jest.unmock('../../../ducks/ui/flow') jest.unmock('../../../ducks/flows') jest.unmock('lodash') import _ from 'lodash' import reducer, { startEdit, setContentViewDescription, setShowFullContent, setContent, updateEdit } from '../../../ducks/ui/flow' import { select, updateFlow } from '../../../ducks/flows' describe('flow reducer', () => { it('should change to edit mode', () => { let testFlow = {flow : 'foo'} const newState = reducer(undefined, startEdit({ flow: 'foo' })) expect(newState.contentView).toEqual('Edit') expect(newState.modifiedFlow).toEqual(testFlow) expect(newState.showFullContent).toEqual(true) }) it('should set the view description', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, setContentViewDescription('description')).viewDescription) .toEqual('description') }) it('should set show full content', () => { expect(reducer({showFullContent: false}, setShowFullContent()).showFullContent) .toBeTruthy() }) it('should set showFullContent to true', () => { let maxLines = 10 let content = _.range(maxLines) const newState = reducer({maxContentLines: maxLines}, setContent(content) ) expect(newState.showFullContent).toBeTruthy() expect(newState.content).toEqual(content) }) it('should set showFullContent to false', () => { let maxLines = 5 let content = _.range(maxLines+1); const newState = reducer({maxContentLines: maxLines}, setContent(_.range(maxLines+1))) expect(newState.showFullContent).toBeFalsy() expect(newState.content).toEqual(content) }) it('should not change the contentview mode', () => { expect(reducer({contentView: 'foo'}, select(1)).contentView).toEqual('foo') }) it('should change the contentview mode to auto after editing when a new flow will be selected', () => { expect(reducer({contentView: 'foo', modifiedFlow : 'test_flow'}, select(1)).contentView).toEqual('Auto') }) it('should set update and merge the modifiedflow with the update values', () => { let modifiedFlow = {headers: []} let updateValues = {content: 'bar'} let result = {headers: [], content: 'bar'} expect(reducer({modifiedFlow}, updateEdit(updateValues)).modifiedFlow).toEqual(result) }) it('should not change the state when a flow is updated which is not selected', () => { let modifiedFlow = {id: 1} let updatedFlow = {id: 0} expect(reducer({modifiedFlow}, updateFlow(updatedFlow)).modifiedFlow).toEqual(modifiedFlow) }) it('should stop editing when the selected flow is updated', () => { let modifiedFlow = {id: 1} let updatedFlow = {id: 1} expect(reducer({modifiedFlow}, updateFlow(updatedFlow)).modifiedFlow).toBeFalsy() }) })