jest.unmock('../../ducks/ui') jest.unmock('../../ducks/flows') import reducer, { setActiveMenu } from '../../ducks/ui' import * as flowActions from '../../ducks/flows' describe('ui reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {}).activeMenu).toEqual('Start') }) it('should return the state for view', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, setActiveMenu('View')).activeMenu).toEqual('View') }) it('should change the state to Start when deselecting a flow and we a currently at the flow tab', () => { expect(reducer( { activeMenu: 'Flow', isFlowSelected: true }, ).toEqual('Start') }) it('should change the state to Flow when we selected a flow and no flow was selected before', () => { expect(reducer( { activeMenu: 'Start', isFlowSelected: false }, ).toEqual('Flow') }) it('should not change the state to Flow when OPTIONS tab is selected and we selected a flow and a flow as selected before', () => { expect(reducer( { activeMenu: 'Options', isFlowSelected: true }, ).activeMenu).toEqual('Options') }) })