import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { Query } from '../actions.js' import Splitter from './common/Splitter' import FlowTable from './FlowTable' import FlowView from './FlowView' import * as flowsActions from '../ducks/flows' import { updateFilter, updateHighlight } from '../ducks/flowView' class MainView extends Component { static propTypes = { highlight: PropTypes.string, sort: PropTypes.object, } /** * @todo move to actions * @todo replace with mapStateToProps */ componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.location.query[Query.SEARCH] !== nextProps.filter) { this.props.updateFilter(nextProps.location.query[Query.SEARCH], false) } if (nextProps.location.query[Query.HIGHLIGHT] !== nextProps.highlight) { this.props.updateHighlight(nextProps.location.query[Query.HIGHLIGHT], false) } } render() { const { flows, selectedFlow, highlight } = this.props return (
this.props.selectFlow(} /> {selectedFlow && [ , this.props.updateFlow(selectedFlow, data)} flow={selectedFlow} /> ]}
) } } export default connect( state => ({ flows:, filter: state.flowView.filter, highlight: state.flowView.highlight, selectedFlow: state.flows.byId[state.flows.selected[0]] }), { selectFlow:, updateFilter, updateHighlight, updateFlow: flowsActions.update, }, undefined, { withRef: true } )(MainView)