from distutils.core import setup import fnmatch, os.path from libmproxy import version def pdir(): dirname, _ = os.path.split(__file__) return os.path.abspath(dirname) def _fnmatch(name, patternList): for i in patternList: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, i): return True return False def _splitAll(path): parts = [] h = path while 1: if not h: break h, t = os.path.split(h) parts.append(t) parts.reverse() return parts def findPackages(path, dataExclude=[]): """ Recursively find all packages and data directories rooted at path. Note that only data _directories_ and their contents are returned - non-Python files at module scope are not, and should be manually included. dataExclude is a list of fnmatch-compatible expressions for files and directories that should not be included in pakcage_data. Returns a (packages, package_data) tuple, ready to be passed to the corresponding distutils.core.setup arguments. """ packages = [] datadirs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True): if "" in files: p = _splitAll(root) packages.append(".".join(p)) else: dirs[:] = [] if packages: datadirs.append(root) # Now we recurse into the data directories package_data = {} for i in datadirs: if not _fnmatch(i, dataExclude): parts = _splitAll(i) module = ".".join(parts[:-1]) acc = package_data.get(module, []) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(i, topdown=True): sub = os.path.join(*_splitAll(root)[1:]) if not _fnmatch(sub, dataExclude): for fname in files: path = os.path.join(sub, fname) if not _fnmatch(path, dataExclude): acc.append(path) else: dirs[:] = [] package_data[module] = acc return packages, package_data with open(os.path.join(pdir(), "README.txt")) as f: long_description = packages, package_data = findPackages("libmproxy") scripts = ["mitmdump"] if != "nt": scripts.append("mitmproxy") deps = { "netlib>=%s" % version.MINORVERSION, "pyasn1>0.1.2", "requests>=2.4.0", "pyOpenSSL>=0.14", "Flask>=0.10.1" } script_deps = { "mitmproxy": { "urwid>=1.1", "lxml>=3.3.6", "Pillow>=2.3.0", }, "mitmdump": set() } for script in scripts: deps.update(script_deps[script]) if == "nt": deps.add("pydivert>=0.0.4") # Transparent proxying on Windows console_scripts = ["%s = libmproxy.main:%s" % (s, s) for s in scripts] setup( name="mitmproxy", version=version.VERSION, description="An interactive, SSL-capable, man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.", long_description=long_description, author="Aldo Cortesi", author_email="", url="", packages=packages, package_data=package_data, classifiers=[ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Environment :: Console :: Curses", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", "Operating System :: POSIX", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Topic :: Security", "Topic :: Internet", "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP", "Topic :: Internet :: Proxy Servers", "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing" ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': console_scripts }, install_requires=list(deps), extras_require={ 'dev': [ "mock>=1.0.1", "nose>=1.3.0", "nose-cov>=1.6", "coveralls>=0.4.1", "pathod>=%s" % version.MINORVERSION ], 'contentviews': [ "pyamf>=0.6.1", "protobuf>=2.5.0", "cssutils>=1.0" ] } )