import Queue, time, os.path from cStringIO import StringIO import email.utils from libmproxy import filt, protocol, controller, utils, tnetstring, proxy, flow from libmproxy.protocol.primitives import Error, Flow from libmproxy.protocol.http import decoded from netlib import tcp import tutils def test_app_registry(): ar = flow.AppRegistry() ar.add("foo", "domain", 80) r = tutils.treq() r.set_url("http://domain:80/") assert ar.get(r) r.port = 81 assert not ar.get(r) r = tutils.treq() = "domain2" r.port = 80 assert not ar.get(r) r.headers["host"] = ["domain"] assert ar.get(r) class TestStickyCookieState: def _response(self, cookie, host): s = flow.StickyCookieState(filt.parse(".*")) f = tutils.tflow_full() f.server_conn.address = tcp.Address((host, 80)) f.response.headers["Set-Cookie"] = [cookie] s.handle_response(f) return s, f def test_domain_match(self): s = flow.StickyCookieState(filt.parse(".*")) assert s.domain_match("", "") assert s.domain_match("", "") def test_handle_response(self): c = "SSID=mooo, FOO=bar;; Path=/; "\ "Expires=Wed, 13-Jan-2021 22:23:01 GMT; Secure; " s, f = self._response(c, "host") assert not s.jar.keys() s, f = self._response(c, "") assert s.jar.keys() s, f = self._response("SSID=mooo", "") assert s.jar.keys()[0] == ('', 80, '/') def test_handle_request(self): s, f = self._response("SSID=mooo", "") assert "cookie" not in f.request.headers s.handle_request(f) assert "cookie" in f.request.headers class TestStickyAuthState: def test_handle_response(self): s = flow.StickyAuthState(filt.parse(".*")) f = tutils.tflow_full() f.request.headers["authorization"] = ["foo"] s.handle_request(f) assert "address" in s.hosts f = tutils.tflow_full() s.handle_request(f) assert f.request.headers["authorization"] == ["foo"] class TestClientPlaybackState: def test_tick(self): first = tutils.tflow() s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) fm.start_client_playback([first, tutils.tflow()], True) c = fm.client_playback assert not c.done() assert not s.flow_count() assert c.count() == 2 c.tick(fm, testing=True) assert s.flow_count() assert c.count() == 1 c.tick(fm, testing=True) assert c.count() == 1 c.clear(c.current) c.tick(fm, testing=True) assert c.count() == 0 c.clear(c.current) assert c.done() q = Queue.Queue() fm.state.clear() fm.tick(q) fm.stop_client_playback() assert not fm.client_playback class TestServerPlaybackState: def test_hash(self): s = flow.ServerPlaybackState(None, [], False, False) r = tutils.tflow() r2 = tutils.tflow() assert s._hash(r) assert s._hash(r) == s._hash(r2) r.request.headers["foo"] = ["bar"] assert s._hash(r) == s._hash(r2) r.request.path = "voing" assert s._hash(r) != s._hash(r2) def test_headers(self): s = flow.ServerPlaybackState(["foo"], [], False, False) r = tutils.tflow_full() r.request.headers["foo"] = ["bar"] r2 = tutils.tflow_full() assert not s._hash(r) == s._hash(r2) r2.request.headers["foo"] = ["bar"] assert s._hash(r) == s._hash(r2) r2.request.headers["oink"] = ["bar"] assert s._hash(r) == s._hash(r2) r = tutils.tflow_full() r2 = tutils.tflow_full() assert s._hash(r) == s._hash(r2) def test_load(self): r = tutils.tflow_full() r.request.headers["key"] = ["one"] r2 = tutils.tflow_full() r2.request.headers["key"] = ["two"] s = flow.ServerPlaybackState(None, [r, r2], False, False) assert s.count() == 2 assert len(s.fmap.keys()) == 1 n = s.next_flow(r) assert n.request.headers["key"] == ["one"] assert s.count() == 1 n = s.next_flow(r) assert n.request.headers["key"] == ["two"] assert s.count() == 0 assert not s.next_flow(r) def test_load_with_nopop(self): r = tutils.tflow_full() r.request.headers["key"] = ["one"] r2 = tutils.tflow_full() r2.request.headers["key"] = ["two"] s = flow.ServerPlaybackState(None, [r, r2], False, True) assert s.count() == 2 s.next_flow(r) assert s.count() == 2 class TestFlow: def test_copy(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() a0 = f._get_state() f2 = f.copy() a = f._get_state() b = f2._get_state() assert f._get_state() == f2._get_state() assert not f == f2 assert not f is f2 assert f.request == f2.request assert not f.request is f2.request assert f.request.headers == f2.request.headers assert not f.request.headers is f2.request.headers assert f.response == f2.response assert not f.response is