jest.unmock('../../ducks/flows') jest.unmock('../../ducks/flowView') jest.unmock('../../ducks/utils/view') jest.unmock('../../ducks/utils/list') jest.unmock('./tutils') import { createStore } from './tutils' import flows, * as flowActions from '../../ducks/flows' import flowView, * as flowViewActions from '../../ducks/flowView' function testStore() { let store = createStore({ flows, flowView }) for (let i of [1, 2, 3, 4]) { store.dispatch( flowActions.addFlow({ id: i }) ) } return store } describe('select relative', () => { function testSelect(start, relative, result) { const store = testStore() store.dispatch( expect(store.getState().flows.selected).toEqual(start ? [start] : []) store.dispatch(flowViewActions.selectRelative(relative)) expect(store.getState().flows.selected).toEqual([result]) } describe('previous', () => { it('should select the previous flow', () => { testSelect(3, -1, 2) }) it('should not changed when first flow is selected', () => { testSelect(1, -1, 1) }) it('should select first flow if no flow is selected', () => { testSelect(undefined, -1, 1) }) }) describe('next', () => { it('should select the next flow', () => { testSelect(2, 1, 3) }) it('should not changed when last flow is selected', () => { testSelect(4, 1, 4) }) it('should select last flow if no flow is selected', () => { testSelect(undefined, 1, 4) }) }) })