import tempfile import asyncio import typing import time from statistics import mean from mitmproxy import ctx from import db from mitmproxy.test import tflow class StreamTester: """ Generates a constant stream of flows and measure protobuf dumping throughput. """ def __init__(self): self.dbh = None self.streaming = False = None self.out = None self.hot_flows = [] self.results = [] self._flushes = 0 self._stream_period = 0.001 self._flush_period = 3.0 self._flush_rate = 150 self._target = 2000 self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=self._flush_rate * 3, loop=self.loop) self.temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() def load(self, loader): loader.add_option( "testflow_size", int, 1000, "Length in bytes of test flow content" ) loader.add_option( "benchmark_save_path", typing.Optional[str], None, "Destination for the stats result file" ) def _log(self, msg): if self.out: self.out.write(msg + '\n') else: ctx.log(msg) def running(self): if not self.streaming: ctx.log("<== Serialization Benchmark Enabled ==>") = tflow.tflow() = b'A' * ctx.options.testflow_size ctx.log(f"With content size: {len(} B") if ctx.options.benchmark_save_path: ctx.log(f"Storing results to {ctx.options.benchmark_save_path}") self.out = open(ctx.options.benchmark_save_path, "w") self.dbh = db.DBHandler(, mode='write') self.streaming = True tasks = (, self.writer, self.stats) self.loop.create_task(asyncio.gather(*(t() for t in tasks))) async def stream(self): while True: await self.queue.put( await asyncio.sleep(self._stream_period) async def writer(self): while True: await asyncio.sleep(self._flush_period) count = 1 f = await self.queue.get() self.hot_flows.append(f) while count < self._flush_rate: try: self.hot_flows.append(self.queue.get_nowait()) count += 1 except asyncio.QueueEmpty: pass start = time.perf_counter() n = self._fflush() end = time.perf_counter() self._log(f"dumps/time ratio: {n} / {end-start} -> {n/(end-start)}") self.results.append(n / (end - start)) self._flushes += n self._log(f"Flows dumped: {self._flushes}") ctx.log(f"Progress: {min(100.0, 100.0 * (self._flushes / self._target))}%") async def stats(self): while True: await asyncio.sleep(1.0) if self._flushes >= self._target: self._log(f"AVG : {mean(self.results)}") ctx.log(f"<== Benchmark Ended. Shutting down... ==>") if self.out: self.out.close() self.temp.close() ctx.master.shutdown() def _fflush(self): n = len(self.hot_flows) self.hot_flows = [] return n addons = [ StreamTester() ]