jest.mock('../../../utils') import { Key } from '../../../utils' import { onKeyDown } from '../../../ducks/ui/keyboard' import reduceFlows from '../../../ducks/flows' import reduceUI from '../../../ducks/ui/index' import * as flowsActions from '../../../ducks/flows' import * as UIActions from '../../../ducks/ui/flow' import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store' import thunk from 'redux-thunk' import { fetchApi } from '../../../utils' const mockStore = configureStore([ thunk ]) console.debug = jest.fn() describe('onKeyDown', () => { let flows = undefined for( let i=1; i <= 12; i++ ) { flows = reduceFlows(flows, {type: flowsActions.ADD, data: {id: i, request: true, response: true}, cmd: 'add'}) } let store = mockStore({ flows, ui: reduceUI(undefined, {}) }) let createKeyEvent = (keyCode, shiftKey = undefined, ctrlKey = undefined) => { return onKeyDown({ keyCode, shiftKey, ctrlKey, preventDefault: jest.fn() }) } afterEach(() => { store.clearActions() fetchApi.mockClear() }); it('should handle cursor up', () => { store.getState().flows = reduceFlows(flows, store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.K)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [1], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) store.clearActions() store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.UP)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [1], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle cursor down', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.J)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [3], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) store.clearActions() store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.DOWN)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [3], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle page down', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.SPACE)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [12], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) store.getState().flows = reduceFlows(flows, store.clearActions() store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.PAGE_DOWN)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [11], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle page up', () => { store.getState().flows = reduceFlows(flows, store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.PAGE_UP)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [1], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle select first', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.HOME)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [1], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle select last', () => { store.getState().flows = reduceFlows(flows, store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.END)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [12], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle deselect', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.ESC)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ flowIds: [], type: flowsActions.SELECT }]) }) it('should handle switch to left tab', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.LEFT)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ tab: 'details', type: UIActions.SET_TAB }]) }) it('should handle switch to right tab', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.TAB)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ tab: 'response', type: UIActions.SET_TAB }]) store.clearActions() store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.RIGHT)) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ tab: 'response', type: UIActions.SET_TAB }]) }) it('should handle delete action', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.D)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1', { method: 'DELETE' }) }) it('should handle duplicate action', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.D, true)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/duplicate', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle resume action', () => { // resume all store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.A, true)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/resume', { method: 'POST' }) // resume store.getState().flows.byId[store.getState().flows.selected[0]].intercepted = true store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.A)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/resume', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle replay action', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.R)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/replay', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle revert action', () => { store.getState().flows.byId[store.getState().flows.selected[0]].modified = true store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.V)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/revert', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle kill action', () => { // kill all store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.X, true)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/kill', { method: 'POST' }) // kill store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.X)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/kill', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle clear action', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.Z)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/clear', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should stop on some action with no flow is selected', () => { store.getState().flows = reduceFlows(undefined, {}) store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.LEFT)) store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.TAB)) store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.RIGHT)) store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.D)) expect(fetchApi).not.toBeCalled() }) it('should do nothing when Ctrl and undefined key is pressed ', () => { store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(Key.BACKSPACE, false, true)) store.dispatch(createKeyEvent(0)) expect(fetchApi).not.toBeCalled() }) })