jest.unmock('../../ducks/flows'); jest.mock('../../utils') import reduceFlows from "../../ducks/flows" import * as flowActions from "../../ducks/flows" import reduceStore from "../../ducks/utils/store" import {fetchApi} from "../../utils" import {createStore} from "./tutils" describe('flow reducer', () => { let state = undefined for (let i of [1, 2, 3, 4]) { state = reduceFlows(state, { type: flowActions.ADD, data: { id: i }, cmd: 'add' }) } it('should return initial state', () => { expect(reduceFlows(undefined, {})).toEqual({ highlight: null, filter: null, sort: { column: null, desc: false }, selected: [], ...reduceStore(undefined, {}) }) }) describe('selections', () => { it('should be possible to select a single flow', () => { expect(reduceFlows(state, { ...state, selected: [2], } ) }) it('should be possible to deselect a flow', () => { expect(reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [1] }, { ...state, selected: [], } ) }) it('should be possible to select relative', () => { // haven't selected any flow expect( flowActions.selectRelative(state, 1) ).toEqual( ) // already selected some flows expect( flowActions.selectRelative({ ...state, selected: [2] }, 1) ).toEqual( ) }) it('should update state.selected on remove', () => { let next next = reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [2] }, { type: flowActions.REMOVE, data: 2, cmd: 'remove' }) expect(next.selected).toEqual([3]) //last row next = reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [4] }, { type: flowActions.REMOVE, data: 4, cmd: 'remove' }) expect(next.selected).toEqual([3]) //multiple selection next = reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [2, 3, 4] }, { type: flowActions.REMOVE, data: 3, cmd: 'remove' }) expect(next.selected).toEqual([2, 4]) }) }) it('should be possible to set filter', () => { let filt = "~u 123" expect(reduceFlows(undefined, flowActions.setFilter(filt)).filter).toEqual(filt) }) it('should be possible to set highlight', () => { let key = "foo" expect(reduceFlows(undefined, flowActions.setHighlight(key)).highlight).toEqual(key) }) it('should be possible to set sort', () => { let sort = { column: "TLSColumn", desc: 1 } expect(reduceFlows(undefined, flowActions.setSort(sort.column, sort.desc)).sort).toEqual(sort) }) }) describe('flows actions', () => { let store = createStore({reduceFlows}) let tflow = { id: 1 } it('should handle resume action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.resume(tflow)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/resume', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle resumeAll action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.resumeAll()) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/resume', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle kill action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.kill(tflow)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/kill', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle killAll action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.killAll()) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/kill', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle remove action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.remove(tflow)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1', { method: 'DELETE' }) }) it('should handle duplicate action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.duplicate(tflow)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/duplicate', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle replay action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.replay(tflow)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/replay', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle revert action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.revert(tflow)) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/revert', { method: 'POST' }) }) it('should handle update action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.update(tflow, 'foo')) expect(fetchApi.put).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1', 'foo') }) it('should handle uploadContent action', () => { let body = new FormData(), file = new window.Blob(['foo'], { type: 'plain/text' }) body.append('file', file) store.dispatch(flowActions.uploadContent(tflow, 'foo', 'foo')) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/foo/content', { method: 'POST', body}) }) it('should handle clear action', () => { store.dispatch(flowActions.clear()) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/clear', { method: 'POST'} ) }) it('should handle download action', () => { let state = reduceFlows(undefined, {}) expect(reduceFlows(state, }) it('should handle upload action', () => { let body = new FormData() body.append('file', 'foo') store.dispatch(flowActions.upload('foo')) expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/dump', { method: 'POST', body }) }) }) describe('makeSort', () => { it('should be possible to sort by TLSColumn', () => { let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'TLSColumn', desc: true }), a = { request: { scheme: 'http' } }, b = { request: { scheme: 'https' } } expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(1) }) it('should be possible to sort by PathColumn', () => { let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'PathColumn', desc: true }), a = { request: {} }, b = { request: {} } expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(0) }) it('should be possible to sort by MethodColumn', () => { let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'MethodColumn', desc: true }), a = { request: { method: 'GET' } }, b = { request: { method: 'POST' } } expect(sort(b, a)).toEqual(-1) }) it('should be possible to sort by StatusColumn', () => { let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'StatusColumn', desc: false }), a = { response: { status_code: 200 } }, b = { response: { status_code: 404 } } expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(-1) }) it('should be possible to sort by TimeColumn', () => { let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'TimeColumn', desc: false }), a = { response: { timestamp_end: 9 }, request: { timestamp_start: 8 } }, b = { response: { timestamp_end: 10 }, request: { timestamp_start: 8 } } expect(sort(b, a)).toEqual(1) }) it('should be possible to sort by SizeColumn', () => { let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'SizeColumn', desc: true }), a = { request: { contentLength: 1 }, response: { contentLength: 1 } }, b = { request: { contentLength: 1 } } expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(-1) }) })