f2.response f = tutils.tflow_err() f2 = f.copy() assert not f is f2 assert not f.request is f2.request assert f.request.headers == f2.request.headers assert not f.request.headers is f2.request.headers assert f.error == f2.error assert not f.error is f2.error def test_match(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() assert not f.match("~b test") assert f.match(None) assert not f.match("~b test") f = tutils.tflow_err() assert f.match("~e") tutils.raises(ValueError, f.match, "~") def test_backup(self): f = tutils.tflow() f.response = tutils.tresp() f.request.content = "foo" assert not f.modified() f.backup() f.request.content = "bar" assert f.modified() f.revert() assert f.request.content == "foo" def test_backup_idempotence(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() f.backup() f.revert() f.backup() f.revert() def test_getset_state(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() state = f._get_state() assert f._get_state() == protocol.http.HTTPFlow._from_state(state)._get_state() f.response = None f.error = Error("error") state = f._get_state() assert f._get_state() == protocol.http.HTTPFlow._from_state(state)._get_state() f2 = f.copy() assert f._get_state() == f2._get_state() assert not f == f2 f2.error = Error("e2") assert not f == f2 f._load_state(f2._get_state()) assert f._get_state() == f2._get_state() def test_kill(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) f = tutils.tflow() f.request = tutils.treq() f.intercept() assert not f.request.reply.acked f.kill(fm) assert f.request.reply.acked f.intercept() f.response = tutils.tresp() f.request.reply() assert not f.response.reply.acked f.kill(fm) assert f.response.reply.acked def test_killall(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) r = tutils.treq() fm.handle_request(r) r = tutils.treq() fm.handle_request(r) for i in s.view: assert not i.request.reply.acked s.killall(fm) for i in s.view: assert i.request.reply.acked def test_accept_intercept(self): f = tutils.tflow() f.request = tutils.treq() f.intercept() assert not f.request.reply.acked f.accept_intercept() assert f.request.reply.acked f.response = tutils.tresp() f.intercept() f.request.reply() assert not f.response.reply.acked f.accept_intercept() assert f.response.reply.acked def test_replace_unicode(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() f.response.content = "\xc2foo" f.replace("foo", u"bar") def test_replace(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() f.request.headers["foo"] = ["foo"] f.request.content = "afoob" f.response.headers["foo"] = ["foo"] f.response.content = "afoob" assert f.replace("foo", "bar") == 6 assert f.request.headers["bar"] == ["bar"] assert f.request.content == "abarb" assert f.response.headers["bar"] == ["bar"] assert f.response.content == "abarb" def test_replace_encoded(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() f.request.content = "afoob" f.request.encode("gzip") f.response.content = "afoob" f.response.encode("gzip") f.replace("foo", "bar") assert f.request.content != "abarb" f.request.decode() assert f.request.content == "abarb" assert f.response.content != "abarb" f.response.decode() assert f.response.content == "abarb" class TestState: def test_backup(self): c = flow.State() req = tutils.treq() f = c.add_request(req) f.backup() c.revert(f) def test_flow(self): """ normal flow: connect -> request -> response """ bc = tutils.tclient_conn() c = flow.State() req = tutils.treq(bc) f = c.add_request(req) assert f assert c.flow_count() == 1 assert c.active_flow_count() == 1 newreq = tutils.treq() assert c.add_request(newreq) assert c.active_flow_count() == 2 resp = tutils.tresp(req) assert c.add_response(resp) assert c.flow_count() == 2 assert c.active_flow_count() == 1 unseen_resp = tutils.tresp() unseen_resp.flow = None assert not c.add_response(unseen_resp) assert c.active_flow_count() == 1 resp = tutils.tresp(newreq) assert c.add_response(resp) assert c.active_flow_count() == 0 def test_err(self): c = flow.State() req = tutils.treq() f = c.add_request(req) f.error = Error("message") assert c.add_error(f.error) e = Error("message") assert not c.add_error(e) c = flow.State() req = tutils.treq() f = c.add_request(req) e = tutils.terr() c.set_limit("~e") assert not c.view assert