method:path:[colon-separated list of features]


A VALUE specifying the HTTP method to use. Standard methods do not need to be enclosed in quotes, while non-standard methods can be specified as quoted strings.

The special method ws creates a valid websocket upgrade GET request, and signals to pathoc to switch to websocket recieve mode if the server responds correctly. Apart from that, websocket requests are just like any other, and all aspects of the request can be over-ridden.

hVALUE=VALUE Set a header.
r Set the "raw" flag on this response. Pathod will not calculate a Content-Length header if a body is set.
cVALUE A shortcut for setting the Content-Type header. Equivalent to h"Content-Type"=VALUE
Set a User-Agent header on this request. You can specify either a complete VALUE, or a User-Agent shortcut: {% for i in uastrings %} {% endfor %}
{{ i[1] }} {{ i[0] }}
bVALUE Set the body. The appropriate Content-Length header is added automatically unless the "r" flag is set.
sVALUE An embedded Response specification, appended to the path of the request.
xINTEGER Repeat this message N times.
dOFFSET HTTP/1 only Disconnect after OFFSET bytes.
iOFFSET,VALUE HTTP/1 only Inject the specified value at the offset.
pOFFSET,SECONDS HTTP/1 only Pause for SECONDS seconds after OFFSET bytes. SECONDS can be an integer or "f" to pause forever.