# To enable all SSL methods use: SSLv23 # then add options to disable certain methods # https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyopenssl/+bug/1020632/comments/3 import binascii import io import os import struct import threading import typing from ssl import match_hostname, CertificateError import certifi from OpenSSL import SSL from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream import mitmproxy.options # noqa from mitmproxy import exceptions, certs from mitmproxy.contrib.kaitaistruct import tls_client_hello from mitmproxy.net import check BASIC_OPTIONS = ( SSL.OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE ) if hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_COMPRESSION"): BASIC_OPTIONS |= SSL.OP_NO_COMPRESSION DEFAULT_METHOD = SSL.SSLv23_METHOD DEFAULT_OPTIONS = ( SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3 | BASIC_OPTIONS ) """ Map a reasonable SSL version specification into the format OpenSSL expects. Don't ask... https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyopenssl/+bug/1020632/comments/3 """ VERSION_CHOICES = { "all": (SSL.SSLv23_METHOD, BASIC_OPTIONS), # SSLv23_METHOD + NO_SSLv2 + NO_SSLv3 == TLS 1.0+ # TLSv1_METHOD would be TLS 1.0 only "secure": (DEFAULT_METHOD, DEFAULT_OPTIONS), "SSLv2": (SSL.SSLv2_METHOD, BASIC_OPTIONS), "SSLv3": (SSL.SSLv3_METHOD, BASIC_OPTIONS), "TLSv1": (SSL.TLSv1_METHOD, BASIC_OPTIONS), "TLSv1_1": (SSL.TLSv1_1_METHOD, BASIC_OPTIONS), "TLSv1_2": (SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD, BASIC_OPTIONS), } METHOD_NAMES = { SSL.SSLv2_METHOD: "SSLv2", SSL.SSLv3_METHOD: "SSLv3", SSL.SSLv23_METHOD: "SSLv23", SSL.TLSv1_METHOD: "TLSv1", SSL.TLSv1_1_METHOD: "TLSv1.1", SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD: "TLSv1.2", } def client_arguments_from_options(options: "mitmproxy.options.Options") -> dict: if options.ssl_insecure: verify = SSL.VERIFY_NONE else: verify = SSL.VERIFY_PEER method, tls_options = VERSION_CHOICES[options.ssl_version_server] return { "verify": verify, "method": method, "options": tls_options, "ca_path": options.ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir, "ca_pemfile": options.ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca, "client_certs": options.client_certs, "cipher_list": options.ciphers_server, } class MasterSecretLogger: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.f = None self.lock = threading.Lock() # required for functools.wraps, which pyOpenSSL uses. __name__ = "MasterSecretLogger" def __call__(self, connection, where, ret): if where == SSL.SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE and ret == 1: with self.lock: if not self.f: d = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) self.f = open(self.filename, "ab") self.f.write(b"\r\n") client_random = binascii.hexlify(connection.client_random()) masterkey = binascii.hexlify(connection.master_key()) self.f.write(b"CLIENT_RANDOM %s %s\r\n" % (client_random, masterkey)) self.f.flush() def close(self): with self.lock: if self.f: self.f.close() @staticmethod def create_logfun(filename): if filename: return MasterSecretLogger(filename) return None log_master_secret = MasterSecretLogger.create_logfun( os.getenv("MITMPROXY_SSLKEYLOGFILE") or os.getenv("SSLKEYLOGFILE") ) def _create_ssl_context( method: int = DEFAULT_METHOD, options: int = DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ca_path: str = None, ca_pemfile: str = None, cipher_list: str = None, alpn_protos: typing.Iterable[bytes] = None, alpn_select=None, alpn_select_callback: typing.Callable[[typing.Any, typing.Any], bytes] = None, verify: int = SSL.VERIFY_PEER, verify_callback: typing.Optional[ typing.Callable[[SSL.Connection, SSL.X509, int, int, bool], bool] ] = None, ) -> SSL.Context: """ Creates an SSL Context. :param method: One of SSLv2_METHOD, SSLv3_METHOD, SSLv23_METHOD, TLSv1_METHOD, TLSv1_1_METHOD, or TLSv1_2_METHOD :param options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.OP_* values :param verify: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_* values :param ca_path: Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates prepared using the c_rehash tool :param ca_pemfile: Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate :param cipher_list: A textual OpenSSL cipher list, see https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html :rtype : SSL.Context """ try: context = SSL.Context(method) except ValueError: method_name = METHOD_NAMES.get(method, "unknown") raise exceptions.TlsException( "SSL method \"%s\" is most likely not supported " "or disabled (for security reasons) in your libssl. " "Please refer to https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/1101 " "for