var FlowRow = React.createClass({ render: function () { var flow = this.props.flow; var columns = (Column) { return ; }.bind(this)); var className = ""; if (this.props.selected) { className += "selected"; } return ( {columns} ); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function (nextProps) { return true; // Further optimization could be done here // by calling forceUpdate on flow updates, selection changes and column changes. //return ( //(this.props.columns.length !== nextProps.columns.length) || //(this.props.selected !== nextProps.selected) //); } }); var FlowTableHead = React.createClass({ render: function () { var columns = (column) { return column.renderTitle(); }.bind(this)); return {columns} ; } }); var ROW_HEIGHT = 32; var FlowTable = React.createClass({ mixins: [StickyHeadMixin, AutoScrollMixin], getInitialState: function () { return { columns: all_columns, start: 0, stop: 0 }; }, componentWillMount: function () { if (this.props.view) { this.props.view.addListener("add update remove recalculate", this.onChange); } }, componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) { if (nextProps.view !== this.props.view) { if (this.props.view) { this.props.view.removeListener("add update remove recalculate"); } nextProps.view.addListener("add update remove recalculate", this.onChange); } }, componentDidMount: function () { this.onScroll(); }, onScroll: function () { this.adjustHead(); var viewport = this.getDOMNode(); var top = viewport.scrollTop; var height = viewport.offsetHeight; var start = Math.floor(top / ROW_HEIGHT); var stop = start + Math.ceil(height / ROW_HEIGHT); this.setState({ start: start, stop: stop }); }, onChange: function () { console.log("onChange"); this.forceUpdate(); }, scrollIntoView: function (flow) { // Now comes the fun part: Scroll the flow into the view. var viewport = this.getDOMNode(); var flowNode = this.refs.body.refs[].getDOMNode(); var viewport_top = viewport.scrollTop; var viewport_bottom = viewport_top + viewport.offsetHeight; var flowNode_top = flowNode.offsetTop; var flowNode_bottom = flowNode_top + flowNode.offsetHeight; // Account for pinned thead by pretending that the flowNode starts // -thead_height pixel earlier. flowNode_top -= this.refs.body.getDOMNode().offsetTop; if (flowNode_top < viewport_top) { viewport.scrollTop = flowNode_top; } else if (flowNode_bottom > viewport_bottom) { viewport.scrollTop = flowNode_bottom - viewport.offsetHeight; } }, render: function () { var space_top = 0, space_bottom = 0, fix_nth_row = null; var rows = []; if (this.props.view) { var flows = this.props.view.flows; var max = Math.min(flows.length, this.state.stop); console.log("render", this.props.view.flows.length, this.state.start, max - this.state.start, flows.length - this.state.stop); for (var i = this.state.start; i < max; i++) { var flow = flows[i]; var selected = (flow === this.props.selected); rows.push( ); } space_top = this.state.start * ROW_HEIGHT; space_bottom = Math.max(0, flows.length - this.state.stop) * ROW_HEIGHT; if(this.state.start % 2 === 1){ fix_nth_row = ; } } return (
{ fix_nth_row } {rows}
); } });