c.add_error(e) assert c.view def test_set_limit(self): c = flow.State() req = tutils.treq() assert len(c.view) == 0 c.add_request(req) assert len(c.view) == 1 c.set_limit("~s") assert c.limit_txt == "~s" assert len(c.view) == 0 resp = tutils.tresp(req) c.add_response(resp) assert len(c.view) == 1 c.set_limit(None) assert len(c.view) == 1 req = tutils.treq() c.add_request(req) assert len(c.view) == 2 c.set_limit("~q") assert len(c.view) == 1 c.set_limit("~s") assert len(c.view) == 1 assert "Invalid" in c.set_limit("~") def test_set_intercept(self): c = flow.State() assert not c.set_intercept("~q") assert c.intercept_txt == "~q" assert "Invalid" in c.set_intercept("~") assert not c.set_intercept(None) assert c.intercept_txt == None def _add_request(self, state): req = tutils.treq() f = state.add_request(req) return f def _add_response(self, state): req = tutils.treq() state.add_request(req) resp = tutils.tresp(req) state.add_response(resp) def _add_error(self, state): req = tutils.treq() f = state.add_request(req) f.error = Error("msg") def test_clear(self): c = flow.State() f = self._add_request(c) f.intercepting = True c.clear() assert c.flow_count() == 0 def test_dump_flows(self): c = flow.State() self._add_request(c) self._add_response(c) self._add_request(c) self._add_response(c) self._add_request(c) self._add_response(c) self._add_error(c) flows = c.view[:] c.clear() c.load_flows(flows) assert isinstance(c._flow_list[0], Flow) def test_accept_all(self): c = flow.State() self._add_request(c) self._add_response(c) self._add_request(c) c.accept_all() class TestSerialize: def _treader(self): sio = StringIO() w = flow.FlowWriter(sio) for i in range(3): f = tutils.tflow_full() w.add(f) for i in range(3): f = tutils.tflow_err() w.add(f) return flow.FlowReader(sio) def test_roundtrip(self): sio = StringIO() f = tutils.tflow() f.request.content = "".join(chr(i) for i in range(255)) w = flow.FlowWriter(sio) w.add(f) r = flow.FlowReader(sio) l = list( assert len(l) == 1 f2 = l[0] assert f2._get_state() == f._get_state() assert f2.request._assemble() == f.request._assemble() def test_load_flows(self): r = self._treader() s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) fm.load_flows(r) assert len(s._flow_list) == 6 def test_filter(self): sio = StringIO() fl = filt.parse("~c 200") w = flow.FilteredFlowWriter(sio, fl) f = tutils.tflow_full() f.response.code = 200 w.add(f) f = tutils.tflow_full() f.response.code = 201 w.add(f) r = flow.FlowReader(sio) assert len(list( def test_error(self): sio = StringIO() sio.write("bogus") r = flow.FlowReader(sio) tutils.raises(flow.FlowReadError, list, f = flow.FlowReadError("foo") assert f.strerror == "foo" def test_versioncheck(self): f = tutils.tflow() d = f._get_state() d["version"] = (0, 0) sio = StringIO() tnetstring.dump(d, sio) r = flow.FlowReader(sio) tutils.raises("version", list, class TestFlowMaster: def test_load_script(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) assert not fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) assert not fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) assert not fm.unload_scripts() assert fm.load_script("nonexistent") assert "ValueError" in fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) assert len(fm.scripts) == 0 def test_replay(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) f = tutils.tflow_full() f.request.content = flow.CONTENT_MISSING assert "missing" in fm.replay_request(f) f.intercepting = True assert "intercepting" in fm.replay_request(f) def test_script_reqerr(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) assert not fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) req = tutils.treq() fm.handle_clientconnect(req.flow.client_conn) assert fm.handle_request(req) def test_script(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) assert not fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) req = tutils.treq() fm.handle_clientconnect(req.flow.client_conn) assert fm.scripts[0].ns["log"][-1] == "clientconnect" sc = proxy.ServerConnection((req.get_host(), req.get_port()), None) sc.reply = controller.DummyReply() fm.handle_serverconnection(sc) assert fm.scripts[0].ns["log"][-1] == "serverconnect" f = fm.handle_request(req) assert fm.scripts[0].ns["log"][-1] == "request" resp = tutils.tresp(req) fm.handle_response(resp) assert fm.scripts[0].ns["log"][-1] == "response" #load second script assert not fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) assert len(fm.scripts) == 2 fm.handle_clientdisconnect(sc) assert fm.scripts[0].ns["log"][-1] == "clientdisconnect" assert fm.scripts[1].ns["log"][-1] == "clientdisconnect" #unload first script fm.unload_scripts() assert len(fm.scripts) == 0 assert not fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) err = tutils.terr() err.reply = controller.DummyReply() fm.handle_error(err) assert fm.scripts[0].ns["log"][-1] == "error" def test_duplicate_flow(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) f = tutils.tflow_full() f = fm.load_flow(f) assert s.flow_count() == 1 f2 = fm.duplicate_flow(f) assert f2.response assert s.flow_count() == 2 assert s.index(f2) == 1 def test_all(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) fm.anticache = True fm.anticomp = True req = tutils.treq() fm.handle_clientconnect(req.flow.client_conn) f = fm.handle_request(req) assert s.flow_count() == 1 resp = tutils.tresp(req) fm.handle_response(resp) assert s.flow_count() == 1 rx = tutils.tresp() rx.flow = None assert not fm.handle_response(rx) fm.handle_clientdisconnect(req.flow.client_conn) f.error = Error("msg") f.error.reply = controller.DummyReply() fm.handle_error(f.error) fm.load_script(tutils.test_data.path("scripts/")) fm.shutdown() def test_client_playback(self): s = flow.State() f = tutils.tflow_full() pb = [tutils.tflow_full(), f] fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) assert not fm.start_server_playback(pb, False, [], False, False) assert not fm.start_client_playback(pb, False) q = Queue.Queue() assert not fm.state.flow_count() fm.tick(q) assert fm.state.flow_count() f.error = Error("error") f.error.reply = controller.DummyReply() fm.handle_error(f.error) def test_server_playback(self): controller.should_exit = False s = flow.State() f = tutils.tflow() f.response = tutils.tresp(f.request) pb = [f] fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) fm.refresh_server_playback = True assert not fm.do_server_playback(tutils.tflow()) fm.start_server_playback(pb, False, [], False, False) assert fm.do_server_playback(tutils.tflow()) fm.start_server_playback(pb, False, [], True, False) r = tutils.tflow() r.request.content = "gibble" assert not fm.do_server_playback(r) assert fm.do_server_playback(tutils.tflow()) fm.start_server_playback(pb, False, [], True, False) q = Queue.Queue() fm.tick(q) assert controller.should_exit fm.stop_server_playback() assert not fm.server_playback def test_server_playback_kill(self): s = flow.State() f = tutils.tflow() f.response = tutils.tresp(f.request) pb = [f] fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) fm.refresh_server_playback = True fm.start_server_playback(pb, True, [], False, False) f = tutils.tflow() = "nonexistent" fm.process_new_request(f) assert "killed" in f.error.msg def test_stickycookie(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) assert "Invalid" in fm.set_stickycookie("~h") fm.set_stickycookie(".*") assert fm.stickycookie_state fm.set_stickycookie(None) assert not fm.stickycookie_state fm.set_stickycookie(".*") tf = tutils.tflow_full() tf.response.headers["set-cookie"] = ["foo=bar"] fm.handle_request(tf.request) fm.handle_response(tf.response) assert fm.stickycookie_state.jar assert not "cookie" in tf.request.headers tf = tf.copy() fm.handle_request(tf.request) assert tf.request.headers["cookie"] == ["foo=bar"] def test_stickyauth(self): s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) assert "Invalid" in fm.set_stickyauth("~h") fm.set_stickyauth(".*") assert fm.stickyauth_state fm.set_stickyauth(None) assert not fm.stickyauth_state fm.set_stickyauth(".