import * as flowsActions from '../flows' import { getDiff } from "../../utils" import _ from 'lodash' export const SET_CONTENT_VIEW = 'UI_FLOWVIEW_SET_CONTENT_VIEW', DISPLAY_LARGE = 'UI_FLOWVIEW_DISPLAY_LARGE', SET_TAB = "UI_FLOWVIEW_SET_TAB", START_EDIT = 'UI_FLOWVIEW_START_EDIT', UPDATE_EDIT = 'UI_FLOWVIEW_UPDATE_EDIT', UPLOAD_CONTENT = 'UI_FLOWVIEW_UPLOAD_CONTENT', SET_SHOW_FULL_CONTENT = 'UI_SET_SHOW_FULL_CONTENT', SET_CONTENT_VIEW_DESCRIPTION = "UI_SET_CONTENT_VIEW_DESCRIPTION", SET_CONTENT = "UI_SET_CONTENT" const defaultState = { displayLarge: false, viewDescription: '', showFullContent: false, modifiedFlow: false, contentView: 'Auto', tab: 'request', content: [], maxContentLines: 80, } export default function reducer(state = defaultState, action) { let wasInEditMode = state.modifiedFlow let content = action.content || state.content let isFullContentShown = content && content.length <= state.maxContentLines switch (action.type) { case START_EDIT: return { ...state, modifiedFlow: action.flow, contentView: 'Edit', showFullContent: true } case UPDATE_EDIT: return { ...state, modifiedFlow: _.merge({}, state.modifiedFlow, action.update) } case flowsActions.SELECT: return { ...state, modifiedFlow: false, displayLarge: false, contentView: (wasInEditMode ? 'Auto' : state.contentView), showFullContent: isFullContentShown, } case flowsActions.UPDATE: // There is no explicit "stop edit" event. // We stop editing when we receive an update for // the currently edited flow from the server if ( === { return { ...state, modifiedFlow: false, displayLarge: false, contentView: (wasInEditMode ? 'Auto' : state.contentView), showFullContent: false } } else { return state } case SET_CONTENT_VIEW_DESCRIPTION: return { ...state, viewDescription: action.description } case SET_SHOW_FULL_CONTENT: return { ...state, showFullContent: true } case SET_TAB: return { ...state, tab: ? : 'request', displayLarge: false, showFullContent: state.contentView === 'Edit' } case SET_CONTENT_VIEW: return { ...state, contentView: action.contentView, showFullContent: action.contentView === 'Edit' } case SET_CONTENT: return { ...state, content: action.content, showFullContent: isFullContentShown } case DISPLAY_LARGE: return { ...state, displayLarge: true, } default: return state } } export function setContentView(contentView) { return { type: SET_CONTENT_VIEW, contentView } } export function displayLarge() { return { type: DISPLAY_LARGE } } export function selectTab(tab) { return { type: SET_TAB, tab } } export function startEdit(flow) { return { type: START_EDIT, flow } } export function updateEdit(update) { return { type: UPDATE_EDIT, update } } export function setContentViewDescription(description) { return { type: SET_CONTENT_VIEW_DESCRIPTION, description } } export function setShowFullContent() { return { type: SET_SHOW_FULL_CONTENT } } export function setContent(content){ return { type: SET_CONTENT, content } } export function stopEdit(data, modifiedFlow) { let diff = getDiff(data, modifiedFlow) return {type: flowsActions.UPDATE, data, diff } }