import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { MessageUtils } from '../flow/utils.js' import * as ContentViews from './ContentView/ContentViews' import * as MetaViews from './ContentView/MetaViews' import ContentLoader from './ContentView/ContentLoader' import ViewSelector from './ContentView/ViewSelector' import { setContentView, setDisplayLarge, setModifiedFlowContent } from '../ducks/ui' import CodeEditor from './common/CodeEditor' ContentView.propTypes = { // It may seem a bit weird at the first glance: // Every view takes the flow and the message as props, e.g. // flow: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, } ContentView.isContentTooLarge = msg => msg.contentLength > 1024 * 1024 * (ContentViews.ViewImage.matches(msg) ? 10 : 0.2) function ContentView(props) { const { flow, message, contentView, selectView, displayLarge, setDisplayLarge, onContentChange, isFlowEditorOpen, setModifiedFlowContent } = props if (message.contentLength === 0) { return } if (message.contentLength === null) { return } if (!displayLarge && ContentView.isContentTooLarge(message)) { return setDisplayLarge(true)}/> } const View = ContentViews[contentView] return (
{isFlowEditorOpen ? ( {setModifiedFlowContent(content)}}/> ): (
{View.textView ? ( ) : ( )}} title="Upload a file to replace the content." > ContentView.fileInput = ref} className="hidden" type="file" onChange={e => {if( > 0) onContentChange([0])}} />
) } export default connect( state => ({ contentView: state.ui.contentView, displayLarge: state.ui.displayLarge, isFlowEditorOpen : state.ui.isFlowEditorOpen }), { selectView: setContentView, setDisplayLarge, setModifiedFlowContent } )(ContentView)