*") tf = tutils.tflow_full() tf.request.headers["authorization"] = ["foo"] fm.handle_request(tf.request) f = tutils.tflow_full() assert fm.stickyauth_state.hosts assert not "authorization" in f.request.headers fm.handle_request(f.request) assert f.request.headers["authorization"] == ["foo"] def test_stream(self): with tutils.tmpdir() as tdir: p = os.path.join(tdir, "foo") def r(): r = flow.FlowReader(open(p,"rb")) return list( s = flow.State() fm = flow.FlowMaster(None, s) tf = tutils.tflow_full() fm.start_stream(file(p, "ab"), None) fm.handle_request(tf.request) fm.handle_response(tf.response) fm.stop_stream() assert r()[0].response tf = tutils.tflow() fm.start_stream(file(p, "ab"), None) fm.handle_request(tf.request) fm.shutdown() assert not r()[1].response class TestRequest: def test_simple(self): r = tutils.treq() u = r.get_url() assert r.set_url(u) assert not r.set_url("") assert r.get_url() == u assert r._assemble() assert r.size() == len(r._assemble()) r2 = r.copy() assert r == r2 r.content = None assert r._assemble() assert r.size() == len(r._assemble()) r.content = flow.CONTENT_MISSING tutils.raises("Cannot assemble flow with CONTENT_MISSING", r._assemble) def test_get_url(self): r = tutils.tflow().request assert r.get_url() == "http://address:22/path" r.flow.server_conn.ssl_established = True assert r.get_url() == "https://address:22/path" r.flow.server_conn.address = tcp.Address(("host", 42)) assert r.get_url() == "https://host:42/path" = "address" r.port = 22 assert r.get_url() == "https://address:22/path" assert r.get_url(hostheader=True) == "https://address:22/path" r.headers["Host"] = [""] assert r.get_url() == "https://address:22/path" assert r.get_url(hostheader=True) == "" def test_path_components(self): r = tutils.treq() r.path = "/" assert r.get_path_components() == [] r.path = "/foo/bar" assert r.get_path_components() == ["foo", "bar"] q = flow.ODict() q["test"] = ["123"] r.set_query(q) assert r.get_path_components() == ["foo", "bar"] r.set_path_components([]) assert r.get_path_components() == [] r.set_path_components(["foo"]) assert r.get_path_components() == ["foo"] r.set_path_components(["/oo"]) assert r.get_path_components() == ["/oo"] assert "%2F" in r.path def test_getset_form_urlencoded(self): d = flow.ODict([("one", "two"), ("three", "four")]) r = tutils.treq(content=utils.urlencode(d.lst)) r.headers["content-type"] = [protocol.http.HDR_FORM_URLENCODED] assert r.get_form_urlencoded() == d d = flow.ODict([("x", "y")]) r.set_form_urlencoded(d) assert r.get_form_urlencoded() == d r.headers["content-type"] = ["foo"] assert not r.get_form_urlencoded() def test_getset_query(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() r = tutils.treq() r.path = "/foo?x=y&a=b" q = r.get_query() assert q.lst == [("x", "y"), ("a", "b")] r.path = "/" q = r.get_query() assert not q r.path = "/?adsfa" q = r.get_query() assert q.lst == [("adsfa", "")] r.path = "/foo?x=y&a=b" assert r.get_query() r.set_query(flow.ODict([])) assert not r.get_query() qv = flow.ODict([("a", "b"), ("c", "d")]) r.set_query(qv) assert r.get_query() == qv def test_anticache(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() r = tutils.treq() r.headers = h h["if-modified-since"] = ["test"] h["if-none-match"] = ["test"] r.anticache() assert not "if-modified-since" in r.headers assert not "if-none-match" in r.headers def test_replace(self): r = tutils.treq() r.path = "path/foo" r.headers["Foo"] = ["fOo"] r.content = "afoob" assert r.replace("foo(?i)", "boo") == 4 assert r.path == "path/boo" assert not "foo" in r.content assert r.headers["boo"] == ["boo"] def test_constrain_encoding(self): r = tutils.treq() r.headers["accept-encoding"] = ["gzip", "oink"] r.constrain_encoding() assert "oink" not in r.headers["accept-encoding"] def test_decodeencode(self): r = tutils.treq() r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] r.content = "falafel" r.decode() assert not r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == "falafel" r = tutils.treq() r.content = "falafel" assert not r.decode() r = tutils.treq() r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] r.content = "falafel" r.encode("identity") assert r.headers["content-encoding"] == ["identity"] assert r.content == "falafel" r = tutils.treq() r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] r.content = "falafel" r.encode("gzip") assert r.headers["content-encoding"] == ["gzip"] assert r.content != "falafel" r.decode() assert not r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == "falafel" def test_get_decoded_content(self): r = tutils.treq() r.content = None r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] assert r.get_decoded_content() == None r.content = "falafel" r.encode("gzip") assert