from test.mitmproxy import tutils from threading import Thread, Event from mock import Mock from mitmproxy import controller import queue from mitmproxy.exceptions import Kill, ControlException from mitmproxy import proxy from mitmproxy import master from mitmproxy.test.tutils import raises class TMsg: pass class TestMaster: def test_simple(self): class DummyMaster(master.Master): @controller.handler def log(self, _): m.should_exit.set() def tick(self, timeout): # Speed up test super().tick(0) m = DummyMaster(None, proxy.DummyServer(None)) assert not m.should_exit.is_set() msg = TMsg() msg.reply = controller.DummyReply() m.event_queue.put(("log", msg)) assert m.should_exit.is_set() def test_server_simple(self): m = master.Master(None, proxy.DummyServer(None)) m.start() m.shutdown() m.start() m.shutdown() class TestServerThread: def test_simple(self): m = Mock() t = master.ServerThread(m) assert m.serve_forever.called class TestChannel: def test_tell(self): q = queue.Queue() channel = controller.Channel(q, Event()) m = Mock(name="test_tell") channel.tell("test", m) assert q.get() == ("test", m) assert m.reply def test_ask_simple(self): q = queue.Queue() def reply(): m, obj = q.get() assert m == "test" obj.reply.handle() obj.reply.send(42) obj.reply.take() obj.reply.commit() Thread(target=reply).start() channel = controller.Channel(q, Event()) assert channel.ask("test", Mock(name="test_ask_simple")) == 42 def test_ask_shutdown(self): q = queue.Queue() done = Event() done.set() channel = controller.Channel(q, done) with raises(Kill): channel.ask("test", Mock(name="test_ask_shutdown")) class TestReply: def test_simple(self): reply = controller.Reply(42) assert reply.state == "unhandled" reply.handle() assert reply.state == "handled" reply.send("foo") assert reply.value == "foo" reply.take() assert reply.state == "taken" with tutils.raises(queue.Empty): reply.q.get_nowait() reply.commit() assert reply.state == "committed" assert reply.q.get() == "foo" def test_kill(self): reply = controller.Reply(43) reply.handle() reply.kill() reply.take() reply.commit() assert reply.q.get() == Kill def test_ack(self): reply = controller.Reply(44) reply.handle() reply.ack() reply.take() reply.commit() assert reply.q.get() == 44 def test_reply_none(self): reply = controller.Reply(45) reply.handle() reply.send(None) reply.take() reply.commit() assert reply.q.get() is None def test_commit_no_reply(self): reply = controller.Reply(46) reply.handle() reply.take() with tutils.raises(ControlException): reply.commit() reply.ack() reply.commit() def test_double_send(self): reply = controller.Reply(47) reply.handle() reply.send(1) with tutils.raises(ControlException): reply.send(2) reply.take() reply.commit() def test_state_transitions(self): states = {"unhandled", "handled", "taken", "committed"} accept = { "handle": {"unhandled"}, "take": {"handled"}, "commit": {"taken"}, "ack": {"handled", "taken"}, } for fn, ok in accept.items(): for state in states: r = controller.Reply(48) r._state = state if fn == "commit": r.value = 49 if state in ok: getattr(r, fn)() else: with tutils.raises(ControlException): getattr(r, fn)() r._state = "committed" # hide warnings on deletion def test_del(self): reply = controller.Reply(47) with tutils.raises(ControlException): reply.__del__() reply.handle() reply.ack() reply.take() reply.commit() class TestDummyReply: def test_simple(self): reply = controller.DummyReply() for _ in range(2): reply.handle() reply.ack() reply.take() reply.commit() reply.mark_reset() reply.reset() assert reply.state == "unhandled" def test_reset(self): reply = controller.DummyReply() reply.handle() reply.ack() reply.take() reply.commit() reply.mark_reset() assert reply.state == "committed" reply.reset() assert reply.state == "unhandled" def test_del(self): reply = controller.DummyReply() reply.__del__()