import socket import threading import ssl import OpenSSL import pytest from unittest import mock from mitmproxy import connections from mitmproxy import exceptions from import tcp from import http1 from mitmproxy.test import tflow from mitmproxy.test import tutils from .net import tservers from pathod import test class TestClientConnection: def test_send(self): c = tflow.tclient_conn() c.send(b'foobar') c.send([b'foo', b'bar']) with pytest.raises(TypeError): c.send('string') with pytest.raises(TypeError): c.send(['string', 'not']) assert c.wfile.getvalue() == b'foobarfoobar' def test_repr(self): c = tflow.tclient_conn() assert '' in repr(c) assert 'ALPN' in repr(c) assert 'TLS' not in repr(c) c.alpn_proto_negotiated = None c.tls_established = True assert 'ALPN' not in repr(c) assert 'TLS' in repr(c) def test_tls_established_property(self): c = tflow.tclient_conn() c.tls_established = True assert c.tls_established assert c.tls_established c.tls_established = False assert not c.tls_established assert not c.tls_established def test_make_dummy(self): c = connections.ClientConnection.make_dummy(('foobar', 1234)) assert c.address == ('foobar', 1234) def test_state(self): c = tflow.tclient_conn() assert connections.ClientConnection.from_state(c.get_state()).get_state() == \ c.get_state() c2 = tflow.tclient_conn() c2.address = (c2.address[0], 4242) assert not c == c2 c2.timestamp_start = 42 c.set_state(c2.get_state()) assert c.timestamp_start == 42 c3 = c.copy() assert c3.get_state() != c.get_state() = = "foo" assert c3.get_state() == c.get_state() def test_eq(self): c = tflow.tclient_conn() c2 = c.copy() assert c == c assert c != c2 assert c != 42 assert hash(c) != hash(c2) class TestServerConnection: def test_send(self): c = tflow.tserver_conn() c.send(b'foobar') c.send([b'foo', b'bar']) with pytest.raises(TypeError): c.send('string') with pytest.raises(TypeError): c.send(['string', 'not']) assert c.wfile.getvalue() == b'foobarfoobar' def test_repr(self): c = tflow.tserver_conn() c.sni = 'foobar' c.tls_established = True c.alpn_proto_negotiated = b'h2' assert 'address:22' in repr(c) assert 'ALPN' in repr(c) assert 'TLSv1.2: foobar' in repr(c) c.sni = None c.tls_established = True c.alpn_proto_negotiated = None assert 'ALPN' not in repr(c) assert 'TLS' in repr(c) c.sni = None c.tls_established = False assert 'TLS' not in repr(c) def test_tls_established_property(self): c = tflow.tserver_conn() c.tls_established = True assert c.tls_established assert c.tls_established c.tls_established = False assert not c.tls_established assert not c.tls_established def test_make_dummy(self): c = connections.ServerConnection.make_dummy(('foobar', 1234)) assert c.address == ('foobar', 1234) def test_simple(self): d = test.Daemon() c = connections.ServerConnection((d.IFACE, d.port)) c.connect() f = tflow.tflow() f.server_conn = c f.request.path = "/p/200:da" # use this protocol just to assemble - not for actual sending c.wfile.write(http1.assemble_request(f.request)) c.wfile.flush() assert http1.read_response(c.rfile, f.request, 1000) assert d.last_log() c.finish() c.close() d.shutdown() def test_terminate_error(self): d = test.Daemon() c = connections.ServerConnection((d.IFACE, d.port)) c.connect() c.close() c.connection = mock.Mock() c.connection.recv = mock.Mock(return_value=False) c.connection.flush = mock.Mock(side_effect=exceptions.TcpDisconnect) d.shutdown() def test_sni(self): c = connections.ServerConnection(('', 1234)) with pytest.raises(ValueError, matches='sni must be str, not '): c.establish_tls(sni=b'foobar') def test_state(self): c = tflow.tserver_conn() c2 = c.copy() assert c2.get_state() != c.get_state() = = "foo" assert c2.get_state() == c.get_state() def test_eq(self): c = tflow.tserver_conn() c2 = c.copy() assert c == c assert c != c2 assert c != 42 assert hash(c) != hash(c2) class TestClientConnectionTLS: @pytest.mark.parametrize("sni", [ None, "" ]) def test_tls_with_sni(self, sni): address = ('', 0) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(address) sock.listen() address = sock.getsockname() def client_run(): ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE s = socket.create_connection(address) s = ctx.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=sni) s.send(b'foobar') s.close() threading.Thread(target=client_run).start() connection, client_address = sock.accept() c = connections.ClientConnection(connection, client_address, None) cert = tutils.test_data.path("mitmproxy/net/data/server.crt") with open(tutils.test_data.path("mitmproxy/net/data/server.key")) as f: raw_key = key = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, raw_key) c.convert_to_tls(cert, key) assert c.connected() assert c.sni == sni assert c.tls_established assert == b'foobar' c.finish() sock.close() class TestServerConnectionTLS(tservers.ServerTestBase): ssl = True class handler(tcp.BaseHandler): def handle(self): self.finish() @pytest.mark.parametrize("client_certs", [ None, tutils.test_data.path("mitmproxy/data/clientcert"), tutils.test_data.path("mitmproxy/data/clientcert/client.pem"), ]) def test_tls(self, client_certs): c = connections.ServerConnection(("", self.port)) c.connect() c.establish_tls(client_certs=client_certs) assert c.connected() assert c.tls_established c.close() c.finish()