Android Ant Build. Available targets: help: Displays this help. clean: Removes output files created by other targets. compile: Compiles project's .java files into .class files. debug: Builds the application and signs it with a debug key. release: Builds the application. The generated apk file must be signed before it is published. install: Installs/reinstalls the debug package onto a running emulator or device. If the application was previously installed, the signatures must match. uninstall: Uninstalls the application from a running emulator or device. translations-import: Import translations from a Launchpad-style Rosetta translation. translations-export: Export translations to a Launchpad-style Rosetta translation. Updating resources with Git revision and build date... Updated "msg_version" to: ${} ${} (${git.revision} ${}) Building and installing tests... Running test cases...