r.get_decoded_content() == "falafel" def test_get_cookies_none(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() r = tutils.treq() r.headers = h assert r.get_cookies() is None def test_get_cookies_single(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Cookie"] = ["cookiename=cookievalue"] r = tutils.treq() r.headers = h result = r.get_cookies() assert len(result)==1 assert result['cookiename']==('cookievalue',{}) def test_get_cookies_double(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Cookie"] = ["cookiename=cookievalue;othercookiename=othercookievalue"] r = tutils.treq() r.headers = h result = r.get_cookies() assert len(result)==2 assert result['cookiename']==('cookievalue',{}) assert result['othercookiename']==('othercookievalue',{}) def test_get_cookies_withequalsign(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Cookie"] = ["cookiename=coo=kievalue;othercookiename=othercookievalue"] r = tutils.treq() r.headers = h result = r.get_cookies() assert len(result)==2 assert result['cookiename']==('coo=kievalue',{}) assert result['othercookiename']==('othercookievalue',{}) def test_header_size(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["headername"] = ["headervalue"] r = tutils.treq() r.headers = h result = len(r._assemble_headers()) print result print r._assemble_headers() assert result == 62 def test_get_content_type(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Content-Type"] = ["text/plain"] resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h assert resp.headers.get_first("content-type") == "text/plain" class TestResponse: def test_simple(self): f = tutils.tflow_full() resp = f.response assert resp._assemble() assert resp.size() == len(resp._assemble()) resp2 = resp.copy() assert resp2 == resp resp.content = None assert resp._assemble() assert resp.size() == len(resp._assemble()) resp.content = flow.CONTENT_MISSING tutils.raises("Cannot assemble flow with CONTENT_MISSING", resp._assemble) def test_refresh(self): r = tutils.tresp() n = time.time() r.headers["date"] = [email.utils.formatdate(n)] pre = r.headers["date"] r.refresh(n) assert pre == r.headers["date"] r.refresh(n+60) d = email.utils.parsedate_tz(r.headers["date"][0]) d = email.utils.mktime_tz(d) # Weird that this is not exact... assert abs(60-(d-n)) <= 1 r.headers["set-cookie"] = ["MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT;; Secure"] r.refresh() def test_refresh_cookie(self): r = tutils.tresp() # Invalid expires format, sent to us by Reddit. c = "rfoo=bar;; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT; Path=/" assert r._refresh_cookie(c, 60) c = "MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT;; Secure" assert "00:21:38" in r._refresh_cookie(c, 60) def test_replace(self): r = tutils.tresp() r.headers["Foo"] = ["fOo"] r.content = "afoob" assert r.replace("foo(?i)", "boo") == 3 assert not "foo" in r.content assert r.headers["boo"] == ["boo"] def test_decodeencode(self): r = tutils.tresp() r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] r.content = "falafel" r.decode() assert not r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == "falafel" r = tutils.tresp() r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] r.content = "falafel" r.encode("identity") assert r.headers["content-encoding"] == ["identity"] assert r.content == "falafel" r = tutils.tresp() r.headers["content-encoding"] = ["identity"] r.content = "falafel" r.encode("gzip") assert r.headers["content-encoding"] == ["gzip"] assert r.content != "falafel" r.decode() assert not r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == "falafel" def test_header_size(self): r = tutils.tresp() result = len(r._assemble_headers()) assert result==44 def test_get_cookies_none(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h assert not resp.get_cookies() def test_get_cookies_simple(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Set-Cookie"] = ["cookiename=cookievalue"] resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h result = resp.get_cookies() assert len(result)==1 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"] == ("cookievalue", {}) def test_get_cookies_with_parameters(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Set-Cookie"] = ["cookiename=cookievalue;;expires=Wed Oct 21 