import * as utils from '../utils' global.fetch = jest.fn() describe('formatSize', () => { it('should return 0 when 0 byte', () => { expect(utils.formatSize(0)).toEqual('0') }) it('should return formatted size', () => { expect(utils.formatSize(27104011)).toEqual("25.8mb") expect(utils.formatSize(1023)).toEqual("1023b") }) }) describe('formatTimeDelta', () => { it('should return formatted time', () => { expect(utils.formatTimeDelta(3600100)).toEqual("1h") }) }) describe('formatTimeSTamp', () => { it('should return formatted time', () => { expect(utils.formatTimeStamp(1483228800)).toEqual("2017-01-01 00:00:00.000") }) }) describe('reverseString', () => { it('should return reversed string', () => { let str1 = "abc", str2="xyz" expect(utils.reverseString(str1) > utils.reverseString(str2)).toBeTruthy() }) }) describe('fetchApi', () => { it('should handle fetch operation', () => { utils.fetchApi('http://foo/bar', {method: "POST"}) expect(fetch.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual( "http://foo/bar?_xsrf=undefined" ) fetch.mockClear() utils.fetchApi('http://foo?bar=1', {method: "POST"}) expect(fetch.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual( "http://foo?bar=1&_xsrf=undefined" ) }) it('should be possible to do put request', () => { fetch.mockClear() utils.fetchApi.put("http://foo", [1, 2, 3], {}) expect(fetch.mock.calls[0]).toEqual( [ "http://foo?_xsrf=undefined", { body: "[1,2,3]", credentials: "same-origin", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, method: "PUT" }, ] ) }) }) describe('getDiff', () => { it('should return json object including only the changed keys value pairs', () => { let obj1 = {a: 1, b:{ foo: 1} , c: [3]}, obj2 = {a: 1, b:{ foo: 2} , c: [4]} expect(utils.getDiff(obj1, obj2)).toEqual({ b: {foo: 2}, c:[4]}) }) }) describe('pure', () => { let tFunc = function({ className }) { return (


) }, puredFunc = utils.pure(tFunc), f = new puredFunc('bar') it('should display function name', () => { expect(utils.pure(tFunc).displayName).toEqual('tFunc') }) it('should suggest when should component update', () => { expect(f.shouldComponentUpdate('foo')).toBeTruthy() expect(f.shouldComponentUpdate('bar')).toBeFalsy() }) it('should render properties', () => { expect(f.render()).toEqual(tFunc('bar')) }) })