#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division from os.path import join import contextlib import os import shutil import subprocess import re import shlex import runpy import zipfile import tarfile import platform import click import pysftp import fnmatch # https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide.html#windows-notes # scripts and executables on Windows go in ENV\Scripts\ instead of ENV/bin/ if platform.system() == "Windows": VENV_BIN = "Scripts" else: VENV_BIN = "bin" if platform.system() == "Windows": def Archive(name): a = zipfile.ZipFile(name, "w") a.add = a.write return a else: def Archive(name): return tarfile.open(name, "w:gz") RELEASE_DIR = join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) DIST_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "dist") ROOT_DIR = os.path.normpath(join(RELEASE_DIR, "..")) VERSION_FILE = join(ROOT_DIR, "netlib/netlib/version.py") BUILD_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "build") PYINSTALLER_TEMP = join(BUILD_DIR, "pyinstaller") PYINSTALLER_DIST = join(BUILD_DIR, "binaries") VENV_DIR = join(BUILD_DIR, "venv") VENV_PIP = join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, "pip") VENV_PYINSTALLER = join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, "pyinstaller") ALL_PROJECTS = { "netlib": { "tools": [], "dir": join(ROOT_DIR, "netlib"), "python_version": "py2.py3" # this is the format in wheel filenames }, "pathod": { "tools": ["pathod", "pathoc"], "dir": join(ROOT_DIR, "pathod"), "python_version": "py2" }, "mitmproxy": { "tools": ["mitmproxy", "mitmdump", "mitmweb"], "dir": join(ROOT_DIR, "mitmproxy"), "python_version": "py2" } } if platform.system() == "Windows": ALL_PROJECTS["mitmproxy"]["tools"].remove("mitmproxy") projects = {} def get_version(): return runpy.run_path(VERSION_FILE)["VERSION"] def get_snapshot_version(): last_tag, tag_dist, commit = git("describe --tags --long").strip().rsplit(b"-", 2) tag_dist = int(tag_dist) if tag_dist == 0: return get_version() else: return "{version}dev{tag_dist:04}-{commit}".format( version=get_version(), # this should already be the next version tag_dist=tag_dist, commit=commit ) def archive_name(project): platform_tag = { "Darwin": "osx", "Windows": "win32", "Linux": "linux" }.get(platform.system(), platform.system()) if platform.system() == "Windows": ext = "zip" else: ext = "tar.gz" return "{project}-{version}-{platform}.{ext}".format( project=project, version=get_version(), platform=platform_tag, ext=ext ) def wheel_name(project): return "{project}-{version}-{py_version}-none-any.whl".format( project=project, version=get_version(), py_version=projects[project]["python_version"] ) @contextlib.contextmanager def empty_pythonpath(): """ Make sure that the regular python installation is not on the python path, which would give us access to modules installed outside of our virtualenv. """ pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = "" yield os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = pythonpath @contextlib.contextmanager def chdir(path): old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) yield os.chdir(old_dir) def git(args): with chdir(ROOT_DIR): return subprocess.check_output(["git"] + shlex.split(args)) @click.group(chain=True) @click.option( '--project', '-p', multiple=True, type=click.Choice(ALL_PROJECTS.keys()), default=ALL_PROJECTS.keys() ) def cli(project): """ mitmproxy build tool """ for name in project: projects[name] = ALL_PROJECTS[name] @cli.command("contributors") def contributors(): """ Update CONTRIBUTORS.md """ with chdir(ROOT_DIR): print("Updating CONTRIBUTORS...") contributors_data = git("shortlog -n -s") with open("CONTRIBUTORS", "w") as f: f.write(contributors_data) @cli.command("set-version") @click.argument('version') def set_version(version): """ Update version information """ print("Update versions...") version = ", ".join(version.split(".")) print("Update %s..." % VERSION_FILE) with open(VERSION_FILE, "rb") as f: content = f.read() new_content = re.sub( r"IVERSION\s*=\s*\([\d,\s]+\)", "IVERSION = (%s)" % version, content ) with open(VERSION_FILE, "wb") as f: f.write(new_content) @cli.command("wheels") def wheels(): """ Build wheels """ with empty_pythonpath(): print("Building release...") if os.path.exists(DIST_DIR): shutil.rmtree(DIST_DIR) for project, conf in projects.items(): print("Creating wheel for %s ..." % project) subprocess.check_call( [ "python", "./setup.py", "-q", "bdist_wheel", "--dist-dir", DIST_DIR, ], cwd=conf["dir"] ) print("Creating virtualenv for test install...") if os.path.exists(VENV_DIR): shutil.rmtree(VENV_DIR) subprocess.check_call(["virtualenv", "-q", VENV_DIR]) with chdir(DIST_DIR): for project, conf in projects.items(): print("Installing %s..." % project) subprocess.check_call([VENV_PIP, "install", "-q", wheel_name(project)]) print("Running binaries...") for project, conf in projects.items(): for tool in conf["tools"]: tool = join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, tool) print("> %s --version" % tool) print(subprocess.check_output([tool, "--version"])) print("Virtualenv available for