import platform import typing import datetime import time import math from functools import lru_cache from publicsuffix2 import get_sld, get_tld import urwid import urwid.util from mitmproxy.utils import human from mitmproxy.tcp import TCPFlow # Detect Windows Subsystem for Linux IS_WSL = "Microsoft" in platform.platform() def is_keypress(k): """ Is this input event a keypress? """ if isinstance(k, str): return True def highlight_key(str, key, textattr="text", keyattr="key"): l = [] parts = str.split(key, 1) if parts[0]: l.append((textattr, parts[0])) l.append((keyattr, key)) if parts[1]: l.append((textattr, parts[1])) return l KEY_MAX = 30 def format_keyvals( entries: typing.Iterable[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Union[None, str, urwid.Widget]]], key_format: str = "key", value_format: str = "text", indent: int = 0 ) -> typing.List[urwid.Columns]: """ Format a list of (key, value) tuples. Args: entries: The list to format. keys must be strings, values can also be None or urwid widgets. The latter makes it possible to use the result of format_keyvals() as a value. key_format: The display attribute for the key. value_format: The display attribute for the value. indent: Additional indent to apply. """ max_key_len = max((len(k) for k, v in entries if k is not None), default=0) max_key_len = min(max_key_len, KEY_MAX) if indent > 2: indent -= 2 # We use dividechars=2 below, which already adds two empty spaces ret = [] for k, v in entries: if v is None: v = urwid.Text("") elif not isinstance(v, urwid.Widget): v = urwid.Text([(value_format, v)]) ret.append( urwid.Columns( [ ("fixed", indent, urwid.Text("")), ( "fixed", max_key_len, urwid.Text([(key_format, k)]) ), v ], dividechars=2 ) ) return ret def fcol(s, attr): s = str(s) return ( "fixed", len(s), urwid.Text( [ (attr, s) ] ) ) if urwid.util.detected_encoding: SYMBOL_REPLAY = u"\u21ba" SYMBOL_RETURN = u"\u2190" SYMBOL_MARK = u"\u25cf" SYMBOL_UP = u"\u21E7" SYMBOL_DOWN = u"\u21E9" SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS = u"\u2026" else: SYMBOL_REPLAY = u"[r]" SYMBOL_RETURN = u"<-" SYMBOL_MARK = "[m]" SYMBOL_UP = "^" SYMBOL_DOWN = " " SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS = "~" def fixlen(s, maxlen): if len(s) <= maxlen: return s.ljust(maxlen) else: return s[0:maxlen - len(SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS)] + SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS def fixlen_r(s, maxlen): if len(s) <= maxlen: return s.rjust(maxlen) else: return SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS + s[len(s) - maxlen + len(SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS):] class TruncatedText(urwid.Widget): def __init__(self, text, attr, align='left'): self.text = text self.attr = attr self.align = align super(TruncatedText, self).__init__() def pack(self, size, focus=False): return (len(self.text), 1) def rows(self, size, focus=False): return 1 def render(self, size, focus=False): text = self.text attr = self.attr if self.align == 'right': text = text[::-1] attr = attr[::-1] text_len = len(text) # TODO: unicode? if size is not None and len(size) > 0: width = size[0] else: width = text_len if width >= text_len: remaining = width - text_len if remaining > 0: c_text = text + ' ' * remaining c_attr = attr + [('text', remaining)] else: c_text = text c_attr = attr else: visible_len = width - len(SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS) visible_text = text[0:visible_len] c_text = visible_text + SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS c_attr = (urwid.util.rle_subseg(attr, 0, len(visible_text.encode())) + [('focus', len(SYMBOL_ELLIPSIS.encode()))]) if self.align == 'right': c_text = c_text[::-1] c_attr = c_attr[::-1] return urwid.TextCanvas([c_text.encode()], [c_attr], maxcol=width) def truncated_plain(text, attr, align='left'): return TruncatedText(text, [(attr, len(text.encode()))], align) # Work around def rle_append_beginning_modify(rle, a_r): """ Append (a, r) (unpacked from *a_r*) to BEGINNING of rle. Merge with first run when possible MODIFIES rle parameter contents. Returns None. """ a, r = a_r if not rle: rle[:] = [(a, r)] else: al, run = rle[0] if a == al: rle[0] = (a, run + r) else: rle[0:0] = [(a, r)] def colorize_host(host): tld = get_tld(host) sld = get_sld(host) attr = [] tld_size = len(tld) sld_size = len(sld) - tld_size for letter in reversed(range(len(host))): character = host[letter] if tld_size > 0: style = 'url_domain' tld_size -= 1 elif tld_size == 0: style = 'text' tld_size -= 1 elif sld_size > 0: sld_size -= 1 style = 'url_extension' else: style = 'text' rle_append_beginning_modify(attr, (style, len(character.encode()))) return attr def colorize_req(s): path = s.split('?', 2)[0] i_query = len(path) i_last_slash = path.rfind('/') i_ext = path[i_last_slash + 1:].rfind('.') i_ext = i_last_slash + i_ext if i_ext >= 0 else len(s) in_val = False attr = [] for i in range(len(s)): c = s[i] if ((i < i_query and c == '/') or (i < i_query and i > i_last_slash and c == '.') or (i == i_query)): a = 'url_punctuation' elif i > i_query: if in_val: if c == '&': in_val = False a = 'url_punctuation' else: a = 'url_query_value' else: if c == '=': in_val = True a = 'url_punctuation' else: a = 'url_query_key' elif i > i_ext: a = 'url_extension' elif i > i_last_slash: a = 'url_filename' else: a = 'text' urwid.util.rle_append_modify(attr, (a, len(c.encode()))) return attr def colorize_url(url): parts = url.split('/', 3) if len(parts) < 4 or len(parts[1]) > 0 or parts[0][-1:] != ':': return [('error', len(url))] # bad URL schemes = { 'http:': 'scheme_http', 'https:': 'scheme_https', } return [ (schemes.get(parts[0], "scheme_other"), len(parts[0]) - 1), ('url_punctuation', 3), # :// ] + colorize_host(parts[2]) + colorize_req('/' + parts[3]) @lru_cache(maxsize=800) def raw_format_list(f): f = dict(f) pile = [] req = [] if f["extended"]: req.append( fcol( human.format_timestamp(f["req_timestamp"]), "highlight" ) ) else: req.append(fcol(">>" if f["focus"] else " ", "focus")) if f["marked"]: req.append(fcol(SYMBOL_MARK, "mark")) if f["req_is_replay"]: req.append(fcol(SYMBOL_REPLAY, "replay")) req.append(fcol(f["req_method"], "method")) preamble = sum(i[1] for i in req) + len(req) - 1 if f["intercepted"] and not f["acked"]: uc = "intercept" elif "resp_code" in f or "err_msg" in f: uc = "text" else: uc = "title" url = f["req_url"] if f["cols"] and len(url) > f["cols"]: url = url[:f["cols"]] + "…" if f["req_http_version"] not in ("HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1"): url += " " + f["req_http_version"] req.append( urwid.Text([(uc, url)]) ) pile.append(urwid.Columns(req, dividechars=1)) resp = [] resp.append( ("fixed", preamble, urwid.Text("")) ) if "resp_code" in f: codes = { 2: "code_200", 3: "code_300", 4: "code_400", 5: "code_500", } ccol = codes.get(f["resp_code"] // 100, "code_other") resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_RETURN, ccol)) if f["resp_is_replay"]: resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_REPLAY, "replay")) resp.append(fcol(f["resp_code"], ccol)) if f["extended"]: resp.append(fcol(f["resp_reason"], ccol)) if f["intercepted"] and f["resp_code"] and not f["acked"]: rc = "intercept" else: rc = "text" if f["resp_ctype"]: resp.append(fcol(f["resp_ctype"], rc)) resp.append(fcol(f["resp_clen"], rc)) pretty_duration = human.pretty_duration(f["duration"]) resp.append(fcol(pretty_duration, rc)) elif f["err_msg"]: resp.append(fcol(SYMBOL_RETURN, "error")) resp.append( urwid.Text([ ( "error", f["err_msg"] ) ]) ) pile.append(urwid.Columns(resp, dividechars=1)) return urwid.Pile(pile) @lru_cache(maxsize=800) def raw_format_table(f): f = dict(f) pile = [] req = [] cursor = [' ', 'focus'] if f['focus']: cursor[0] = '>' req.append(fcol(*cursor)) if f.get('resp_is_replay', False) or f.get('req_is_replay', False): req.append(fcol(SYMBOL_REPLAY, 'replay')) if f['marked']: req.append(fcol(SYMBOL_MARK, 'mark')) if f["two_line"]: req.append(TruncatedText(f["req_url"], colorize_url(f["req_url"]), 'left')) pile.append(urwid.Columns(req, dividechars=1)) req = [] req.append(fcol(' ', 'text')) if f["intercepted"] and not f["acked"]: uc = "intercept" elif "resp_code" in f or f["err_msg"] is not None: uc = "highlight" else: uc = "title" if f["extended"]: s = human.format_timestamp(f["req_timestamp"]) else: s = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime(f["req_timestamp"]))).strftime("%H:%M:%S") req.append(fcol(s, uc)) methods = { 'GET': 'method_get', 'POST': 'method_post', 'DELETE': 'method_delete', 'HEAD': 'method_head', 'PUT': 'method_put' } uc = methods.get(f["req_method"], "method_other") if f['extended']: req.append(fcol(f["req_method"], uc)) if f["req_promise"]: req.append(fcol('PUSH_PROMISE', 'method_http2_push')) else: if f["req_promise"]: uc = 'method_http2_push' req.append(("fixed", 4, truncated_plain(f["req_method"], uc))) if f["two_line"]: req.append(fcol(f["req_http_version"], 'text')) else: schemes = { 'http': 'scheme_http', 'https': 'scheme_https', } req.append(fcol(fixlen(f["req_scheme"].upper(), 5), schemes.get(f["req_scheme"], "scheme_other"))) req.append(('weight', 0.25, TruncatedText(f["req_host"], colorize_host(f["req_host"]), 'right'))) req.append(('weight', 1.0, TruncatedText(f["req_path"], colorize_req(f["req_path"]), 'left'))) ret = (' ' * len(SYMBOL_RETURN), 'text') status = ('', 'text') content = ('', 'text') size = ('', 'text') duration = ('', 'text') if "resp_code" in f: codes = { 2: "code_200", 3: "code_300", 4: "code_400", 5: "code_500", } ccol = codes.get(f["resp_code"] // 100, "code_other") ret = (SYMBOL_RETURN, ccol) status = (str(f["resp_code"]), ccol) if f["resp_len"] < 0: if f["intercepted"] and f["resp_code"] and not f["acked"]: rc = "intercept" else: rc = "content_none" if f["resp_len"] == -1: contentdesc = "[content missing]" else: contentdesc = "[no content]" content = (contentdesc, rc) else: if f["resp_ctype"]: ctype = f["resp_ctype"].split(";")[0] if ctype.endswith('/javascript'): rc = 'content_script' elif ctype.startswith('text/'): rc = 'content_text' elif (ctype.startswith('image/') or ctype.startswith('video/') or ctype.startswith('font/') or "/x-font-" in ctype): rc = 'content_media' elif ctype.endswith('/json') or ctype.endswith('/xml'): rc = 'content_data' elif ctype.startswith('application/'): rc = 'content_raw' else: rc = 'content_other' content = (ctype, rc) rc = 'gradient_%02d' % int(99 - 100 * min(math.log2(1 + f["resp_len"]) / 20, 0.99)) size_str = human.pretty_size(f["resp_len"]) if not f['extended']: # shorten to 5 chars max if len(size_str) > 5: size_str = size_str[0:4].rstrip('.') + size_str[-1:] size = (size_str, rc) if f['duration'] is