import { fetchApi } from "../utils" import reduceStore, * as storeActions from "./utils/store" import Filt from "../filt/filt" import { RequestUtils } from "../flow/utils" export const ADD = 'FLOWS_ADD' export const UPDATE = 'FLOWS_UPDATE' export const REMOVE = 'FLOWS_REMOVE' export const RECEIVE = 'FLOWS_RECEIVE' export const SELECT = 'FLOWS_SELECT' export const SET_FILTER = 'FLOWS_SET_FILTER' export const SET_SORT = 'FLOWS_SET_SORT' export const SET_HIGHLIGHT = 'FLOWS_SET_HIGHLIGHT' export const REQUEST_ACTION = 'FLOWS_REQUEST_ACTION' const defaultState = { highlight: null, filter: null, sort: { column: null, desc: false }, selected: [], ...reduceStore(undefined, {}) } export default function reduce(state = defaultState, action) { switch (action.type) { case ADD: case UPDATE: case REMOVE: case RECEIVE: // FIXME: Update state.selected on REMOVE: // The selected flow may have been removed, we need to select the next one in the view. let storeAction = storeActions[action.cmd](, makeFilter(state.filter), makeSort(state.sort) ) return { ...state, ...reduceStore(state, storeAction) } case SET_FILTER: return { ...state, filter: action.filter, ...reduceStore(state, storeActions.setFilter(makeFilter(action.filter), makeSort(state.sort))) } case SET_SORT: return { ...state, sort: action.sort, ...reduceStore(state, storeActions.setSort(makeSort(action.sort))) } case SELECT: return { ...state, selected: action.flowIds } default: return state } } const sortKeyFuns = { TLSColumn: flow => flow.request.scheme, PathColumn: flow => RequestUtils.pretty_url(flow.request), MethodColumn: flow => flow.request.method, StatusColumn: flow => flow.response && flow.response.status_code, TimeColumn: flow => flow.response && flow.response.timestamp_end - flow.request.timestamp_start, SizeColumn: flow => { let total = flow.request.contentLength if (flow.response) { total += flow.response.contentLength || 0 } return total }, } export function makeFilter(filter) { if (!filter) { return } return Filt.parse(filter) } export function makeSort({ column, desc }) { const sortKeyFun = sortKeyFuns[column] if (!sortKeyFun) { return } return (a, b) => { const ka = sortKeyFun(a) const kb = sortKeyFun(b) if (ka > kb) { return desc ? -1 : 1 } if (ka < kb) { return desc ? 1 : -1 } return 0 } } export function setFilter(filter) { return { type: SET_FILTER, filter } } export function setHighlight(highlight) { return { type: SET_HIGHLIGHT, highlight } } export function setSort(column, desc) { return { type: SET_SORT, sort: { column, desc } } } export function selectRelative(shift) { return (dispatch, getState) => { let currentSelectionIndex = getState().flows.viewIndex[getState().flows.selected[0]] let minIndex = 0 let maxIndex = getState().flows.view.length - 1 let newIndex if (currentSelectionIndex === undefined) { newIndex = (shift < 0) ? minIndex : maxIndex } else { newIndex = currentSelectionIndex + shift newIndex = window.Math.max(newIndex, minIndex) newIndex = window.Math.min(newIndex, maxIndex) } let flow = getState().flows.view[newIndex] dispatch(select(flow ? : undefined)) } } export function accept(flow) { return dispatch => fetchApi(`/flows/${}/accept`, { method: 'POST' }) } export function acceptAll() { return dispatch => fetchApi('/flows/accept', { method: 'POST' }) } export function remove(flow) { return dispatch => fetchApi(`/flows/${}`, { method: 'DELETE' }) } export function duplicate(flow) { return dispatch => fetchApi(`/flows/${}/duplicate`, { method: 'POST' }) } export function replay(flow) { return dispatch => fetchApi(`/flows/${}/replay`, { method: 'POST' }) } export function revert(flow) { return dispatch => fetchApi(`/flows/${}/revert`, { method: 'POST' }) } export function update(flow, data) { return dispatch => fetchApi.put(`/flows/${}`, data) } export function uploadContent(flow, file, type) { const body = new FormData() file = new window.Blob([file], { type: 'plain/text' }) body.append('file', file) return dispatch => fetchApi(`/flows/${}/${type}/content`, { method: 'post', body }) } export function clear() { return dispatch => fetchApi('/clear', { method: 'POST' }) } export function download() { window.location = '/flows/dump' return { type: REQUEST_ACTION } } export function upload(file) { const body = new FormData() body.append('file', file) return dispatch => fetchApi('/flows/dump', { method: 'post', body }) } export function select(id) { return { type: SELECT, flowIds: id ? [id] : [] } }