jest.unmock('../../../ducks/utils/store') import reduceStore, * as storeActions from '../../../ducks/utils/store' describe('store reducer', () => { it('should return initial state', () => { expect(reduceStore(undefined, {})).toEqual({ byId: {}, list: [], listIndex: {}, view: [], viewIndex: {}, }) }) it('should handle add action', () => { let a = {id: 1}, b = {id: 9}, state = reduceStore(undefined, {}) expect(state = reduceStore(state, storeActions.add(a))).toEqual({ byId: { 1: a }, listIndex: { 1: 0 }, list: [ a ], view: [ a ], viewIndex: { 1: 0 }, }) expect(state = reduceStore(state, storeActions.add(b))).toEqual({ byId: { 1: a, 9: b }, listIndex: { 1: 0, 9: 1 }, list: [ a, b ], view: [ a, b ], viewIndex: { 1: 0, 9: 1 }, }) // add item and sort them let c = {id: 0} expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.add(c, undefined, (a, b) => {return -}))).toEqual({ byId: {...state.byId, 0: c }, list: [...state.list, c ], listIndex: {...state.listIndex, 0:2}, view: [c, ...state.view ], viewIndex: {0: 0, 1: 1, 9: 2} }) }) it('should not add the item with duplicated id', () => { let a = {id: 1}, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.add(a)) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.add(a))).toEqual(state) }) it('should handle update action', () => { let a = {id: 1, foo: "foo"}, updated = {...a, foo: "bar"}, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.add(a)) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.update(updated))).toEqual({ byId: { 1: updated }, list: [ updated ], listIndex: { 1: 0 }, view: [ updated ], viewIndex: { 1: 0 }, }) }) it('should handle update action with filter', () => { let a = {id: 0}, b = {id: 1}, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive([a, b])) state = reduceStore(state, storeActions.update(b, item => {return != 1})) expect(state).toEqual({ byId: { 0: a, 1: b }, list: [ a, b ], listIndex: { 0: 0, 1: 1 }, view: [ a ], viewIndex: { 0: 0 } }) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.update(b, item => {return != 0}))).toEqual({ byId: { 0: a, 1: b }, list: [ a, b ], listIndex: { 0: 0, 1: 1 }, view: [ a, b ], viewIndex: { 0: 0, 1: 1 } }) }) it('should handle update action with sort', () => { let a = {id: 2}, b = {id: 3}, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive([a, b])) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.update(b, undefined, (a, b) => {return -}))).toEqual({ // sort by id in descending order byId: { 2: a, 3: b }, list: [ a, b ], listIndex: {2: 0, 3: 1}, view: [ b, a ], viewIndex: { 2: 1, 3: 0 }, }) let state1 = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive([b, a])) expect(reduceStore(state1, storeActions.update(b, undefined, (a, b) => {return -}))).toEqual({ // sort by id in ascending order byId: { 2: a, 3: b }, list: [ b, a ], listIndex: {2: 1, 3: 0}, view: [ a, b ], viewIndex: { 2: 0, 3: 1 }, }) }) it('should set filter', () => { let a = { id: 1 }, b = { id: 2 }, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive([a, b])) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.setFilter( item => {return != 1} ))).toEqual({ byId: { 1 :a, 2: b }, list: [ a, b ], listIndex:{ 1: 0, 2: 1}, view: [ b ], viewIndex: { 2: 0 }, }) }) it('should set sort', () => { let a = { id: 1 }, b = { id: 2 }, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive([a, b])) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.setSort( (a, b) => { return - } ))).toEqual({ byId: { 1: a, 2: b }, list: [ a, b ], listIndex: {1: 0, 2: 1}, view: [ b, a ], viewIndex: { 1: 1, 2: 0 }, }) }) it('should handle remove action', () => { let a = { id: 1 }, b = { id: 2}, state = reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive([a, b])) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.remove(1))).toEqual({ byId: { 2: b }, list: [ b ], listIndex: { 2: 0 }, view: [ b ], viewIndex: { 2: 0 }, }) expect(reduceStore(state, storeActions.remove(3))).toEqual(state) }) it('should handle receive list', () => { let a = { id: 1 }, b = { id: 2 }, list = [ a, b ] expect(reduceStore(undefined, storeActions.receive(list))).toEqual({ byId: { 1: a, 2: b }, list: [ a, b ], listIndex: {1: 0, 2: 1}, view: [ a, b ], viewIndex: { 1: 0, 2: 1 }, }) }) })