import copy import pytest import typing import argparse from mitmproxy import options from mitmproxy import optmanager from mitmproxy import exceptions class TO(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("one", typing.Optional[int], None, "help") self.add_option("two", typing.Optional[int], 2, "help") self.add_option("bool", bool, False, "help") self.add_option("required_int", int, 2, "help") class TD(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("one", str, "done", "help") self.add_option("two", str, "dtwo", "help") class TD2(TD): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("three", str, "dthree", "help") self.add_option("four", str, "dfour", "help") class TM(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("two", typing.Sequence[str], ["foo"], "help") self.add_option("one", typing.Optional[str], None, "help") def test_defaults(): o = TD2() defaults = { "one": "done", "two": "dtwo", "three": "dthree", "four": "dfour", } for k, v in defaults.items(): assert o.default(k) == v assert not o.has_changed("one") newvals = dict( one="xone", two="xtwo", three="xthree", four="xfour", ) o.update(**newvals) assert o.has_changed("one") for k, v in newvals.items(): assert v == getattr(o, k) o.reset() assert not o.has_changed("one") for k in o.keys(): assert not o.has_changed(k) def test_required_int(): o = TO() with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): o.parse_setval(o._options["required_int"], None) def test_deepcopy(): o = TD() copy.deepcopy(o) def test_options(): o = TO() assert o.keys() == {"bool", "one", "two", "required_int"} assert is None assert o.two == 2 = 1 assert == 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): TO(nonexistent = "value") with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unknown options"): o.nonexistent = "value" with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Unknown options"): o.update(nonexistent = "value") assert o.update_known(nonexistent = "value") == {"nonexistent": "value"} rec = [] def sub(opts, updated): rec.append(copy.copy(opts)) o.changed.connect(sub) = 90 assert len(rec) == 1 assert rec[-1].one == 90 o.update(one=3) assert len(rec) == 2 assert rec[-1].one == 3 def test_setter(): o = TO() f = o.setter("two") f(99) assert o.two == 99 with pytest.raises(Exception, match="No such option"): o.setter("nonexistent") def test_toggler(): o = TO() f = o.toggler("bool") assert o.bool is False f() assert o.bool is True f() assert o.bool is False with pytest.raises(Exception, match="No such option"): o.toggler("nonexistent") with pytest.raises(Exception, match="boolean options"): o.toggler("one") class Rec(): def __init__(self): self.called = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.called = (args, kwargs) def test_subscribe(): o = TO() r = Rec() # pytest.raises keeps a reference here that interferes with the cleanup test # further down. try: o.subscribe(r, ["unknown"]) except exceptions.OptionsError: pass else: raise AssertionError assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 0 o.subscribe(r, ["two"]) = 2 assert not r.called o.two = 3 assert r.called assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 1 del r o.two = 4 assert len(o.changed.receivers) == 0 class binder: def __init__(self): self.o = TO() self.called = False self.o.subscribe(self.bound, ["two"]) def bound(self, *args, **kwargs): self.called = True t = binder() = 3 assert not t.called t.o.two = 3 assert t.called def test_rollback(): o = TO() rec = [] def sub(opts, updated): rec.append(copy.copy(opts)) recerr = [] def errsub(opts, **kwargs): recerr.append(kwargs) def err(opts, updated): if == 10: raise exceptions.OptionsError() if opts.bool is True: raise exceptions.OptionsError() o.changed.connect(sub) o.changed.connect(err) o.errored.connect(errsub) assert is None with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): = 10 assert is None with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): o.bool = True assert o.bool is False assert isinstance(recerr[0]["exc"], exceptions.OptionsError) assert is None assert o.bool is False assert len(rec) == 4 assert rec[0].one == 10 assert rec[1].one is None assert rec[2].bool is True assert rec[3].bool is False with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): with o.rollback({"one"}, reraise=True): raise exceptions.OptionsError() def test_simple(): assert repr(TO()) assert "one" in TO() def test_items(): assert TO().items() def test_serialize(): o = TD2() o.three = "set" assert "dfour" in optmanager.serialize(o, None, defaults=True) data = optmanager.serialize(o, None) assert "dfour" not in data o2 = TD2() optmanager.load(o2, data) assert o2 == o assert not o == 42 t = """ unknown: foo """ data = optmanager.serialize(o, t) o2 = TD2() optmanager.load(o2, data) assert o2 == o t = "invalid: foo\ninvalid" with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Config error"): optmanager.load(o2, t) t = "invalid" with pytest.raises(Exception, match="Config error"): optmanager.load(o2, t) t = "# a comment" optmanager.load(o2, t) optmanager.load(o2, "foobar: '123'") assert o2.deferred == {"foobar": "123"} t = "" optmanager.load(o2, t) optmanager.load(o2, "foobar: '123'") assert o2.deferred == {"foobar": "123"} def test_serialize_defaults(): o = options.Options() assert optmanager.serialize(o, None, defaults=True) def test_saving(tmpdir): o = TD2() o.three = "set" dst = str(tmpdir.join("conf")), dst, defaults=True) o2 = TD2() optmanager.load_paths(o2, dst) o2.three = "foo", dst, defaults=True) optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) assert o.three == "foo" with open(dst, 'a') as f: f.write("foobar: '123'") optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) assert o.deferred == {"foobar": "123"} with open(dst, 'a') as f: f.write("'''") with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) with open(dst, 'wb') as f: f.write(b"\x01\x02\x03") with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError):, dst) with open(dst, 'wb') as f: f.write(b"\xff\xff\xff") with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): optmanager.load_paths(o, dst) with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError):, dst) def test_merge(): m = TM() m.merge(dict(one="two")) assert == "two" m.merge(dict(one=None)) assert == "two" m.merge(dict(two=["bar"])) assert m.two == ["foo", "bar"] def test_option(): o = optmanager._Option("test", int, 1, "help", None) assert o.current() == 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): o.set("foo") with pytest.raises(TypeError): optmanager._Option("test", str, 1, "help", None) o2 = optmanager._Option("test", int, 1, "help", None) assert o2 == o o2.set(5) assert o2 != o def test_dump_defaults(): o = options.Options() assert optmanager.dump_defaults(o) def test_dump_dicts(): o = options.Options() assert optmanager.dump_dicts(o) assert optmanager.dump_dicts(o, ['http2', 'listen_port']) class TTypes(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.add_option("str", str, "str", "help") self.add_option("optstr", typing.Optional[str], "optstr", "help", "help") self.add_option("bool", bool, False, "help") self.add_option("bool_on", bool, True, "help") self.add_option("int", int, 0, "help") self.add_option("optint", typing.Optional[int], 0, "help") self.add_option("seqstr", typing.Sequence[str], [], "help") self.add_option("unknown", float, 0.0, "help") def test_make_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() opts = TTypes() opts.make_parser(parser, "str", short="a") opts.make_parser(parser, "bool", short="b") opts.make_parser(parser, "int", short="c") opts.make_parser(parser, "seqstr", short="d") opts.make_parser(parser, "bool_on", short="e") with pytest.raises(ValueError): opts.make_parser(parser, "unknown") # Nonexistent options ignore opts.make_parser(parser, "nonexistentxxx") def test_set(): opts = TTypes() opts.set("str=foo") assert opts.str == "foo" with pytest.raises(TypeError): opts.set("str") opts.set("optstr=foo") assert opts.optstr == "foo" opts.set("optstr") assert opts.optstr is None opts.set("bool=false") assert opts.bool is False opts.set("bool") assert opts.bool is True opts.set("bool=true") assert opts.bool is True with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): opts.set("bool=wobble") opts.set("bool=toggle") assert opts.bool is False opts.set("bool=toggle") assert opts.bool is True opts.set("int=1") assert == 1 with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): opts.set("int=wobble") opts.set("optint") assert opts.optint is None assert opts.seqstr == [] opts.set("seqstr=foo") assert opts.seqstr == ["foo"] opts.set("seqstr=bar") assert opts.seqstr == ["foo", "bar"] opts.set("seqstr") assert opts.seqstr == [] with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): opts.set("deferredoption=wobble") opts.set("deferredoption=wobble", defer=True) assert "deferredoption" in opts.deferred opts.process_deferred() assert "deferredoption" in opts.deferred opts.add_option("deferredoption", str, "default", "help") opts.process_deferred() assert "deferredoption" not in opts.deferred assert opts.deferredoption == "wobble"