function FlowStore(endpoint) { this._views = []; this.reset(); } _.extend(FlowStore.prototype, { add: function (flow) { this._pos_map[] = this._flow_list.length; this._flow_list.push(flow); for (var i = 0; i < this._views.length; i++) { this._views[i].add(flow); } }, update: function (flow) { this._flow_list[this._pos_map[]] = flow; for (var i = 0; i < this._views.length; i++) { this._views[i].update(flow); } }, remove: function (flow_id) { this._flow_list.splice(this._pos_map[flow_id], 1); this._build_map(); for (var i = 0; i < this._views.length; i++) { this._views[i].remove(flow_id); } }, reset: function (flows) { this._flow_list = flows || []; this._build_map(); for (var i = 0; i < this._views.length; i++) { this._views[i].recalculate(this._flow_list); } }, _build_map: function () { this._pos_map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this._flow_list.length; i++) { var flow = this._flow_list[i]; this._pos_map[] = i; } }, get: function (flow_id) { return this._flow_list[this._pos_map[flow_id]]; } }); function LiveFlowStore(endpoint) {; this.updates_before_init = []; // (empty array is true in js) this.endpoint = endpoint || "/flows"; this.conn = new Connection(this.endpoint + "/updates"); this.conn.onopen = this._onopen.bind(this); this.conn.onmessage = function (e) { var message = JSON.parse(; this.handle_update(message.type,; }.bind(this); } _.extend(LiveFlowStore.prototype, FlowStore.prototype, { close: function () { this.conn.close(); }, add: function (flow) { // Make sure that deferred adds don't add an element twice. if (!this._pos_map[]) {, flow); } }, handle_update: function (type, data) { console.log("LiveFlowStore.handle_update", type, data); if (this.updates_before_init) { console.log("defer update", type, data); this.updates_before_init.push(arguments); } else { this[type](data); } }, handle_fetch: function (data) { console.log("Flows fetched."); this.reset(data.flows); var updates = this.updates_before_init; this.updates_before_init = false; for (var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) { this.handle_update.apply(this, updates[i]); } }, _onopen: function () { //Update stream openend, fetch list of flows. console.log("Update Connection opened, fetching flows..."); $.getJSON(this.endpoint, this.handle_fetch.bind(this)); }, }); function SortByInsertionOrder() { this.i = 0; = {}; this.key = this.key.bind(this); } SortByInsertionOrder.prototype.key = function (flow) { if (!( in { this.i++;[] = this.i; } return[]; }; var default_sort = (new SortByInsertionOrder()).key; function FlowView(store, filt, sortfun) {; filt = filt || function (flow) { return true; }; sortfun = sortfun || default_sort; = store;; this.recalculate(, filt, sortfun); } _.extend(FlowView.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype, { close: function () { = _.without(, this); }, recalculate: function (flows, filt, sortfun) { if (filt) { this.filt = filt; } if (sortfun) { this.sortfun = sortfun; } //Ugly workaround: Call .sortfun() for each flow once in order, //so that SortByInsertionOrder make sense. var i = flows.length; while(i--){ this.sortfun(flows[i]); } this.flows = flows.filter(this.filt); this.flows.sort(function (a, b) { return this.sortfun(b) - this.sortfun(a); }.bind(this)); this.emit("recalculate"); }, add: function (flow) { if (this.filt(flow)) { var idx = _.sortedIndex(this.flows, flow, this.sortfun); if (idx === this.flows.length) { //happens often, .push is way faster. this.flows.push(flow); } else { this.flows.splice(idx, 0, flow); } this.emit("add", flow, idx); } }, update: function (flow) { var idx; var i = this.flows.length; // Search from the back, we usually update the latest flows. while (i--) { if (this.flows[i].id === { idx = i; break; } } if (idx === -1) { //not contained in list this.add(flow); } else if (!this.filt(flow)) { this.remove(; } else { if (this.sortfun(this.flows[idx]) !== this.sortfun(flow)) { //sortpos has changed this.remove(this.flows[idx]); this.add(flow); } else { this.flows[idx] = flow; this.emit("update", flow, idx); } } }, remove: function (flow_id) { var i = this.flows.length; while (i--) { if (this.flows[i].id === flow_id) { this.flows.splice(i, 1); this.emit("remove", flow_id, i); break; } } } });