This is a loose collection of todo items, in case someone else wants to start hacking on mitmproxy. Drop me a line ( if you want to tackle any of these and need some pointers. Features: - Support for content encodings. At the moment, we sidestep this by stripping headers that indicate accepted encodings. In theory, this should force servers to serve us content uncompressed, but that's not always the case. Besides, we should try to modify requests as little as possible, so direct support for deflate and gzip is the way to go. - Add some "workspace" features to mitmproxy: - Flow comments - Copying/duplicating flows - Ordering by time, size, etc. a-la-mutt (o keyboard shorcut is reserved for this) - Post and URL field parsing and editing. - We need a built-in graphical editor for these, that knows how to break fields up and present them for modificatio individually. - No-proxy mode, for when we want to just replay without serving as a proxy ourselves. - Upstream proxy support. - Strings view for binary responses. - Support HTTP Digest authentication through the stickyauth option. We'll have to save the server nonce, and recalculate the hashes for each request. - Chunked encoding support for requests (we already support it for responses). - Better manipulation of flows in mitmproxy: copying flows, adding comments. Bugs: - In some circumstances, long URLs in list view are line-broken oddly. - When a bug in mitmproxy causes a stack trace, we hang on exit.