from typing import Optional, Sequence from mitmproxy import optmanager from mitmproxy import contentviews from import tcp # We redefine these here for now to avoid importing Urwid-related guff on # platforms that don't support it, and circular imports. We can do better using # a lazy checker down the track. console_palettes = [ "lowlight", "lowdark", "light", "dark", "solarized_light", "solarized_dark" ] view_orders = [ "time", "method", "url", "size", ] console_layouts = [ "single", "vertical", "horizontal", ] APP_HOST = "" APP_PORT = 80 CA_DIR = "~/.mitmproxy" LISTEN_PORT = 8080 # Some help text style guidelines: # # - Should be a single paragraph with no linebreaks. Help will be reflowed by # tools. # - Avoid adding information about the data type - we can generate that. class Options(optmanager.OptManager): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() self.add_option( "onboarding", bool, True, "Toggle the mitmproxy onboarding app." ) self.add_option( "onboarding_host", str, APP_HOST, """ Onboarding app domain. For transparent mode, use an IP when a DNS entry for the app domain is not present. """ ) self.add_option( "onboarding_port", int, APP_PORT, "Port to serve the onboarding app from." ) self.add_option( "anticache", bool, False, """ Strip out request headers that might cause the server to return 304-not-modified. """ ) self.add_option( "anticomp", bool, False, "Try to convince servers to send us un-compressed data." ) self.add_option( "client_replay", Sequence[str], [], "Replay client requests from a saved file." ) self.add_option( "replay_kill_extra", bool, False, "Kill extra requests during replay." ) self.add_option( "keepserving", bool, False, """ Continue serving after client playback, server playback or file read. This option is ignored by interactive tools, which always keep serving. """ ) self.add_option( "server", bool, True, "Start a proxy server." ) self.add_option( "server_replay_nopop", bool, False, """ Don't remove flows from server replay state after use. This makes it possible to replay same response multiple times. """ ) self.add_option( "refresh_server_playback", bool, True, """ Refresh server replay responses by adjusting date, expires and last-modified headers, as well as adjusting cookie expiration. """ ) self.add_option( "rfile", Optional[str], None, "Read flows from file." ) self.add_option( "scripts", Sequence[str], [], """ Execute a script. """ ) self.add_option( "showhost", bool, False, "Use the Host header to construct URLs for display." ) self.add_option( "replacements", Sequence[str], [], """ Replacement patterns of the form "/pattern/regex/replacement", where the separator can be any character. """ ) self.add_option( "server_replay_use_headers", Sequence[str], [], "Request headers to be considered during replay." ) self.add_option( "setheaders", Sequence[str], [], """ Header set pattern of the form "/pattern/header/value", where the separator can be any character. """ ) self.add_option( "server_replay", Sequence[str], [], "Replay server responses from a saved file." ) self.add_option( "stickycookie", Optional[str], None, "Set sticky cookie filter. Matched against requests." ) self.add_option( "stickyauth", Optional[str], None, "Set sticky auth filter. Matched against requests." ) self.add_option( "stream_large_bodies", Optional[str], None, """ Stream data to the client if response body exceeds the given threshold. If streamed, the body will not be stored in any way. Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes. """ ) self.add_option( "verbosity", int, 2, "Log verbosity." ) self.add_option( "default_contentview", str, "auto", "The default content view mode.", choices = [ for i in contentviews.views] ) self.add_option( "save_stream_file", Optional[str], None, "Stream flows to file as they arrive. Prefix path with + to append." ) self.add_option( "save_stream_filter", Optional[str], None, "Filter which flows are written to file." ) self.add_option( "server_replay_ignore_content", bool, False, "Ignore request's content while searching for a saved flow to replay." ) self.add_option( "server_replay_ignore_params", Sequence[str], [], """ Request's parameters to be ignored while searching for a saved flow to replay. """ ) self.add_option( "server_replay_ignore_payload_params", Sequence[str], [], """ Request's payload parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data) to be ignored while searching for a saved flow to replay. """ ) self.add_option( "server_replay_ignore_host", bool, False, """ Ignore request's destination host while searching for a saved flow to replay. """ ) # Proxy options self.add_option( "proxyauth", Optional[str], None, """ Require proxy authentication. Value may be "any" to require authenticaiton but accept any credentials, start with "@" to specify a path to an Apache htpasswd file, be of the form "username:password", or be of the form "ldap[s]:url_server_ldap:dn_auth:password:dn_subtree", the dn_auth & password is the dn/pass used to authenticate the dn subtree is the subtree that we will search to find the username an example would be "ldap:localhost:cn=default,dc=example,dc=com:password:ou=application,dc=example,dc=com". """ ) self.add_option( "add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain", bool, False, """ Add all certificates of the upstream server to the certificate chain that will be served to the proxy client, as extras. """ ) self.add_option( "body_size_limit", Optional[str], None, """ Byte size limit of HTTP request and response bodies. Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes. """ ) self.add_option( "cadir", str, CA_DIR, "Location of the default mitmproxy CA files." ) self.add_option( "certs", Sequence[str], [], """ SSL certificates of the form "[domain=]path". The domain may include a wildcard, and is equal to "*" if not specified. The file at path is a certificate in PEM format. If a private key is included in the PEM, it is used, else the default key in the conf dir is used. The PEM file should contain the full certificate chain, with the leaf certificate as the first entry. """ ) self.add_option( "ciphers_client", Optional[str], None, "Set supported ciphers for client connections using OpenSSL syntax." ) self.add_option( "ciphers_server", Optional[str], None, "Set supported ciphers for server connections using OpenSSL syntax." ) self.add_option( "client_certs", Optional[str], None, "Client certificate file or directory." ) self.add_option( "ignore_hosts", Sequence[str], [], """ Ignore host and forward all traffic without processing it. In transparent mode, it is recommended to use an IP address (range), not the hostname. In regular mode, only SSL traffic is ignored and the hostname should be used. The supplied value is interpreted as a regular expression and matched on the ip or the hostname. """ ) self.add_option( "listen_host", str, "", "Address to bind proxy to." ) self.add_option( "listen_port", int, LISTEN_PORT, "Proxy service port." ) self.add_option( "upstream_bind_address", str, "", "Address to bind upstream requests to." ) self.add_option( "mode", str, "regular", """ Mode can be "regular", "transparent", "socks5", "reverse:SPEC", or "upstream:SPEC". For reverse and upstream proxy modes, SPEC is proxy specification in the form of "http[s]://host[:port]". """ ) self.add_option( "upstream_cert", bool, True, "Connect to upstream server to look up certificate details." ) self.add_option( "keep_host_header", bool, False, """ Reverse Proxy: Keep the original host header instead of rewriting it to the reverse proxy target. """ ) self.add_option( "http2", bool, True, "Enable/disable HTTP/2 support. " "HTTP/2 support is enabled by default.", ) self.add_option( "http2_priority", bool, False, """ PRIORITY forwarding for HTTP/2 connections. PRIORITY forwarding is disabled by default, because some webservers fail to implement the RFC properly. """ ) self.add_option( "websocket", bool, True, "Enable/disable WebSocket support. " "WebSocket support is enabled by default.", ) self.add_option( "rawtcp", bool, False, "Enable/disable experimental raw TCP support. " "Disabled by default. " ) self.add_option( "spoof_source_address", bool, False, """ Use the client's IP for server-side connections. Combine with --upstream-bind-address to spoof a fixed source address. """ ) self.add_option( "upstream_auth", Optional[str], None, """ Add HTTP Basic authentcation to upstream proxy and reverse proxy requests. Format: username:password. """ ) self.add_option( "ssl_version_client", str, "secure", """ Set supported SSL/TLS versions for client connections. SSLv2, SSLv3 and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. """, choices=list(tcp.sslversion_choices.keys()), ) self.add_option( "ssl_version_server", str, "secure", """ Set supported SSL/TLS versions for server connections. SSLv2, SSLv3 and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. """, choices=list(tcp.sslversion_choices.keys()), ) self.add_option( "ssl_insecure", bool, False, "Do not verify upstream server SSL/TLS certificates." ) self.add_option( "ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir", Optional[str], None, """ Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates for upstream server verification prepared using the c_rehash tool. """ ) self.add_option( "ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca", Optional[str], None, "Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate." ) self.add_option( "tcp_hosts", Sequence[str], [], """ Generic TCP SSL proxy mode for all hosts that match the pattern. Similar to --ignore, but SSL connections are intercepted. The communication contents are printed to the log in verbose mode. """ ) self.add_option( "intercept", Optional[str], None, "Intercept filter expression." ) # Console options self.add_option( "console_layout", str, "single", "Console layout.", choices=sorted(console_layouts), ) self.add_option( "console_layout_headers", bool, True, "Show layout comonent headers", ) self.add_option( "console_focus_follow", bool, False, "Focus follows new flows." ) self.add_option( "console_palette", str, "solarized_dark", "Color palette.", choices=sorted(console_palettes), ) self.add_option( "console_palette_transparent", bool, False, "Set transparent background for palette." ) self.add_option( "console_mouse", bool, True, "Console mouse interaction." ) self.add_option( "console_order", str, "time", "Flow sort order.", choices=view_orders, ) self.add_option( "console_order_reversed", bool, False, "Reverse the sorting order." ) self.add_option( "view_filter", Optional[str], None, "Limit which flows are displayed." ) # Web options self.add_option( "web_open_browser", bool, True, "Start a browser." ) self.add_option( "web_debug", bool, False, "Mitmweb debugging." ) self.add_option( "web_port", int, 8081, "Mitmweb port." ) self.add_option( "web_iface", str, "", "Mitmweb interface." ) # Dump options self.add_option( "flow_detail", int, 1, """ The display detail level for flows in mitmdump: 0 (almost quiet) to 3 (very verbose). 0: shortened request URL, response status code, WebSocket and TCP message notifications. 1: full request URL with response status code 2: 1 + HTTP headers 3: 2 + full response content, content of WebSocket and TCP messages. """ ) self.update(**kwargs)