import typing from unittest import mock from mitmproxy import proxy, options from import dump, console, web def print_typehints(opts): for name, option in sorted(opts.items()): print( # For Python 3.6, we can just use "{}: {}". "{} = None # type: {}".format( name, { int: "int", str: "str", bool: "bool", typing.Optional[str]: "Optional[str]", typing.Sequence[str]: "Sequence[str]" }[option.typespec] ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": opts = options.Options() server = proxy.server.DummyServer(None) # initialize with all three tools here to capture tool-specific options defined in addons. dump.DumpMaster(opts, server) with mock.patch("sys.stdout.isatty", lambda: True): console.master.ConsoleMaster(opts, server) web.master.WebMaster(opts, server) print_typehints(opts)