# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import six from netlib import utils from netlib.http import Headers from netlib.odict import ODict from netlib.tutils import treq, raises from .test_message import _test_decoded_attr, _test_passthrough_attr class TestRequestData(object): def test_init(self): with raises(ValueError if six.PY2 else TypeError): treq(headers="foobar") assert isinstance(treq(headers=None).headers, Headers) class TestRequestCore(object): """ Tests for builtins and the attributes that are directly proxied from the data structure """ def test_repr(self): request = treq() assert repr(request) == "Request(GET address:22/path)" request.host = None assert repr(request) == "Request(GET /path)" def test_first_line_format(self): _test_passthrough_attr(treq(), "first_line_format") def test_method(self): _test_decoded_attr(treq(), "method") def test_scheme(self): _test_decoded_attr(treq(), "scheme") def test_port(self): _test_passthrough_attr(treq(), "port") def test_path(self): req = treq() _test_decoded_attr(req, "path") # path can also be None. req.path = None assert req.path is None assert req.data.path is None def test_host(self): if six.PY2: from unittest import SkipTest raise SkipTest() request = treq() assert request.host == request.data.host.decode("idna") # Test IDNA encoding # Set str, get raw bytes request.host = "ídna.example" assert request.data.host == b"xn--dna-qma.example" # Set raw bytes, get decoded request.data.host = b"xn--idn-gla.example" assert request.host == "idná.example" # Set bytes, get raw bytes request.host = b"xn--dn-qia9b.example" assert request.data.host == b"xn--dn-qia9b.example" # IDNA encoding is not bijective request.host = "fußball" assert request.host == "fussball" # Don't fail on garbage request.data.host = b"foo\xFF\x00bar" assert request.host.startswith("foo") assert request.host.endswith("bar") # foo.bar = foo.bar should not cause any side effects. d = request.host request.host = d assert request.data.host == b"foo\xFF\x00bar" def test_host_header_update(self): request = treq() assert "host" not in request.headers request.host = "example.com" assert "host" not in request.headers request.headers["Host"] = "foo" request.host = "example.org" assert request.headers["Host"] == "example.org" class TestRequestUtils(object): """ Tests for additional convenience methods. """ def test_url(self): request = treq() assert request.url == "http://address:22/path" request.url = "https://otheraddress:42/foo" assert request.scheme == "https" assert request.host == "otheraddress" assert request.port == 42 assert request.path == "/foo" with raises(ValueError): request.url = "not-a-url" def test_pretty_host(self): request = treq() # Without host header assert request.pretty_host == "address" assert request.host == "address" # Same port as self.port (22) request.headers["host"] = "other:22" assert request.pretty_host == "other" # Different ports request.headers["host"] = "other" assert request.pretty_host == "address" assert request.host == "address" # Empty host request.host = None assert request.pretty_host is None assert request.host is None # Invalid IDNA request.headers["host"] = ".disqus.com:22" assert request.pretty_host == ".disqus.com" def test_pretty_url(self): request = treq() # Without host header assert request.url == "http://address:22/path" assert request.pretty_url == "http://address:22/path" # Same port as self.port (22) request.headers["host"] = "other:22" assert request.pretty_url == "http://other:22/path" # Different ports request.headers["host"] = "other" assert request.pretty_url == "http://address:22/path" def test_pretty_url_authority(self): request = treq(first_line_format="authority") assert request.pretty_url == "address:22" def test_get_query(self): request = treq() assert request.query is None request.url = "http://localhost:80/foo?bar=42" assert request.query.lst == [("bar", "42")] def test_set_query(self): request = treq(host=b"foo", headers = Headers(host=b"bar")) request.query = ODict([]) assert request.host == "foo" assert request.headers["host"] == "bar" def test_get_cookies_none(self): request = treq() request.headers = Headers() assert len(request.cookies) == 0 def test_get_cookies_single(self): request = treq() request.headers = Headers(cookie="cookiename=cookievalue") result = request.cookies assert len(result) == 1 assert result['cookiename'] == ['cookievalue'] def test_get_cookies_double(self): request = treq() request.headers = Headers(cookie="cookiename=cookievalue;othercookiename=othercookievalue") result = request.cookies assert len(result) == 2 assert result['cookiename'] == ['cookievalue'] assert result['othercookiename'] == ['othercookievalue'] def test_get_cookies_withequalsign(self): request = treq() request.headers = Headers(cookie="cookiename=coo=kievalue;othercookiename=othercookievalue") result = request.cookies assert len(result) == 2 assert result['cookiename'] == ['coo=kievalue'] assert result['othercookiename'] == ['othercookievalue'] def test_set_cookies(self): request = treq() request.headers = Headers(cookie="cookiename=cookievalue") result = request.cookies result["cookiename"] = ["foo"] request.cookies = result assert request.cookies["cookiename"] == ["foo"] def test_get_path_components(self): request = treq(path=b"/foo/bar") assert request.path_components == ["foo", "bar"] def test_set_path_components(self): request = treq(host=b"foo", headers = Headers(host=b"bar")) request.path_components = ["foo", "baz"] assert request.path == "/foo/baz" request.path_components = [] assert request.path == "/" request.query = ODict([]) assert request.host == "foo" assert request.headers["host"] == "bar" def test_anticache(self): request = treq() request.headers["If-Modified-Since"] = "foo" request.headers["If-None-Match"] = "bar" request.anticache() assert "If-Modified-Since" not in request.headers assert "If-None-Match" not in request.headers def test_anticomp(self): request = treq() request.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "foobar" request.anticomp() assert request.headers["Accept-Encoding"] == "identity" def test_constrain_encoding(self): request = treq() h = request.headers.copy() request.constrain_encoding() # no-op if there is no accept_encoding header. assert request.headers == h request.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity, gzip, foo" request.constrain_encoding() assert "foo" not in request.headers["Accept-Encoding"] assert "gzip" in request.headers["Accept-Encoding"] def test_get_urlencoded_form(self): request = treq(content="foobar") assert request.urlencoded_form is None request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" assert request.urlencoded_form == ODict(utils.urldecode(request.content)) def test_set_urlencoded_form(self): request = treq() request.urlencoded_form = ODict([('foo', 'bar'), ('rab', 'oof')]) assert request.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" assert request.content def test_get_multipart_form(self): request = treq(content="foobar") assert request.multipart_form is None request.headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data" assert request.multipart_form == ODict( utils.multipartdecode( request.headers, request.content ) )