not None: rc = 'gradient_%02d' % int(99 - 100 * min(math.log2(1 + 1000 * f['duration']) / 12, 0.99)) duration = (human.pretty_duration(f['duration']), rc) elif f["err_msg"]: status = ('Err', 'error') content = f["err_msg"], 'error' if f["two_line"]: req.append(fcol(*ret)) req.append(fcol(fixlen(status[0], 3), status[1])) req.append(('weight', 0.15, truncated_plain(content[0], content[1], 'right'))) if f['extended']: req.append(fcol(*size)) else: req.append(fcol(fixlen_r(size[0], 5), size[1])) req.append(fcol(fixlen_r(duration[0], 5), duration[1])) pile.append(urwid.Columns(req, dividechars=1, min_width=15)) return urwid.Pile(pile) # TODO: this function can replace repeated code in raw_format_table() in the future def raw_format_cursor(f): cursor = [" ", "focus"] if f["focus"]: cursor[0] = ">" return fcol(*cursor) # TODO: this function can replace repeated code in raw_format_table() in the future def raw_format_timestamp(timestamp, extended): if extended: s = human.format_timestamp(timestamp) else: s = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.localtime(timestamp))).strftime("%H:%M:%S") return fcol(s, "title") @lru_cache(maxsize=800) def raw_format_tcp_table(f): # If you'll remove this line TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' will occur # because of @lru_cache f = dict(f) pile = [] columns = [ raw_format_cursor(f), raw_format_timestamp(f["timestamp_start"], f["extended"]), fcol("TCP", "tcp"), fcol(f["client"], "client"), fcol("---", "direction"), fcol(f["server"], "server"), ] m = [c for c in columns] pile.append(urwid.Columns(m, dividechars=1)) return urwid.Pile(pile) def format_flow(f, focus, extended=False, hostheader=False, cols=False, layout='default'): if isinstance(f, TCPFlow): d = dict( focus=focus, extended=extended, timestamp_start=f.timestamp_start, client=human.format_address(f.client_conn.address), server=human.format_address(f.server_conn.address), ) # If you'll remove this line TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' will occur # because of @lru_cache. t = tuple(sorted(d.items())) return raw_format_tcp_table(t) acked = False if f.reply and f.reply.state == "committed": acked = True d = dict( focus=focus, extended=extended, two_line=extended or cols < 100, cols=cols, intercepted=f.intercepted, acked=acked, req_timestamp=f.request.timestamp_start, req_is_replay=f.request.is_replay, req_method=f.request.method, req_promise='h2-pushed-stream' in f.metadata, req_url=f.request.pretty_url if hostheader else f.request.url, req_scheme=f.request.scheme, req_host=f.request.pretty_host if hostheader else, req_path=f.request.path, req_http_version=f.request.http_version, err_msg=f.error.msg if f.error else None, marked=f.marked, ) if f.response: if f.response.raw_content: content_len = len(f.response.raw_content) contentdesc = human.pretty_size(len(f.response.raw_content)) elif f.response.raw_content is None: content_len = -1 contentdesc = "[content missing]" else: content_len = -2 contentdesc = "[no content]" duration = None if f.response.timestamp_end and f.request.timestamp_start: duration = max([f.response.timestamp_end - f.request.timestamp_start, 0]) d.update(dict( resp_code=f.response.status_code, resp_reason=f.response.reason, resp_is_replay=f.response.is_replay, resp_len=content_len, resp_ctype=f.response.headers.get("content-type"), resp_clen=contentdesc, duration=duration, )) if ((layout == 'default' and cols < 100) or layout == "list"): return raw_format_list(tuple(sorted(d.items()))) else: return raw_format_table(tuple(sorted(d.items())))