16:29:41 2015;path=/; HttpOnly"] resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h result = resp.get_cookies() assert len(result)==1 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"][0] == "cookievalue" assert len(result["cookiename"][1])==4 assert result["cookiename"][1]["domain"]=="" assert result["cookiename"][1]["expires"]=="Wed Oct 21 16:29:41 2015" assert result["cookiename"][1]["path"]=="/" assert result["cookiename"][1]["httponly"]=="" def test_get_cookies_no_value(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Set-Cookie"] = ["cookiename=; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/"] resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h result = resp.get_cookies() assert len(result)==1 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"][0] == "" assert len(result["cookiename"][1])==2 def test_get_cookies_twocookies(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Set-Cookie"] = ["cookiename=cookievalue","othercookie=othervalue"] resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h result = resp.get_cookies() assert len(result)==2 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"] == ("cookievalue", {}) assert "othercookie" in result assert result["othercookie"] == ("othervalue", {}) def test_get_content_type(self): h = flow.ODictCaseless() h["Content-Type"] = ["text/plain"] resp = tutils.tresp() resp.headers = h assert resp.headers.get_first("content-type") == "text/plain" class TestError: def test_getset_state(self): e = Error("Error") state = e._get_state() assert Error._from_state(state) == e assert e.copy() e2 = Error("bar") assert not e == e2 e._load_state(e2._get_state()) assert e == e2 e3 = e.copy() assert e3 == e class TestClientConnection: def test_state(self): c = tutils.tclient_conn() assert proxy.ClientConnection._from_state(c._get_state()) == c c2 = tutils.tclient_conn() c2.address.address = (, 4242) assert not c == c2 c2.timestamp_start = 42 c._load_state(c2._get_state()) assert c.timestamp_start == 42 c3 = c.copy() assert c3 == c assert str(c) def test_decoded(): r = tutils.treq() assert r.content == "content" assert not r.headers["content-encoding"] r.encode("gzip") assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content != "content" with decoded(r): assert not r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content == "content" assert r.headers["content-encoding"] assert r.content != "content" with decoded(r): r.content = "foo" assert r.content != "foo" r.decode() assert r.content == "foo" def test_replacehooks(): h = flow.ReplaceHooks() h.add("~q", "foo", "bar") assert h.lst h.set( [ (".*", "one", "two"), (".*", "three", "four"), ] ) assert h.count() == 2 h.clear() assert not h.lst h.add("~q", "foo", "bar") h.add("~s", "foo", "bar") v = h.get_specs() assert v == [('~q', 'foo', 'bar'), ('~s', 'foo', 'bar')] assert h.count() == 2 h.clear() assert h.count() == 0 f = tutils.tflow() f.request.content = "foo" h.add("~s", "foo", "bar") assert f.request.content == "foo" f = tutils.tflow_full() f.request.content = "foo" f.response.content = "foo" assert f.response.content == "bar" assert f.request.content == "foo" f = tutils.tflow() h.clear() h.add("~q", "foo", "bar") f.request.content = "foo" assert f.request.content == "bar" assert not h.add("~", "foo", "bar") assert not h.add("foo", "*", "bar") def test_setheaders(): h = flow.SetHeaders() h.add("~q", "foo", "bar") assert h.lst h.set( [ (".*", "one", "two"), (".*", "three", "four"), ] ) assert h.count() == 2 h.clear() assert not h.lst h.add("~q", "foo", "bar") h.add("~s", "foo", "bar") v = h.get_specs() assert v == [('~q', 'foo', 'bar'), ('~s', 'foo', 'bar')] assert h.count() == 2 h.clear() assert h.count() == 0 f = tutils.tflow() f.request.content = "foo" h.add("~s", "foo", "bar") assert f.request.content == "foo" h.clear() h.add("~s", "one", "two") h.add("~s", "one", "three") f = tutils.tflow_full() f.request.headers["one"] = ["xxx"] f.response.headers["one"] = ["xxx"] assert f.request.headers["one"] == ["xxx"] assert f.response.headers["one"] == ["two", "three"] h.clear() h.add("~q", "one", "two") h.add("~q", "one", "three") f = tutils.tflow() f.request.headers["one"] = ["xxx"] assert f.request.headers["one"] == ["two", "three"] assert not h.add("~", "foo", "bar")