more details." % method_name ) # Options (NO_SSLv2/3) if options is not None: context.set_options(options) # Verify Options (NONE/PEER and trusted CAs) if verify is not None: context.set_verify(verify, verify_callback) if ca_path is None and ca_pemfile is None: ca_pemfile = certifi.where() try: context.load_verify_locations(ca_pemfile, ca_path) except SSL.Error: raise exceptions.TlsException( "Cannot load trusted certificates ({}, {}).".format( ca_pemfile, ca_path ) ) # Workaround for # https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/issues/190 # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/472 # Options already set before are not cleared. context.set_mode(SSL._lib.SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY) # Cipher List if cipher_list: try: context.set_cipher_list(cipher_list.encode()) except SSL.Error as v: raise exceptions.TlsException("SSL cipher specification error: %s" % str(v)) # SSLKEYLOGFILE if log_master_secret: context.set_info_callback(log_master_secret) if alpn_protos is not None: # advertise application layer protocols context.set_alpn_protos(alpn_protos) elif alpn_select is not None and alpn_select_callback is None: # select application layer protocol def alpn_select_callback(conn_, options): if alpn_select in options: return bytes(alpn_select) else: # pragma: no cover return options[0] context.set_alpn_select_callback(alpn_select_callback) elif alpn_select_callback is not None and alpn_select is None: if not callable(alpn_select_callback): raise exceptions.TlsException("ALPN error: alpn_select_callback must be a function.") context.set_alpn_select_callback(alpn_select_callback) elif alpn_select_callback is not None and alpn_select is not None: raise exceptions.TlsException( "ALPN error: only define alpn_select (string) OR alpn_select_callback (function).") return context def create_client_context( cert: str = None, sni: str = None, address: str = None, verify: int = SSL.VERIFY_NONE, **sslctx_kwargs ) -> SSL.Context: """ Args: cert: Path to a file containing both client cert and private key. sni: Server Name Indication. Required for VERIFY_PEER address: server address, used for expressive error messages only verify: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_* values """ if sni is None and verify != SSL.VERIFY_NONE: raise exceptions.TlsException("Cannot validate certificate hostname without SNI") def verify_callback( conn: SSL.Connection, x509: SSL.X509, errno: int, depth: int, is_cert_verified: bool ) -> bool: if is_cert_verified and depth == 0: # Verify hostname of leaf certificate. cert = certs.Cert(x509) try: crt = dict( subjectAltName=[("DNS", x.decode("ascii", "strict")) for x in cert.altnames] ) # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] if cert.cn: crt["subject"] = [[["commonName", cert.cn.decode("ascii", "strict")]]] if sni: # SNI hostnames allow support of IDN by using ASCII-Compatible Encoding # Conversion algorithm is in RFC 3490 which is implemented by idna codec # https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#text-encodings # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#section-3 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4985#section-3 hostname = sni.encode("idna").decode("ascii") else: hostname = "no-hostname" match_hostname(crt, hostname) except (ValueError, CertificateError) as e: conn.cert_error = exceptions.InvalidCertificateException( "Certificate verification error for {}: {}".format( sni or repr(address), str(e) ) ) is_cert_verified = False elif is_cert_verified: pass else: conn.cert_error = exceptions.InvalidCertificateException( "Certificate verification error for {}: {} (errno: {}, depth: {})".format( sni, SSL._ffi.string(SSL._lib.X509_verify_cert_error_string(errno)).decode(), errno, depth ) ) # SSL_VERIFY_NONE: The handshake will be continued regardless of the verification result. return is_cert_verified context = _create_ssl_context( verify=verify, verify_callback=verify_callback, **sslctx_kwargs, ) # Client Certs if cert: try: context.use_privatekey_file(cert) context.use_certificate_file(cert) except SSL.Error as v: raise exceptions.TlsException("SSL client certificate error: %s" % str(v)) return context def create_server_context( cert: typing.Union[certs.Cert, str], key: SSL.PKey, handle_sni: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[SSL.Connection], None]] = None, request_client_cert: bool = False, chain_file=None, dhparams=None, extra_chain_certs: typing.Iterable[certs.Cert] = None, **sslctx_kwargs ) -> SSL.Context: """ cert: A certs.Cert object or the path to a certificate chain file. handle_sni: SNI handler, should take a connection object. Server name can be retrieved like this: