import _ from "lodash"; import $ from "jquery"; import {EventEmitter} from 'events'; import {ActionTypes, StoreCmds} from "../actions.js"; import {AppDispatcher} from "../dispatcher.js"; function ListStore() {; this.reset(); } _.extend(ListStore.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype, { add: function (elem) { if ( in this._pos_map) { return; } this._pos_map[] = this.list.length; this.list.push(elem); this.emit("add", elem); }, update: function (elem) { if (!( in this._pos_map)) { return; } this.list[this._pos_map[]] = elem; this.emit("update", elem); }, remove: function (elem_id) { if (!(elem_id in this._pos_map)) { return; } this.list.splice(this._pos_map[elem_id], 1); this._build_map(); this.emit("remove", elem_id); }, reset: function (elems) { this.list = elems || []; this._build_map(); this.emit("recalculate"); }, _build_map: function () { this._pos_map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { var elem = this.list[i]; this._pos_map[] = i; } }, get: function (elem_id) { return this.list[this._pos_map[elem_id]]; }, index: function (elem_id) { return this._pos_map[elem_id]; } }); function DictStore() {; this.reset(); } _.extend(DictStore.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype, { update: function (dict) { _.merge(this.dict, dict); this.emit("recalculate"); }, reset: function (dict) { this.dict = dict || {}; this.emit("recalculate"); } }); function LiveStoreMixin(type) { this.type = type; this._updates_before_fetch = undefined; this._fetchxhr = false; this.handle = this.handle.bind(this); AppDispatcher.register(this.handle); // Avoid double-fetch on startup. if (!( && === WebSocket.CONNECTING)) { this.fetch(); } } _.extend(LiveStoreMixin.prototype, { handle: function (event) { if (event.type === ActionTypes.CONNECTION_OPEN) { return this.fetch(); } if (event.type === this.type) { if (event.cmd === StoreCmds.RESET) { this.fetch(; } else if (this._updates_before_fetch) { console.log("defer update", event); this._updates_before_fetch.push(event); } else { this[event.cmd](; } } }, close: function () { AppDispatcher.unregister(this.handle); }, fetch: function (data) { console.log("fetch " + this.type); if (this._fetchxhr) { this._fetchxhr.abort(); } this._updates_before_fetch = []; // (JS: empty array is true) if (data) { this.handle_fetch(data); } else { this._fetchxhr = $.getJSON("/" + this.type) .done(function (message) { this.handle_fetch(; }.bind(this)) .fail(function () { //EventLogActions.add_event("Could not fetch " + this.type); console.log("Could not fetch " + this.type); // store.js:121 Uncaught ReferenceError: EventLogActions is not defined }.bind(this)); } }, handle_fetch: function (data) { this._fetchxhr = false; console.log(this.type + " fetched.", this._updates_before_fetch); this.reset(data); var updates = this._updates_before_fetch; this._updates_before_fetch = false; for (var i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) { this.handle(updates[i]); } }, }); function LiveListStore(type) {;, type); } _.extend(LiveListStore.prototype, ListStore.prototype, LiveStoreMixin.prototype); function LiveDictStore(type) {;, type); } _.extend(LiveDictStore.prototype, DictStore.prototype, LiveStoreMixin.prototype); export function FlowStore() { return new LiveListStore(ActionTypes.FLOW_STORE); } export function SettingsStore() { return new LiveDictStore(ActionTypes.SETTINGS_STORE); } export function EventLogStore() {, ActionTypes.EVENT_STORE); } _.extend(EventLogStore.prototype, LiveListStore.prototype, { fetch: function(){ LiveListStore.prototype.fetch.apply(this, arguments); // Make sure to display updates even if fetching all events failed. // This way, we can send "fetch failed" log messages to the log. if(this._fetchxhr){{ this.handle_fetch(null); }.bind(this)); } } });