var FlowRow = React.createClass({ render: function () { var flow = this.props.flow; var columns = (Column) { return ; }.bind(this)); var className = ""; if (this.props.selected) { className += " selected"; } if (this.props.highlighted) { className += " highlighted"; } if (flow.intercepted) { className += " intercepted"; } if (flow.request) { className += " has-request"; } if (flow.response) { className += " has-response"; } return ( {columns} ); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function (nextProps) { return true; // Further optimization could be done here // by calling forceUpdate on flow updates, selection changes and column changes. //return ( //(this.props.columns.length !== nextProps.columns.length) || //(this.props.selected !== nextProps.selected) //); } }); var FlowTableHead = React.createClass({ render: function () { var columns = (column) { return column.renderTitle(); }.bind(this)); return {columns} ; } }); var ROW_HEIGHT = 32; var FlowTable = React.createClass({ mixins: [StickyHeadMixin, AutoScrollMixin, VirtualScrollMixin], getInitialState: function () { return { columns: all_columns }; }, componentWillMount: function () { if (this.props.view) { this.props.view.addListener("add update remove recalculate", this.onChange); } }, componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) { if (nextProps.view !== this.props.view) { if (this.props.view) { this.props.view.removeListener("add update remove recalculate"); } nextProps.view.addListener("add update remove recalculate", this.onChange); } }, getDefaultProps: function () { return { rowHeight: ROW_HEIGHT }; }, onScrollFlowTable: function () { this.adjustHead(); this.onScroll(); }, onChange: function () { this.forceUpdate(); }, scrollIntoView: function (flow) { this.scrollRowIntoView( this.props.view.index(flow), this.refs.body.getDOMNode().offsetTop ); }, renderRow: function (flow) { var selected = (flow === this.props.selected); var highlighted = ( this.props.view._highlight && this.props.view._highlight[] ); return ; }, render: function () { //console.log("render flowtable", this.state.start, this.state.stop, this.props.selected); var flows = this.props.view ? this.props.view.list : []; var rows = this.renderRows(flows); return (
{ this.getPlaceholderTop(flows.length) } {rows} { this.getPlaceholderBottom(flows.length) }
); } });