import email import time import pytest from unittest import mock from import Headers from import Response from import CookieAttrs from mitmproxy.test.tutils import tresp from .test_message import _test_passthrough_attr class TestResponseData: def test_init(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): tresp(headers="foobar") with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): tresp(http_version="föö/bä.r") with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): tresp(reason="fööbär") with pytest.raises(ValueError): tresp(content="foobar") assert isinstance(tresp(headers=()).headers, Headers) class TestResponseCore: """ Tests for addons and the attributes that are directly proxied from the data structure """ def test_repr(self): response = tresp() assert repr(response) == "Response(200 OK, unknown content type, 7b)" response.content = None assert repr(response) == "Response(200 OK, no content)" def test_make(self): r = Response.make() assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.content == b"" r = Response.make(418, "teatime") assert r.status_code == 418 assert r.content == b"teatime" assert r.headers["content-length"] == "7" Response.make(content=b"foo") Response.make(content="foo") with pytest.raises(TypeError): Response.make(content=42) r = Response.make(headers=[(b"foo", b"bar")]) assert r.headers["foo"] == "bar" r = Response.make(headers=({"foo": "baz"})) assert r.headers["foo"] == "baz" with pytest.raises(TypeError): Response.make(headers=42) def test_status_code(self): _test_passthrough_attr(tresp(), "status_code") def test_reason(self): resp = tresp() assert resp.reason == "OK" resp.reason = "ABC" assert == b"ABC" resp.reason = b"DEF" assert == b"DEF" resp.reason = None assert is None = b'cr\xe9e' assert resp.reason == "crée" class TestResponseUtils: """ Tests for additional convenience methods. """ def test_get_cookies_none(self): resp = tresp() resp.headers = Headers() assert not resp.cookies def test_get_cookies_empty(self): resp = tresp() resp.headers = Headers(set_cookie="") assert not resp.cookies def test_get_cookies_simple(self): resp = tresp() resp.headers = Headers(set_cookie="cookiename=cookievalue") result = resp.cookies assert len(result) == 1 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"] == ("cookievalue", CookieAttrs()) def test_get_cookies_with_parameters(self): resp = tresp() cookie = "cookiename=cookievalue;;expires=Wed Oct 21 16:29:41 2015;path=/; HttpOnly" resp.headers = Headers(set_cookie=cookie) result = resp.cookies assert len(result) == 1 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"][0] == "cookievalue" attrs = result["cookiename"][1] assert len(attrs) == 4 assert attrs["domain"] == "" assert attrs["expires"] == "Wed Oct 21 16:29:41 2015" assert attrs["path"] == "/" assert attrs["httponly"] == "" def test_get_cookies_no_value(self): resp = tresp() resp.headers = Headers(set_cookie="cookiename=; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/") result = resp.cookies assert len(result) == 1 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"][0] == "" assert len(result["cookiename"][1]) == 2 def test_get_cookies_twocookies(self): resp = tresp() resp.headers = Headers([ [b"Set-Cookie", b"cookiename=cookievalue"], [b"Set-Cookie", b"othercookie=othervalue"] ]) result = resp.cookies assert len(result) == 2 assert "cookiename" in result assert result["cookiename"] == ("cookievalue", CookieAttrs()) assert "othercookie" in result assert result["othercookie"] == ("othervalue", CookieAttrs()) def test_set_cookies(self): resp = tresp() resp.cookies["foo"] = ("bar", {}) assert len(resp.cookies) == 1 assert resp.cookies["foo"] == ("bar", CookieAttrs()) resp.cookies = [["one", ("uno", CookieAttrs())], ["two", ("due", CookieAttrs())]] assert list(resp.cookies.keys()) == ["one", "two"] def test_refresh(self): r = tresp() n = time.time() r.headers["date"] = email.utils.formatdate(n, usegmt=True) pre = r.headers["date"] r.refresh(946681202) assert pre == r.headers["date"] r.refresh(946681262) d = email.utils.parsedate_tz(r.headers["date"]) d = email.utils.mktime_tz(d) # Weird that this is not exact... assert abs(60 - (d - n)) <= 1 cookie = "MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT;; Secure" r.headers["set-cookie"] = cookie r.refresh() # Cookie refreshing is tested in test_cookies, we just make sure that it's triggered here. assert cookie != r.headers["set-cookie"] with mock.patch('') as m: m.side_effect = ValueError r.refresh(n)