Force landscape Force portrait Automático Ctrl+A después espacio Ctrl+A Esc Ninguno ¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar '%1$s'? Sí, eliminar Cancelar De acuerdo Siguiente Atrás No hosts currently connected Host key verification failed. Intentando autenticar Attempting 'password' authentication Contraseña Authentication method 'password' failed Attempting 'publickey' authentication with any in-memory public keys Selected public key is invalid, try reselecting key in host editor Attempting 'publickey' authentication with a specific public key Attempting 'keyboard-interactive' authentication Authentication method 'keyboard-interactive' failed [Your host doesn't support 'password' or 'keyboard-interactive' authentication.] Failure! Local shell is unavailable on this phone. %1$s wants your attention. Nueva versión Sí, actualizar No en este momento red green blue gray