import reduceOptions, * as OptionsActions from '../../ducks/options' import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store' import thunk from 'redux-thunk' import * as OptionsEditorActions from '../../ducks/ui/optionsEditor' const mockStore = configureStore([ thunk ]) describe('option reducer', () => { it('should return initial state', () => { expect(reduceOptions(undefined, {})).toEqual({}) }) it('should handle receive action', () => { let action = { type: OptionsActions.RECEIVE, data: 'foo' } expect(reduceOptions(undefined, action)).toEqual('foo') }) it('should handle update action', () => { let action = {type: OptionsActions.UPDATE, data: {id: 1} } expect(reduceOptions(undefined, action)).toEqual({id: 1}) }) }) let store = mockStore() describe('option actions', () => { it('should be possible to update option', () => { let mockResponse = { status: 200 }, promise = Promise.resolve(mockResponse) global.fetch = r => { return promise } store.dispatch(OptionsActions.update('foo', 'bar')) expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([ { type: OptionsEditorActions.OPTION_UPDATE_START, option: 'foo', value: 'bar'} ]) store.clearActions() }) }) describe('sendUpdate', () => { it('should handle error', () => { let mockResponse = { status: 400, text: p => Promise.resolve('error') }, promise = Promise.resolve(mockResponse) global.fetch = r => { return promise } OptionsActions.pureSendUpdate('bar', 'error') expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([ { type: OptionsEditorActions.OPTION_UPDATE_SUCCESS, option: 'foo'} ]) }) }) describe('save', () => { it('should dump options', () => { global.fetch = jest.fn() store.dispatch( expect(fetch).toBeCalledWith( './options/save?_xsrf=undefined', { credentials: "same-origin", method: "POST" } ) }) })