import io import shutil import pytest from unittest import mock from mitmproxy.test import tflow from mitmproxy.test import taddons from mitmproxy.test import tutils from mitmproxy.addons import dumper from mitmproxy import exceptions from mitmproxy import http def test_configure(): d = dumper.Dumper() with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, dumper_filter="~b foo") assert d.filter f = tflow.tflow(resp=True) assert not d.match(f) f.response.content = b"foo" assert d.match(f) ctx.configure(d, dumper_filter=None) assert not d.filter with pytest.raises(exceptions.OptionsError): ctx.configure(d, dumper_filter="~~") assert not d.filter def test_simple(): sio = io.StringIO() sio_err = io.StringIO() d = dumper.Dumper(sio, sio_err) with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=0) d.response(tflow.tflow(resp=True)) assert not sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=1) d.response(tflow.tflow(resp=True)) assert sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=1) d.error(tflow.tflow(err=True)) assert sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) d.response(tflow.tflow(resp=True)) assert sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) d.response(tflow.tflow(resp=True)) assert "<<" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) d.response(tflow.tflow(err=True)) assert "<<" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) flow = tflow.tflow() flow.request = tutils.treq() flow.client_conn = mock.MagicMock() flow.client_conn.address[0] = "foo" flow.response = tutils.tresp(content=None) flow.response.is_replay = True flow.response.status_code = 300 d.response(flow) assert sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) flow = tflow.tflow(resp=tutils.tresp(content=b"{")) flow.response.headers["content-type"] = "application/json" flow.response.status_code = 400 d.response(flow) assert sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) flow = tflow.tflow() flow.request.content = None flow.response = http.HTTPResponse.wrap(tutils.tresp()) flow.response.content = None d.response(flow) assert "content missing" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) assert not sio_err.getvalue() sio_err.truncate(0) def test_echo_body(): f = tflow.tflow(client_conn=True, server_conn=True, resp=True) f.response.headers["content-type"] = "text/html" f.response.content = b"foo bar voing\n" * 100 sio = io.StringIO() sio_err = io.StringIO() d = dumper.Dumper(sio, sio_err) with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3) d._echo_message(f.response) t = sio.getvalue() assert "cut off" in t def test_echo_request_line(): sio = io.StringIO() sio_err = io.StringIO() d = dumper.Dumper(sio, sio_err) with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3, showhost=True) f = tflow.tflow(client_conn=None, server_conn=True, resp=True) f.request.is_replay = True d._echo_request_line(f) assert "[replay]" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) f = tflow.tflow(client_conn=None, server_conn=True, resp=True) f.request.is_replay = False d._echo_request_line(f) assert "[replay]" not in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) f = tflow.tflow(client_conn=None, server_conn=True, resp=True) f.request.http_version = "nonstandard" d._echo_request_line(f) assert "nonstandard" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=0, showhost=True) f = tflow.tflow(client_conn=None, server_conn=True, resp=True) terminalWidth = max(shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] - 25, 50) f.request.url = "http://address:22/" + ("x" * terminalWidth) + "textToBeTruncated" d._echo_request_line(f) assert "textToBeTruncated" not in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) class TestContentView: @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_contentview(self): with mock.patch("") as va: va.side_effect = exceptions.ContentViewException("") sio = io.StringIO() sio_err = io.StringIO() d = dumper.Dumper(sio, sio_err) with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=4) d.response(tflow.tflow()) assert await ctx.master.await_log("content viewer failed") def test_tcp(): sio = io.StringIO() sio_err = io.StringIO() d = dumper.Dumper(sio, sio_err) with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3, showhost=True) f = tflow.ttcpflow() d.tcp_message(f) assert "it's me" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) f = tflow.ttcpflow(client_conn=True, err=True) d.tcp_error(f) assert "Error in TCP" in sio_err.getvalue() def test_websocket(): sio = io.StringIO() sio_err = io.StringIO() d = dumper.Dumper(sio, sio_err) with taddons.context(d) as ctx: ctx.configure(d, flow_detail=3, showhost=True) f = tflow.twebsocketflow() d.websocket_message(f) assert "it's me" in sio.getvalue() sio.truncate(0) d.websocket_end(f) assert "WebSocket connection closed by" in sio.getvalue() f = tflow.twebsocketflow(client_conn=True, err=True) d.websocket_error(f) assert "Error in WebSocket" in sio_err.getvalue()