further testing:") print("source %s" % os.path.normpath(join(VENV_DIR, VENV_BIN, "activate"))) @cli.command("bdist") @click.option("--use-existing-wheels/--no-use-existing-wheels", default=False) @click.argument("pyinstaller_version", envvar="PYINSTALLER_VERSION", default="PyInstaller~=3.1.1") @click.pass_context def bdist(ctx, use_existing_wheels, pyinstaller_version): """ Build a binary distribution """ if os.path.exists(PYINSTALLER_TEMP): shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_TEMP) if os.path.exists(PYINSTALLER_DIST): shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_DIST) if not use_existing_wheels: ctx.invoke(wheels) print("Installing PyInstaller...") subprocess.check_call([VENV_PIP, "install", "-q", pyinstaller_version]) for p, conf in projects.items(): if conf["tools"]: with Archive(join(DIST_DIR, archive_name(p))) as archive: for tool in conf["tools"]: spec = join(RELEASE_DIR, "specs/%s.spec" % tool) print("Building %s binary..." % tool) subprocess.check_call( [ VENV_PYINSTALLER, "--clean", "--workpath", PYINSTALLER_TEMP, "--distpath", PYINSTALLER_DIST, # This is PyInstaller, so setting a # different log level obviously breaks it :-) # "--log-level", "WARN", spec ] ) # Test if it works at all O:-) executable = join(PYINSTALLER_DIST, tool) if platform.system() == "Windows": executable += ".exe" print("> %s --version" % executable) subprocess.check_call([executable, "--version"]) archive.add(executable, os.path.basename(executable)) print("Packed {}.".format(archive_name(p))) @cli.command("upload-release") @click.option('--username', prompt=True) @click.password_option(confirmation_prompt=False) @click.option('--repository', default="pypi") def upload_release(username, password, repository): """ Upload wheels to PyPI """ for project in projects.keys(): filename = wheel_name(project) print("Uploading {} to {}...".format(filename, repository)) subprocess.check_call([ "twine", "upload", "-u", username, "-p", password, "-r", repository, join(DIST_DIR, filename) ]) @cli.command("upload-snapshot") @click.option("--host", envvar="SNAPSHOT_HOST", prompt=True) @click.option("--port", envvar="SNAPSHOT_PORT", type=int, default=22) @click.option("--user", envvar="SNAPSHOT_USER", prompt=True) @click.option("--private-key", default=join(RELEASE_DIR, "rtool.pem")) @click.option("--private-key-password", envvar="SNAPSHOT_PASS", prompt=True, hide_input=True) @click.option("--wheel/--no-wheel", default=False) @click.option("--bdist/--no-bdist", default=False) def upload_snapshot(host, port, user, private_key, private_key_password, wheel, bdist): """ Upload snapshot to snapshot server """ with pysftp.Connection(host=host, port=port, username=user, private_key=private_key, private_key_pass=private_key_password) as sftp: for project, conf in projects.items(): dir_name = "snapshots/v{}".format(get_version()) sftp.makedirs(dir_name) with sftp.cd(dir_name): files = [] if wheel: files.append(wheel_name(project)) if bdist and conf["tools"]: files.append(archive_name(project)) for f in files: local_path = join(DIST_DIR, f) remote_filename = f.replace(get_version(), get_snapshot_version()) symlink_path = "../{}".format(f.replace(get_version(), "latest")) # Delete old versions old_version = f.replace(get_version(), "*") for f_old in sftp.listdir(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_old, old_version): print("Removing {}...".format(f_old)) sftp.remove(f_old) # Upload new version print("Uploading {} as {}...".format(f, remote_filename)) with click.progressbar(length=os.stat(local_path).st_size) as bar: sftp.put( local_path, "." + remote_filename, callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done - bar.pos) ) # We hide the file during upload. sftp.rename("." + remote_filename, remote_filename) # update symlink for the latest release if sftp.lexists(symlink_path): print("Removing {}...".format(symlink_path)) sftp.remove(symlink_path) sftp.symlink("v{}/{}".format(get_version(), remote_filename), symlink_path) @cli.command("wizard") @click.option('--next-version', prompt=True) @click.option('--username', prompt="PyPI Username") @click.password_option(confirmation_prompt=False, prompt="PyPI Password") @click.option('--repository', default="pypi") @click.pass_context def wizard(ctx, next_version, username, password, repository): """ Interactive Release Wizard """ is_dirty = git("status --porcelain") if is_dirty: raise RuntimeError("Repository is not clean.") # update contributors file ctx.invoke(contributors) # Build test release ctx.invoke(bdist) try: click.confirm("Please test the release now. Is it ok?", abort=True) except click.Abort: # undo changes git("checkout CONTRIBUTORS") raise # Everything ok - let's ship it! git("tag v{}".format(get_version())) git("push --tags") ctx.invoke( upload_release, username=username, password=password, repository=repository ) click.confirm("Now please wait until CI has built binaries. Finished?") # version bump commit ctx.invoke(set_version, version=next_version) git("commit -a -m \"bump version\"") git("push") click.echo("All done!") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()