connection.get_servername() The request_client_cert argument requires some explanation. We're supposed to be able to do this with no negative effects - if the client has no cert to present, we're notified and proceed as usual. Unfortunately, Android seems to have a bug (tested on 4.2.2) - when an Android client is asked to present a certificate it does not have, it hangs up, which is frankly bogus. Some time down the track we may be able to make the proper behaviour the default again, but until then we're conservative. """ def accept_all( conn_: SSL.Connection, x509: SSL.X509, errno: int, err_depth: int, is_cert_verified: bool, ) -> bool: # Return true to prevent cert verification error return True if request_client_cert: verify = SSL.VERIFY_PEER else: verify = SSL.VERIFY_NONE context = _create_ssl_context( ca_pemfile=chain_file, verify=verify, verify_callback=accept_all, **sslctx_kwargs, ) context.use_privatekey(key) if isinstance(cert, certs.Cert): context.use_certificate(cert.x509) else: context.use_certificate_chain_file(cert) if extra_chain_certs: for i in extra_chain_certs: context.add_extra_chain_cert(i.x509) if handle_sni: # SNI callback happens during do_handshake() context.set_tlsext_servername_callback(handle_sni) if dhparams: SSL._lib.SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(context._context, dhparams) return context def is_tls_record_magic(d): """ Returns: True, if the passed bytes start with the TLS record magic bytes. False, otherwise. """ d = d[:3] # TLS ClientHello magic, works for SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 # http://www.moserware.com/2009/06/first-few-milliseconds-of-https.html#client-hello return ( len(d) == 3 and d[0] == 0x16 and d[1] == 0x03 and 0x0 <= d[2] <= 0x03 ) def get_client_hello(rfile): """ Peek into the socket and read all records that contain the initial client hello message. client_conn: The :py:class:`client connection `. Returns: The raw handshake packet bytes, without TLS record header(s). """ client_hello = b"" client_hello_size = 1 offset = 0 while len(client_hello) < client_hello_size: record_header = rfile.peek(offset + 5)[offset:] if not is_tls_record_magic(record_header) or len(record_header) < 5: raise exceptions.TlsProtocolException( 'Expected TLS record, got "%s" instead.' % record_header) record_size = struct.unpack_from("!H", record_header, 3)[0] + 5 record_body = rfile.peek(offset + record_size)[offset + 5:] if len(record_body) != record_size - 5: raise exceptions.TlsProtocolException( "Unexpected EOF in TLS handshake: %s" % record_body) client_hello += record_body offset += record_size client_hello_size = struct.unpack("!I", b'\x00' + client_hello[1:4])[0] + 4 return client_hello class ClientHello: def __init__(self, raw_client_hello): self._client_hello = tls_client_hello.TlsClientHello( KaitaiStream(io.BytesIO(raw_client_hello)) ) @property def cipher_suites(self): return self._client_hello.cipher_suites.cipher_suites @property def sni(self): if self._client_hello.extensions: for extension in self._client_hello.extensions.extensions: is_valid_sni_extension = ( extension.type == 0x00 and len(extension.body.server_names) == 1 and extension.body.server_names[0].name_type == 0 and check.is_valid_host(extension.body.server_names[0].host_name) ) if is_valid_sni_extension: return extension.body.server_names[0].host_name.decode("idna") return None @property def alpn_protocols(self): if self._client_hello.extensions: for extension in self._client_hello.extensions.extensions: if extension.type == 0x10: return list(x.name for x in extension.body.alpn_protocols) return [] @property def extensions(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, bytes]]: ret = [] if self._client_hello.extensions: for extension in self._client_hello.extensions.extensions: body = getattr(extension, "_raw_body", extension.body) ret.append((extension.type, body)) return ret @classmethod def from_file(cls, client_conn) -> "ClientHello": """ Peek into the connection, read the initial client hello and parse it to obtain ALPN values. client_conn: The :py:class:`client connection `. Returns: :py:class:`client hello `. """ try: raw_client_hello = get_client_hello(client_conn)[4:] # exclude handshake header. except exceptions.ProtocolException as e: raise exceptions.TlsProtocolException('Cannot read raw Client Hello: %s' % repr(e)) try: return cls(raw_client_hello) except EOFError as e: raise exceptions.TlsProtocolException( 'Cannot parse Client Hello: %s, Raw Client Hello: %s' % (repr(e), binascii.hexlify(raw_client_hello)) ) def __repr__(self): return "ClientHello(sni: %s, alpn_protocols: %s, cipher_suites: %s)" % \ (self.sni, self.alpn_protocols, self.cipher_suites)